Barbarian Quest

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

The best method of preparing for war was to maintain a standing army. A standing army consisted of professional soldiers who were stationed regardless of whether it was wartime or peacetime. Instead of plows and hoes, they carried weapons. Since they offered no economic productivity, only sufficiently wealthy lords maintained them solely for law enforcement.

A standing army itself was an expense. The only state that operated its main force as a professional army was the empire. The main forces of kingdoms and local lords were often a few knights with fiefs and conscripted soldiers.

Non-standing forces, including conscripts, took a long time to mobilize and had a short operational duration. Particularly, conscripts had other livelihoods to maintain. Their morale dropped rapidly if a war was prolonged, and even upon returning victoriously, they often found their families starved to death.

Clatter, clatter.

The situation in Lungell's duchy was no different. Knights and conscripts swarmed into the castle.

Lower nobility and knights fulfilled their duty to participate in the war. They came from various counties. Because their organization was geographically based, they were practically strategically meaningless. Lords did not allow others to command their forces, except for necessary separations like archers and knights.

"Archers, over here!"

"Knights, state your identities."

Outside the castle gates, the duke's lieges recorded the number of arriving forces and categorized their types. This was in stark contrast to the empire's professional soldier system, backed by immense wealth. Compared to the Imperial army, they were nothing but a ragtag group.

"Where are you from? Carry your flags higher than that, it's tiresome to ask everyone."

One of the lieges addressed a group of cavalrymen.

"My name is..."

A young man from the cavalry group stepped forward, still bearing traces of boyishness.

"Varca Aneu Porcana. I seek an audience with Lungell's master with the authority of the prince."

The lieges eyes widened as his mind was overwhelmed with chaos.

This is above my pay grade.

He quickly called for a messenger to relay the message inside. The messenger dashed into the castle.

"Please wait a moment, Prince Varca."

The surroundings buzzed. The cause of the ongoing civil war, Prince Varca, had shown up. Nobles and knights focused their attention.

"Is that really Prince Varca?"

"I remember those blue eyes from long ago."

"If we kill Prince Varca here, the civil war ends, doesn't it?"

"Thats for Duke Lungell to decide, not us."

"How reckless. He came into the enemy territory, Lungell's duchy, with only about ten guards."

The knights' eyes gleamed.

If I behead him and bring it to Duke Harmatti...

There would be a tremendous reward. Whoever made the first move would be the one who ended the civil war and became a hero.

If I strike first, even Duke Lungell can't say anything. He's in Harmatti's camp anyway, right?

A knight, blinded by the potential reward, subtly moved closer. Others also slowly approached Pahell's group, ready to hit at any moment.

The atmosphere near the castle gate grew tense. The voices quieted. Armed individuals cautiously eyed each other.

"Urich, go ahead and set an example for them."

Pahell whispered softly, bowing his head. Urich nodded.

"Go ahead, draw your sword. I guarantee your head will fly off right here."

Urich addressed the approaching knight.

"What? I just want to greet Prince Varca. Get out of my way," The knight spoke calmly. Urich extended his interlocked hands for a stretch, ready for action.

"If you take one more step, I'll kill you even if you dont draw your sword. I say this in the name of Varca Aneu Porcana," Urich warned. The knight smirked menacingly.

"My barbarian friend, you're too presumptuous. Prince Varca, I am..." Ignoring Urich, the knight stepped toward Pahell.


Urich grabbed the knight and threw him to the ground. The chainmail-clad knight rolled helplessly as if the chainmail weighed almost nothing.

"Gah, ack!"

Urich stepped on the fallen knight's head.

Creak, creak.

The knight heard an eerie sound near his ear. It was the sound of his own skull cracking. The horrific noise peaked, followed by a dull pop. The knight felt the earth invading his brain. Literally.

"I told you that you were going to die. Why wouldnt you listen?" Urich muttered, brushing off the blood and brain matter from his leg.

"Did he just crush his head just by stepping on it?"

"What kind of person is that?"

Urich's brutal display and immense strength stirred the crowd. Those with weak stomachs vomited on the spot.

'I did ask him for it, but Urich always exceeds expectations.'

Pahell struggled to maintain his composure.

Right now, Im a ruthless prince vying for the throne. I can't show a hint of weakness.'

Pahell closed his eyes, composing his emotions. When he reopened them, a frosty light swirled in his eyes.

"Hes not like what Ive heard from the rumors. Is that really Prince Varca?"

"Was he always like that? He's changed. So cruel."

Those approaching hesitated, stepping back. They were no longer wishing to approach the prince. Instead, they decided to wait for Duke Lungell's decision.

'I stake my life here.'

Pahell gripped the reins tightly, hiding his anxiety. The basics of negotiations were to never reveal weaknesses. You had to inflate yourself to look strong, instead.

"Don't worry, Pahell. As long as I'm here, I won't let you die."

Reading Pahell's anxiety, Urich smiled reassuringly. It was a smile from someone who just crushed a man's head, but to Pahell, no other smile could possibly have been more reassuring than Urichs.

* * *

The civil war is inevitable now, Duke Lungell thought to himself as he took down the family's treasured sword and shield from the wall.

"Who would have thought that that prince would manage to gain the empire's support."

The last time Duke Lungell saw Prince Varca Aneu Porcana, he didn't seem like king material. Anyone could see that Prince Varca was not fit to be king.

Duke Harmatti would probably govern well. He's not my favorite, but at least he would be better than Prince Varca.

Prince Varca brought the empire's army with him. Many nobles panicked at the thought of the empire's intervention.

This is a violation of the treaty, interference in internal affairs... even if it's at the prince's request...

Dealing with that would be a matter for later. For now, the priority was to fend off the Imperial army at their doorstep.

"I wanted to avoid war as much as possible."

Duke Lungell sighed, walking toward the window. He looked at the army gathering outside the castle gates. Only about half of the expected forces had assembled. The prolonged peace had made it difficult to rally troops quickly, and even the knights had become complacent.

War, especially civil war, is like cutting one's own flesh.

War consumed endless manpower and resources. Especially in a civil war, there was no gain for anyone. Duke Lungell wanted to conserve his duchy's strength. Once depleted in war, the lost power never easily returned. Even mighty lords have fallen into debt and ruin after a single war.

War is always the last resort.

Duke Lungell was on nobody's side. He desired a conservative peace.

But if I must fight, so be it.

He heard the hurried footsteps of a young messenger approaching his office. The messenger, panting heavily, reported to Duke Lungell. The duke listened to the message sent from below.

"Prince Varca?"

It was an unexpected message. Duke Lungell learned that Prince Varca had arrived. He quickly put on his overcoat.

What is he thinking? Even a foolish prince should know I'm on Harmattis side. There is no way hes here to hand over his own head.

Duke Lungell pondered various scenarios as he descended.

Is he here to persuade me to join his side? Did he take on such a big risk to do that?

It didnt take Lungell too long before reaching his conclusion. There was no other reason.

"Was the prince someone capable of such actions?"

Another doubt circled in his mind.

The prince isn't competent enough. He's a coward, full of royal arrogance, a fool. I gave up on that prince the moment I saw how he disregarded powerful lords, treating them lightly because of his royal status.

Besides that, there were many reasons not to support the prince. Duke Harmatti already had stable political power, and the prince's death would legitimize Harmatti's succession. There was no need to support the prince in this succession war.

"Duke Lungell, long time no see."

Duke Lungell's eyes widened as he saw Prince Varca on horseback.

"Greetings, Prince Varca Aneu Porcana."

Duke Lungell initially showed courtesy. His attitude signaled the surrounding nobles and knights to conceal their hostility.

'Duke Lungell seems to intend to speak with Prince Varca first.'

Duke Lungell scanned Prince Varca's entourage.

'Only two look like official knights. Are the rest that famous mercenary squad? Urich's Brotherhood...'

Everyone who had ears had heard their name. The mercenary squad guarding the prince. There were rumors that the late Margrave Orquell was also killed by them.

Since then, Margrave Orquells forces at the border gate were absorbed by the Evelyn Gate. His son refused the duty of guarding the gate, only taking part of the inheritance.'

That Evelyn Gate was conquered overnight. Rumors said they surrendered without a fight.

Did the Sword Demon Ferzen really join the prince's army?'

The empire's army and Sword Demon Ferzen were incredible achievements by the prince. Even Duke Harmatti chasing the prince probably didn't expect him to accomplish that.

"Please, come inside. It's cold outside," Duke Lungell said to the prince, pointing to the open castle gate. His gaze briefly fell on a knight lying on the ground.

Freshly dead, I presume. I can guess what happened.'

Duke Lungell refrained from pressing Varca about the dead knight. One knight's life meant little. Perhaps today's conversation could end a war that might cost many lives.

Are you entrusting the war's fate to me, Prince Varca?'

Duke Lungell chuckled softly, feeling the potent power in his hands.

Click. Clank.

Duke Lungell summoned his guards. Threatening guards encircled the office.

Prince Varca and Duke Lungell sat facing each other.

"Your Highness, it's not wise to claim the throne with foreign help."

Duke Lungell started. Prince Varca shook his head.

"I had no choice but to seek foreign help; I had nowhere else to turn to. Without it, I couldn't even sit equally with you, Duke Lungell."

"Though the Imperial army's presence is impressive, it has caused much backlash. A king by foreign power? It raises questions about your legitimacy."

"If not me, then who has the right to the throne? Duke Harmatti? Nonsense!"

" Well, at least Duke Harmatti is a powerful domestic lord."

"Nonsense. I came only for my coronation. The nobles of Porcana are the ones preparing for civil war. Without resistance, there's no war."

"That may be, but everyone knows you came to fight."

Duke Lungell glanced outside. Forces from various regions had erected their banners and set up camps. The army of Lungell Duchy was taking shape.

Prince Varca frowned threateningly.

"Sword Demon Ferzen's army is likely seizing the Vaskerling Duchy by now. An unprepared duchy can't stop the army of General Ferzen. I'll take Vaskerling without suffering much loss."

"But if you die here, it's all for naught, Prince Varca. Even with the empire's support, if you, the rightful king, die, it's over. If I kill you here, the Imperial army will retreat."

The surrounding guards gripped their weapons tighter, ready to attack on Duke Lungell's command.

"Youd better cut it with the threats, Duke Lungell. The man behind me is no ordinary person. How many guards are surrounding this office? Twenty? Thirty?"

"Whatever the number, it's enough to eliminate you and your party."

"Urich, did you hear that? What do you think?"

Prince Varca leaned back and asked. "Theyd need to bring at least a hundred if they want to kill you, especially with me here," Urich confidently replied. The guards bristled, shuffling their feet. Armor clinked.

"Since when have you been friends with a barbarian?"

"He's more than just a barbarian. That man is Urich, leader of Urich's Brotherhood, the mercenary squad. Winner of the Hamel Jousting Tournament, the Armor Breaker. His fame will soon spread through Porcana. Some might already know him.

"No matter how great a warrior, he can't replace an army alone."

Duke Lungell scoffed, met with a similar scoff from Prince Varca.

"Then go ahead and try us, Duke."

Duke Lungell's face hardened.

'Is this really the Prince Varca I know?'

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