Be A Global Beast Master By System Bugs

Chapter 16

C16 – The Scarlet Macaw

“It’s not just any spirit animal with a hint of dragon essence, nor is it a worthless trinket. It’s the real deal, the king of fiend beasts…”

The parrot was rambling on when it abruptly stopped mid-sentence.

It caught sight of a pair of eyes, eyes filled with skepticism and scrutiny.

After a few seconds of hesitation, the parrot ventured, “Uh, you know, I’m actually the shop owner. Would you believe that?”

“Yes, I believe you!”

Zhou Mu nodded earnestly. “I’ve changed my mind. I’m looking to purchase a scarlet macaw. It must stay within one meter of me and be capable of speaking human language.”

The parrot: “???”

Just say it needs to talk within a meter, why not be direct?

The parrot fell silent for a long thirty seconds before turning and belting out a bloodcurdling scream, “Boss, someone’s here to buy your bird!”

The moment the parrot’s cry rang out, a flurry of footsteps drew near.

At last, the owner appeared!

Standing at a towering two meters, his build was broad and stout, his arms, protruding from his half sleeves, as thick as Zhou Mu’s thighs.

His bushy, black beard was unkempt, his hair greasy and curled.

Despite his disheveled appearance, his eyes were sharp and lively.

“Do you want this bird?”

The owner sized up Zhou Mu, his brow slowly creasing.

“Indeed. Let’s talk price,” Zhou Mu replied, nodding.

The scarlet macaw was an elite spirit animal, excelling in close-quarters combat.

Agile, with potent attacks and solid defense, it ranked among the top tier of elite spirit animals.

Initially, Zhou Mu had set out to buy a leader, but upon encountering the scarlet macaw, he instantly had a change of heart.

It wasn’t just for its intelligence, on par with humans, but also for the two skills it had intuitively mastered.

Name: Scarlet Macaw

Quality: Elite

Level: First Rank, Five Stars

Attribute: Metal

Upgrade Requirement: One fully mature Arctic Banyan seed.

Quality Skills:

Bone Strengthening: An elite skill that significantly enhances bone density, boosting both skeletal defense and the offensive capabilities of the claws and beak.

First Rank Skills:

Heart-tearing Claw: Delivers a rapid triple attack on the target.

As a melee-specialized spirit animal, the scarlet macaw boasted not only innate prowess but also two impressive skills. The elite skill, Bone Strengthening, was particularly remarkable—nothing short of perfection. The scarlet macaw’s primary modes of attack were its beak and claws, both of which were bone-based. This elite skill enhanced bone density, significantly boosting both defense and attack power—a flawless synergy.

Such a combat-savvy and clever spirit animal should have been snapped up long ago. Its continued presence here, however, had a rather sad explanation. The more powerful a being, the greater the constraints it faces—a timeless edict of nature. Take the tiger, the so-called king of beasts, for example; its population has always been kept within a very narrow margin, teetering on the brink of extinction on multiple occasions. The scarlet macaw was subject to the same harsh realities.

An elite creature with leadership-level talent and commendable reproductive capabilities, the scarlet macaw, once proliferating to a certain threshold, could massively disrupt the current spirit animal market and even upset the delicate balance between humans and fiend beasts. Imagine a scenario where with just 20 points in physical attributes, one could form a contract, wielding combat strength just a notch below that of a leader. If every soldier in the Noshar Empire had one at their command, the result would be a fearsomely formidable force.

Yet such a scenario was never meant to be, as the materials required for the scarlet macaw’s advancement were exceedingly scarce. The Arctic Banyan, a precious spirit medicine from the spatial rift known as the Diamond Realm, could significantly fortify bones without any adverse effects. Over four centuries, numerous spatial rifts had emerged, some teeming with fiend beasts, others desolate and silent, and still others abundant with specific spirit medicines or minerals. Typically, these rifts harbored a combination of dangerous beasts and valuable resources.

The Diamond Realm was a prime example. The presence of the Arctic Banyan meant that the fiend beasts dwelling within had exceptionally high defenses and were notoriously aggressive and irascible. Upon encountering an enemy, they would swarm in a frenzied assault, relentless until their foe was shredded to pieces. The formidable defenses and robust physiques of these creatures posed a significant challenge for the Noshar Empire’s leadership.

With the might of the Noshar Empire, obliterating the Diamond Realm was within the realm of possibility. Yet, the cost of such an endeavor, merely to seize a few spirit herbs, seemed like a classic case of the juice not being worth the squeeze.

Consequently, the empire’s elite pivoted their approach, opting to domesticate the Diamond Realm’s fiend beasts into spirit animals. Once nurtured, these creatures were tasked with seeking out the elusive Arctic Banyan.

In doing so, Noshar secured a reliable channel for gathering the coveted herb.

However, the initiative was so recent that the Arctic Banyan rarely circulated outside elite circles. Only those who had distinguished themselves to the military or the Animal Whisperer Union had the privilege of purchase.

This meant that the prospects for the scarlet macaw were effectively locked down. Barring any miracles, it seemed doomed to never ascend beyond the first rank.

“The Arctic Banyan is a treasured spirit herb from the Diamond Realm, and it’s regulated. Without it, this bird will never advance. Are you sure you want to commit a contract slot to it?” The muscular man locked eyes with Zhou Mu, emphasizing each word.

“I’ve chosen it for a reason. Just because it’s beyond your reach doesn’t mean it’s beyond mine,” Zhou Mu replied with a smile, gently stroking the head of the scarlet macaw.

“Boss, someone’s petting your bird,” the macaw complained, turning its head away in a huff.

“Such confidence? You must be from no ordinary family,” the burly man said, ignoring the macaw’s comment and giving Zhou Mu a second, more scrutinizing look. Recognition dawned on him. “You… wouldn’t happen to be a Zhou, would you?”

“I’m Zhou Mu.”

“I thought so!” The man nodded in understanding. “The Zhou family’s scion, no wonder you’re so self-assured. The bird’s yours. And do pass on my regards to your father.”

“Sure.” Zhou Mu acknowledged with a nod, firmly pulling the macaw closer.

There was no need for further inquiry; clearly, the shopkeeper had a history with his father, perhaps a debt of gratitude.

Zhou Mu preferred to leave the past to those who lived it and steered clear of entanglement.

“Boss, you’re giving up your bird…” The macaw looked forlorn, struggling to break free, but Zhou Mu’s grip was unyielding, and all its efforts were in vain.

“His dad’s the wealthiest man in Ambergrasp, and his uncle commands the military there. If you can’t secure an Arctic Banyan, you might as well consider your life over.”

The muscular man dismissed the concern with a wave of his hand, “Just look after it well. This bird’s great, except for its smart mouth.”

“Got it, thanks!”

Zhou Mu nodded his acknowledgment and walked away.

Once he left the Love Lovely Pet Breeding Base, the forlorn expression on the scarlet macaw vanished.

Leaping onto Zhou Mu’s shoulder, the bird cocked its head and inquired, “Big guy, can you actually get your hands on an Arctic Banyan?”

“Why would I need an Arctic Banyan when I’ve got something even better?”

Zhou Mu let out a light laugh and gently shut the car door behind him.

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