Barbarian Quest

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

The march to the Baldrick Plains was long. The knights were proud and dignified, the soldiers were excited about the potential chance to earn their glory, and the conscripts, who had left their families behind, trudged along wearily.

The mercenaries of Urich's Brotherhood were also in the midst of the procession.

"Sword Demon Ferzen is certainly a strange man. Hes out of the ordinary in many ways," Sven commented. Urich was beside him.

"The Sword Demon is an astute old man. Did he show any unusual signs?"

Urich glanced towards Ferzen, who was riding a horse at the front of the marching army. Despite being over seventy years of age, Ferzens posture was upright and firm.

"He had a few meetings with Donovan."

"With Donovan? That's a bit unsettling," Urich chuckled.

"Donovan said the Sword Demon had endless questions about you. If anything, it's clear that he's very interested in you. And also..."


"He also invited me for a drink. Said he had some fine liquor, Sven licked his lips as he spoke.

"Well, how was it?"

"The taste was excellent. It was northern-style honey wine. I can't remember the last time I had our honey wine... It was quite delicious. Very! With the spices added to it, it was like fire in the mouth the moment it touched my tongue!"

Sven swayed his shoulders as he spoke. His mustache fluttered with his excited breath.

"I wasnt asking you about the taste of the wine. Tell me about Ferzen," Urich said nonchalantly.

"Eheh, he didn't ask me about you. Instead, he asked something strange. He asked about the northern god Ulgaro."

Ulgaro was a name that Urich had also heard several times. It was often invoked by the northerners.

"I thought Ulgaro wasnt a god, but a man," Urich said. The northerners referred to Ulgaro as Forefather Ulgaro'.

"He is both the forefather and god of the northerners. In the distant past, the first man Ulgaro and his clan arrived in the northern lands. There were dragons covered in ice scales living there before their arrival."

"Dragons? The same one as that jade figurine?" Urich recalled.

"Its a bit different from the jade figurine. That dragon was of the eastern continent, not ours. The northern dragons refused to let Ulgaro's clan settle in the northern lands, and that made Ulgaro rage. He killed the dragons and established the northerners' homeland. We are descendants of the dragon slayer," Sven spoke proudly.

"Where did Ulgaro the first man come from?"

"He was born from the union of heaven and earth."

I cant even imagine what thats supposed to be like."

"That's why he's simultaneously the first man and god. Ulgaro, after battling the dragons, was deeply wounded. So, he created the Field of Swords as his resting place. One day, when Ulgaro is fully recovered from his wounds, the warriors who ascended to the Field of Swords will return with new flesh and blood."

"What? You mean theyll come back to life?"

Urich's eyes widened, looking directly at Sven.

"Those maimed will grow limbs, the elderly will regain youth, and all warriors will be armed with weapons forged by Ulgaro from the ice-split iron. For us, death is merely rest, it is not the end. Cough."

Sven coughed, drinking his water deeply to push down the rising phlegm.

"Come back to life...?"

Urich tilted his head, deep in thought.

The Sun God Lou promised reincarnation. But with the reincarnation given by Lou, ones memories are lost. How was that any different from death? In contrast, Ulgaro promised a strong body and memories of the previous life. He was a much more appealing god.

"Didnt I tell you? Ulgaro is a god of warriors," Sven said, shaking off the water from his beard.

"Why didn't you tell me all this earlier?"

"You devoted yourself to the sun god Lou a long time ago. I am not at all fond of Lou, but Solarism recognizes the northern god, so its only right if I do the same with Lou of Solarism. And besides, you are not even a northerner."

"Wait, so I can't go to the Field of Swords if I'm not a northerner?"

"I have never even imagined a non-northerner believing in Ulgaro."

"Now I'm intrigued. Youre making me want to abandon Lou for all of that."

Urich's comment made Sven shake his head.

"Regardless of the god, betraying one's god is never good. A god's wrath is fierce. Misfortune will follow."

Sven respected the gods. Despite his dislike, the sun god Lou was indeed a god that demanded his respect.

"Ohh, its the Baldrick Plains."

The soldiers murmured in a mix of anticipation and fear.

As they approached the Baldrick Plains, the terrain became flat. It was an ideal land for war. It was free of geographical features, making it a great location for the cavalry movement.

"Urich, I heard about the incident in Duke Lungell's territory. You have my condolences."

Sword Demon Ferzen approached Urich on his horse. Urich had lost Bachman, who was his right arm. He had practically lost a trusted adjutant.

"There is no need for condolences... Dying in battle is the way of life of a warrior, right?" Urich shrugged and replied. Ferzen laughed.

"Ohoho, thats right, Urich. Dying in battle is our way of life. I've lived too long."

Ferzen gazed into the plains. The green fields were blurry through his pale eyes, and the soldiers looked like mere clumps. He pressed down his wide-brimmed hat with a bitter grin.

I cant even see the battlefield that Ive grown so accustomed to.

Ferzen turned his eyes to Urich again.

"Urich, how would you like to achieve merit in this battle?"


"I heard that Donovan is actually the one who commands the mercenary squad."

Urich frowned.

"Who said that?"

"Donovan did."

"Well, hes not wrong."

Urich smiled as if he had never frowned in the first place. It was true that Donovan was in charge of the battle command.

"Stand by my side in this battle! Let's go together to take the head of Duke Harmatti. How does that sound?

Ferzen's voice grew louder to accommodate the surrounding commotion.

Each lord was boosting the morale of their troops with their speeches. Cheers echoed from the edges of the plains.

"That sounds good. To slash the head of Duke Harmatti, I like it."

"Come to the frontline on your horse when the battle begins! I will be waiting there!"

"Grandpa Sword Demon, you're seriously leading the charge? At your age?"

"What else would a knight do! Ohoho!"

Ferzen laughed heartily as he pulled the reins hard and headed back to the frontline where the knights were.

The army set up camp at the edge of the plains. Sappers moved busily, and the sound of pots boiling filled every tent as meals were prepared.

After resting and eating, the nobles rode to the command tent.

"According to the scouts' reports, the rebel forces have arrived as well."

"We can see that. Smoke is rising over there too."

The battle would likely happen at noon the next day when the sun was at its highest. They would fight under the blessing of the sun god Lou.

People believed that Lou would support the more righteous side. Victory or defeat, it was all Lou's will. All that men could do was try their best.

As if by agreement, messengers from both armies visited each other several times. Despite their enmity, they maintained formal decorum in each other's presence. Behind closed doors, they might engage in all kinds of vile acts, but in formal settings, they pursued the honor befitting a noble.

The appointed time arrived. Noon was approaching. Both armies appeared at opposite ends of the plains with the banners of their nobles fluttering high.

Clop, clop.

Duke Harmatti and Pahell rode their horses to a midway point between the two camps. It was a meeting of just the two of them, without any escorts.

"Isn't that dangerous? Pahell cant fight, Urich commented, and Ferzen shook his head.

"If Duke Harmatti attacks the prince right there, he'll be ostracized by the nobility. Everyone is watching. He can't use any cowardly, cheap tricks. That's the noble honor, ohoho."

Ferzen assured that there was no need to worry.

I guess even Phillion, who's always worried about Pahell, is staying put.'

Urich gripped Kylios reins and observed the meeting of the two men from a distance.

The nobles and commanders were boosting their soldiers' morale with their pep talks. A battle that would determine the fate of the kingdom was about to begin.

"Uncle, it's not too late. There's no need to shed any more blood. If you return to the Harmatti duchy now, I will end this with just the reclamation of the fiefdom," Pahell stated, directly facing Duke Harmatti.

"That's what I would like to say to you, my nephew. You are not yet capable of ruling the kingdom. Just leave it to your uncle for five years. I will build a strong Porcana for you, a nation with a powerful royal authority, just like the empire," Duke Harmatti's lips quivered. It was clear that he was struggling to keep his anger and hatred suppressed.

'To think this stupid idiot nephew of mine would become an obstacle in my path.'

Varca Aneu Porcana. He was the sole and rightful heir to the throne, but he was naive and inept. Who could have imagined that he would escape Duke Harmatti's clutches and return after securing the support of the empire?

Duke Harmatti clenched his fist as if he wanted to crush it.

'If I slash that pretty face right now, this civil war could end right this instance.'

But he could not act on it. Nobles and knights from the kingdom were watching from all around. Honor, at times, was indeed cumbersome.

"Dont dress up your ugly ambition in fancy words, uncle."

"I will become a strong king, Varca. Stronger than what someone like you can ever imagine. Do you even realize what you're doing right now? You are weak! You will never be a strong king. Instead, you will always be swayed by others! The royal authority will fade, and cunning men like Duke Lungell will weave their schemes around you! Ask yourself, do you truly have what it takes to be a king?" Duke Harmatti vented his frustrations with his shoulders heaving as he breathed heavily.

"That is such a pitiful excuse for a rebellion," Pahell remarked coldly. His blue eyes shone sharp.

'There's no turning back now. No justification or righteousness matters anymore.'

Pahell felt an ache in his heart. Perhaps if he had been a bit wiser or a bit braver, maybe he could have prevented this dire situation.

"I never expected our words to change anything. Today will mark the end of Sword Demon Ferzen's legend."

Duke Harmatti nodded lightly. Pahell mirrored the gesture and turned his horse around.

"Ah, one more thing," Duke Harmatti called out, turning only his head back. Pahell flinched.

"Did you want to leave your last words to me, Uncle?"

"You've become quite the jester, my nephew. I just wanted to relay a message. Princess Damia is concerned about you and asked about your well-being."

"I am always concerned about my sister too," Pahell pulled on the reins and rejoined his army. Duke Harmatti also returned to his camp.

The sky was clear. Sun god Lou had opened his eyes wide, and his rays were illuminating the battlefield like a blessing. At times, the sun god Lou was also a harvester of souls.


The sound of the trumpet echoed long and far.

Doom, doom, doom.

The drumbeats spread at regular intervals. Soldiers marched in time with the strike of the drums.

"Hey, hey-ya! Oh-woah! Oh-woah!"

Soldiers roared in unison at set intervals, following the drumbeats. Their cries filled the battlefield. It was enough to uplift the spirits of even the conscripts with low morale.

As the army moved, dust swirled up on the plains.

"Try to keep up, Urich. Ill show you what war is all about, ohoho!" Ferzen called out amid the noisy front lines. Urich and Ferzen were at the very forefront of the formation.

"Ha, showing off as always. All we need to do is just cut off Duke Harmatti's head, that's all!" Urich twisted his neck left and right, baring his teeth. Kylios, clad in leather armor, readied himself to gallop by scraping the ground with his hooves.

"But tell me this, Urich."


"If you're neither from the north nor the south, where could you possibly be from? Hyah!"

Ferzen's white eyes glimmered from inside his helmet. Could he even see properly through those eyes? Ferzen charged ahead after tossing Urich his question.

Urich followed behind Ferzen.

Why is he bringing that up now? What are his intentions? Has the old man finally lost his mind?'

That was Urich's first thought. And then he was certain. Sword Demon Ferzen was surely a madman!

Ferzen didn't bother to match his speed with the other units. Instead of slowing down, he charged directly toward Duke Harmatti's camp. The knights followed him like lemmings off a cliff, all rushing forward.


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