Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs

Chapter 169 Discipline Issues

After a few minutes of silently and diligently drawing with red ink on the back of a fair maiden, Seth was done in no time, he put his tools to the side and placing his hands over the seal he had just drawn, poured his qi into it the seal lighting up in a red light which slowly dies don, the markings of the seal disappearing with it.

Done with his work, Seth's eyes moved to the necklace which was on Ella's neck, he reached for it, and without incident, took it off from around the princess's neck, no one noticing the look of shock that appeared on Minuha's face.

"Dress her up, and when you're done, wake them," Seth said as he moved away from Ella, taking a seat to the side and studying the necklace he had just taken.

"What does the seal do?" Irene asked as she moved towards Ella.

"You'll see".

There were many necklaces in the world, some expressive, some cheap, and looking at the necklace in his hand, all Seth could say was that it was a very cheap one, its chain old and rusted, and the jewel that hung from it was just a plain thick round glass, and yet Seth's senses had been tickled by the necklace's presence the whole time he worked.

Seth rubbed his hand over the glass, he could feel the presence of some being inside the glass, but as he meditated, his senses picked up on a quickly approaching figure, and before the figure could reach him, it fell to the ground and began rolling around.

Seth looked up from the glass and stared at the form of the rolling Ella, the woman biting her lips and drawing blood as she lay on her back, horribly trembling with her eyes almost dilating as she went through gruesome pains.

"You bastard what did you?" Minuha screamed as she ran towards the trembling Ella.

"You said you wouldn't harm her," an almost just awoken Dilise said, the woman marching towards Seth, qi gathering in her hands, but the tremble in them and her steps clear for all to see.

"I didn't harm her," Seth said," she's the one harming herself".

Hearing Seth's words, Minuha seem to suddenly make a realization as she flipped Ella over and quickly tore open the back of her dress, exposing the octagonal seal which was rapidly appearing and disappearing from.

"What did you do to her" Minuha screamed as she placed her hands over the seal, but almost immediately looked back up at Seth in anger when she remembered she couldn't use her qi, but before she could let out a word, Seth spoke.

"Oh sorry, release their collars," Seth said to Irene who couldn't help but look at Seth in shock.

"She's trying to destroy the seal I placed on her by flooding it with her qi, and normally this would have easily worked, but unfortunately for her, she's dealing with my qi, and her continuous resistance would only result in more pain for her, advise her to stop" Seth advised.

"If we release her, she'll have her powers back, and they'll both be able to easily escape and alert the city of what is going on here, they might even be able to call in an immortal" Irene almost shouted out, she didn't mind following Seth's orders, but this one was not one of them.

After somehow subduing everyone, Irene had no idea what kind of madness had suddenly overcome Seth for him to think of releasing them.

"I know, release them" Seth insisted looking Irene in the eye before he lowered them back to the glass in his palm.

True he was powerful, true his talent in seals was never before seen, but Irene knew too much about Minuha to release her, had it not been for Ella leaving her protection, Irene knew that Seth would never have been able to capture Ella, and if she was to free the woman now with Ella already in her hands, then it was all over.

The thought of the whole city moving to attack them scared Irene, but what scared her the most was that Ella or Minuha would call an immortal.

Irene was already more than surprised that one hadn't already arrived, the arrival of an immortal spelled death for her, and she couldn't let herself die when she still hadn't saved them, she feared dying now more than anything.

"No, we can't release them, You're underestimating the abilities of her shadows," Irene said, but before she could say more, she felt Seth's qi spike up, the strength within it going beyond anything she had ever seen from someone who was not an immortal, but she didn't have time to admire Seth's strength as at the next moment that strength was being used against her.

Every single sense within Irene's body rang at that moment, her body screaming to her of an incoming calamity and possibly death, and Irene saw this death.

Death in the form of a quickly approaching Seth, a Seth she could see, but her body could not follow.

Realizing her perilous situation, Irene used the one thing that could keep up with Seth, she had her qi flowing out of every corner of her body, and just before Seth could hit her, her form appeared a step to the side of her former position, an ice sculpture of her now in her previous location.

Seth didn't fancy explaining his reasons, and since Irene had decided to be stubborn Seth decided to discipline her, his initial goal had been to take off Irene's arm, sure he wanted to bang the woman, but fixing his soul came first and an obedient navigator made this goal very much achievable.

Pumping his qi through his body, Seth stamped on the ground and took off for Irene, his movement being too fast for the woman as he appeared in front of her and swung down his arm,  ready to take off an arm, but when it came into contact with her arms, her arms it shattered into pieces of ice.

"Please, please, forgive me" Iren screamed as hard as she could, her form was just an arm's reach from Seth as she stared into his eyes, and she knew she couldn't escape from him again as she needed far too much time to gather qi.

"Okay," Seth simply said and went back to the glass in his hand.

Seeing Seth quickly agree to her plea, Irene scrambled away from his side, the woman rapidly moving to free Dilise and Minuha.

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