Battle Harem of the Heavenly Sword

Chapter 113 The Strongest Slaves Of The Continent 3

Unable to probe further the entire expedition waited on Alan's response. The conventions of diplomacy revolved around respective each other's wishes, if this facet of discussions failed then it would relations would devolve into violence.

After seeing the tyrannical display of the Wolfen butcher, the people all held their breath. Would Alan derail his entire business to accommodate this brute? Or would the escorts need to fight him?

Hach for one kept on his best poker face despite his palms turning clammy from sweat. If this turned into a fight, none of them would be able to survive.

Alan however left the protection of his escorts and walked forward. He stopped just a few paces away from the Butcher as he explained with a smile.

"I cannot do that Mr. Butcher. My business, livelihood, and the people depending on me require this transaction to complete. Abandoning it is the same as killing me.

"If that is your wish then just slice my head off now and take the horses. But then you don't seem to know the way no?"

The mercenaries all had their stomachs twisted in knots as they marveled at the acumen of this merchant. Unfazed Alan continued to explain.

"If you were a mindless brute I would not even try to discuss with you, my good butcher. You even thought of payment when you could have threatened us to bring you to the capital.

"I cannot take you there immediately as I have responsibilities but allow me to guide you and I will ensure to supply you with everything you would ever need before we part."

The butcher then threw a scroll toward Alan. The merchant caught it with both hands and checked to see what he was entrusted with.

"And this is?"

"A list of people I need to find. I will pay the cost in Magic stones."

Alan nodded and continued to observe the butcher. "I see, can I open it now?"

The man nodded to him and pulled out a long bar with hooks of flesh on it. The butcher then took one and started to take mouthfuls of the meat.

Left aghast at his barbaric display, the rest of the caravan still clenched their weapons in stress. Inwardly they grew even more unsettled at the enigma before them.

The stories they heard clashed with reality and almost everything was true! Alan then closed the scroll with a smile and spoke.

"It is expensive but I know where these three are. Although I am surprised why you are searching for them."

At his words, a crippling pressure fell on all the people in the vicinity. The intense weight slammed on their bodies like gravity. Forcing them to kneel. Its sheer power of it left many dumbfounded.

Just how much bloodlust does a person need to have to create such an atmosphere? In manga and anime, there was something called killing intent. The more a person killed the more death energy surrounded his body. . And while unexplained it made sense to some degree.

In Valorious However killing intent became associated with Spirit. The more Spirit a person had, the heavier this death pressure would be. This caliber rose with lives taken. It was as simple as that.

In short, the more you murder, the higher your Spirit would be. The system users grew dumbfounded at the weight coming off the butcher. When the Butcher exerted his Spirit Pressure, none of the escorts could stand even if they wanted to.


The butcher slowly walked towards Alan as his voice lorded over everyone kneeling. "Where."

Not really a warrior, the merchant understandably suffocated as he knelt. "They are in the Prince's Castle!" Hiro then grabbed Alan by the neck as he continued to investigate.

"Why? Since when? How do you know? Are they safe?"

Alan, about to lose consciousness focused his all on saying his next words. "They are safe... I need to be alive to tell you. Please calm down…"

Finally noticing his unconscious use of Spirit, the man then removed his pressure allowing everyone to breathe normally once more.

"Talk, now."

Alan, coughed a few times while massaging his throat. Knowing how unstable the man before him was, he choose his words carefully.

"It is confidential but the women you are looking for are associated with the trash swordsman, a transmigrator that fell out of favor with Princess Rhyne Dominii. He supposedly was sent on a mission and died. His harem was to be sold as slaves to settle his debts.

"About a month ago, before the transaction could be carried out. Prince Dylan suddenly had Gae-bolg abduct the three out of the jurisdiction of the Princess. Starfall and Gae-bolg fought for them in broad daylight.

"Unable to fight properly due to being in the city, Starfall failed to stop the Prince's forces from taking them. I heard his highness intended to turn them into his sex slaves and keep them in his Castle."

When the butcher heard his report, Aura, Mana, and Spirit started to revolve around him like a storm. The kaleidoscope of colors brought with it a fierce whirlwind of power. Indicating the murderous thoughts of the one who summoned them.

Alan then raised his hands in surrender as he quickly found a way to turn the situation in his favor. "WAIT! If you wish to reclaim them, I can help you! I am the only one who can! I guarantee to you that the prince has not laid his hands on them yet!"

Suddenly the whirlwind of power evaporated into nothingness as the butcher looked toward Alan in a frigid manner. The look Alan received turned his blood cold, it lacked any emotion and caused his entire being to scream in fright.

People normally had gut feelings, scientists back on earth explained these as the vestiges of emotions left by our ancestors in our DNA. Similarly, the merchant's blood screamed at him that he was in the presence of a bloodthirsty beast.

Not waiting to wait for that to be verified, Alan kept making his case. "His highness' castle is in Partisan the city of spears that is one of my stops on the way to Valor City the capital."

The butcher however remained as still as a statue devoid of any response. Frightened that he didn't explain enough. The merchant continued.

"Please let me help you. I can give you information on his majesties more powerful Submissives, their formations, skills, and personalities. Even if you are powerful as they hold hostages, we need to reclaim them safely first before engaging in battle.

"I can give you that chance! I am scheduled to deliver products to the prince! I can get you inside the castle so we can save your women! All I ask in return is for you to guard my caravan till we arrive in Partisan. I will even give me three of my products as payment!"

"Products?" asked the tyrannical butcher.

Alan quickly added. "I am a slave trader, my dear butcher. I will gift you three of my products of your choice for free."

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