Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 99 A Monster Unleashed

The sound of footsteps echoed in a narrow hallway, the dimly lit waiting room showed that the time was already past midnight.

"Yes, he is right over there Mr. Lowenherz, Thank you for coming. We were getting worried when no one came to pick him up."

A large Caucasian man with black hair walked toward the benches at the front of the room. The man stood at over 180 cm and wore a simple collared shirt and cargo pants. The muscles on his upper body nearly ripped apart his shirt due to their size and mass. Male pattern baldness and a stogie in his mouth completed his rough persona.

"Boy, how many times have I told you to stop telling people I am your guardian. I gave you a job cleaning toilets when you were thirteen. That was it, why do I keep having to clean up after you."

"Oh, common Diaz, don't treat me like a stranger. Didn't we spend the holidays together? I even got you a stogie cutter set for Christmas. Beside its only this one time, I needed a guardian's signature to get me out of here."

The man step stopped by the benches and leaned his back on the wall. "You gave me a second hand piece of crap you nitwit! Ah forget it… In any case, what happened Hiro? Why are they telling me you almost killed a man? Lucky for you someone explained that it was self defense otherwise you would already be in jail. Tell me the truth."

Hiro who heard the interrogative tone of his would' be guardian grew tense. He started to share the matters that lead to this point. "You remember Chiharu right? The whole thing started with her."

Diaz rubbed his beard in contemplation then answered. "Ah! I remember now, girl next door and your first love right? The one with a cute face and a large rack. Didn't you get friend-zoned a year or was it two years ago? If I memory serves me right, you wouldn't stop bitching about her when I met you. OH! Thats why I asked you to clean toilets so you would shut up about her dumping you!"

Hiro could only smile wryly as his guardian recounted what could be considered one of the most shameful periods of his life. "Yeah, that one. Anyway I visited her mom's cafe to ask if I can get a raise, so I could buy a 2nd-hand laptop. When I arrived I saw Chiharu talking to a bunch of thugs and a European pretty boy."

Diaz, noticed the tense posture and furious countenance of the young teen in front of him. At only fifteen years old. Hiroyuki had a good head on his shoulders which made the thing even more bizarre. But being the older of the pair, Diaz kept silent to hear the whole story before passing judgment.

"Chiharu looked distressed and annoyed from her body language. But since the pretty boy had five burly men beside him. I picked up a brick intending to smash a window into a nearby shop to alert the police."

Hiro then started to grind his teeth while clenching his fists. "They started to shout at each other and eventually the burly men grabbed Chiharu by force. She started to struggle but eventually a piece of cloth was pushed to her mouth and she stopped moving. I then understood they were kidnapping her.

"I blacked out Diaz, I don't know how it happened but I ran over brink in hand smashed the pretty boy in the nuts. Afterwards I flipped him over and started to smash his face. After about four to five hits, he wailed for his mama a couple of times before foaming at the mouth.

"It was only then the burly men noticed their boss was a bloody mess. I broke his nose, jaw and right eye socket. I made sure to give him two black eyes, and smashed his wind pipe. They then promptly beat the shit out of me in retribution. By then everyone forgot about Chiharu, soon the police arrived and they left Chiharu and me on the pavement.

"Her parents, brought me here and payed for the medical bills and left. Luckily I was underaged so they couldn't send me to jail for assault. But Chiharu and her folks were pretty scared of me. While her mother thanked me, the dad told me to no longer come to work and to stay away from his family."

Diaz tried to light his stogie but then remembered he was at the hospital and stopped. "Which brings us to now. You tried to played Hero but instead of being commended you were shunned by the people you helped. On top of that the pretty boy would come for you soon. You cannot stay in this prefecture then. You need to leave."

Hiro then commented with a weak sounding sigh. "Yeah, I guess. Luckily I didn't go to school or have a house now I also no longer have a job, so moving is easy. Can you maybe hook me up with a place to stay Diaz? Maybe somewhere in Yokohama?"

"Boy, do I look like the tooth fairy to you? I don't even know anyone there!" Seeing as Hiro laughed meekly, the bald man couldn't help himself and asked the young boy in curiosity. "Do you regret it? By all accounts the world threw you under the bus for this event."

"Nah, I don't. Even if anger got the better of me, If given the same choice I would still smash pretty boys jewels.. I'm just scared…"

Diaz then asked in annoyance. "Of who? The pretty boy? So long as I'm here even the Yakuza can't touch you."

"No, not him. I was scared of myself."

Intrigued, Diaz tried to understand what the boy meant. "Why? I think you did, good all things considered. If you don't regret it then I believe you made the right choice."

Hiro then clashed his hands together as his voice trembled. "I am afraid Diaz, I felt no guilt nor remorse as I almost killed the guy. I think Chiharu and her family noticed. Which was why they looked at me with fear in their eyes. I think I would have offed him if I didn't control my self."

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