Barbarian Quest

Chapter 262

Chapter 262

After this battle, Urich's fame would spread widely throughout the civilized world. It would become a fear incomparable to his previous renown. The conqueror from the west, one more terrifying than the Mijorn the Brave of the north.

Carnius smirked bitterly. A being too frightening to be dismissed as a mere barbarian was chasing after him.

‘He is a beast that might destroy the civilized world.’

The Sun priests said that the plunderers from the west were Lou's judgment. They were the divine punishment released upon the civilized people who had lived indulgently, violating the teachings of Lou. The priests claimed that this was why the civilized people were not receiving Lou's protection.

"They dare to prattle on after just one victory!"

The knights escorting Carnius exploded in anger. Voices mocking the imperial army's defeat were heard from behind.

‘This defeat will bring many threats to the empire.’

Carnius felt the weight on his shoulders. He had lost many elite knights. The retreating imperial army had lost over half of its forces.

‘Even if I return alive, I will be met with reproach and criticism.’

The responsibility for defeat was heavy. Carnius had already failed despite being given a second chance. There might not be a third chance. His political rivals would do anything to seize this opportunity to reduce Carnius' influence.

‘But if not me, who will defend the empire from these people?’

Carnius bit his lips hard. He wanted to take his own life immediately from all the disgrace and guilt.

‘If anyone besides me fights them while still dismissing them as mere barbarians, they’ll end up just like me. I must lead the army again, no matter what humiliation I have to endure....’

The nobles of the empire would not understand Carnius' resolve. They would undoubtedly whisper that he was a shameless old man. People would blame Carnius for his incompetence while reminiscing about the Sword Demon Ferzen.

‘I will swallow this disgrace and survive.’

But there was no guarantee that he would win the next battle. If Carnius lost once more, he would be despised by all civilized people.

A senile old man and a foolish knight who knew neither honor nor shame. A fool who refused to make peace due to his personal vengeance, leading the civilized world to ruin. Historians would record Carnius' incompetence with all their malice.

“Even if that’s the case....”

Carnius chose the life of shame. He felt the horse's movement and briefly closed his eyes before opening them again. His haggard eyes were dark. Blood was flowing out of his collapsed gums from clenching his teeth too hard.

Urich's pursuit unit couldn’t seem to catch up to Carnius. The forest paths favored the fleeing side.


A warrior riding beside Urich fell off his horse after hitting a tree. Except for Urich, everyone else was inexperienced in horseback riding. It was difficult to navigate the forest path full of rocks and trees.

"Idiots!" Urich cursed as he kicked his horse's side.

‘Shit, I wouldn’t expect anything less from knights who’ve ridden horses all their lives.’

He wasn’t getting any closer to Carnius. Urich frowned and took a deep breath.

"Heeeeeeey! Carniuuuuuus! Don’t you want to know how your son died?"

Urich's voice echoed through the forest. The leaves rustled roughly.

"General, ignore him! It's a childish provocation!" The knights said as they ground their teeth. They too wanted to turn around and fight.

"Your son begged pathetically for his life like a coward, begging to be spared. Everything makes sense now! He must have taken after his father, the ultimate coward! You know what they say: like father, like son!"

Urich shouted at the top of his lungs. His sarcastic tone grated on Carnius and the knights' nerves.


Carnius clenched his fist. His face turned bright red. Blood flowed from under his lips.


Carnius groaned as veins rose on his face. His face twisted to the point it no longer looked human. Even the knights fell silent at the sight of Carnius' face.

"Hmm, what was it that he said as he died? Daddy? Did he say daddy? Nope, he cried for his mommy like a little bitch. Well, no wonder a kid raised under such a coward turned out the way he did! You sure he didn’t sneak into some dudes’ beds at night, playing the woman?"

Urich shouted at the top of his lungs, sweating profusely. He said whatever that came to his mind, thinking he must not lose Carnius. Despite what his tone suggested, Urich was also desperate.

‘I can't catch up. If this doesn’t work, I’ll lose him.’

The warriors chasing alongside Urich fell off their horses one by one, unable to endure the rough forest path. Now, only about ten were left.

‘Where is my son's honor?’

Carnius' mind was blank. Consequences were not on his mind.


That was all the knights could say. How could they tell him to ignore such words when his dead son was being so severely insulted?

"Run away all you want, Carnius! The man who murdered your son is right here, yet you're running away! I, Urich, am right here!"

Finally, Carnius looked back. His eyes, ominous like those of an evil spirit, stared at Urich.

‘The number of pursuers is only about ten.’

Combining Carnius and the knights, they outnumbered the pursuers. They could turn their horses around and kill them, then continue with their escape.


Carnius muttered. The knights waited for his next words.

"...cannot take this anymore."

The knights nodded, closing their visors. This could turn out to be an opportunity. Killing the leader of the plunderers here would greatly benefit the empire.

‘This is a chance to make up for the defeat.’

Rage was the fundamental reason for the knights turning their horses. They couldn't bear Urich's insults. The opportunity to make up for the defeat was nothing but an excuse. Without Urich's provocation, they would have never even considered turning around to fight.

"Great Chief! Those bastards are coming!"

A warrior shouted. The knights were charging at Urich through the forest path.

‘Damn, mounted combat is not good for us.’

Urich snapped back to reality. Both sides had a similar number of men. There was no sure win.

"Let's go! Kill theeeeem!"

There was no other choice. Urich and the warriors clashed head-on with the knights.


People were falling off their horses left and right. Knights and warriors tangled together, hitting the ground. Those still on horseback circled and charged again.

"Barbarian Uriiiiiiich!" Carnius shouted, raising his sword high.

He drove his horse fiercely toward Urich. Urich also grabbed his reins and charged.


Swords clashed. Carnius grimaced as he felt like his arm was about to pop out of the socket.

‘What tremendous strength.’

Carnius nearly fell off his horse but managed to hold on. He heard the sound of something falling over.

"Kagh! Shit!"

Urich, having lost his balance, tumbled along with his horse. Though he had won in strength, he lacked in mounted combat.

"Dumbass horse! This would have been a piece of cake with Kylios!"

Urich kicked the head of the horse whose leg broke. He picked up his sword again with his aching body.

"Urich the barbarian, you will pay for insulting my son," Carnius muttered as if praying, holding his sword blade to his nose.

‘Finally, the opportunity has come, Leo.’

He felt a sense of relief. Leo’s enemy was right in front of him.

‘Oh, Lou, please help me. You can take everything I have, so just help me.’

Carnius pulled on the reins. He lowered his posture and charged at Urich.

‘I’ll kill you with my axe, you old shit.’

Urich reached behind his waist. He waited until Carnius was within range.


Urich’s hand moved swiftly. Throwing axes was one of Urich’s favorite skills.


Carnius raised his sword and deflected the axe. Urich’s axe bounced off and lodged into a tree.

‘An attack is easy to block if you know it’s coming.’

Carnius had anticipated Urich’s axe throw. This wasn’t his first time dealing with a barbarian.


Urich laughed, gripping the hilt of his sword with both hands.


The swords of the two men clashed long. Urich kicked the horse's knee with his leg.


The horse lost its balance and fell over. Urich pounced on the falling Carnius and thrust his sword down.


Carnius rolled quickly even as he fell. Urich’s sword struck the dirt. It did not come out easily as it was embedded quite deeply.


Urich grabbed a rock from the ground and hurled it. The rock struck Carnius on the forehead, making him stagger as he held his head.


Urich took the chance to pull his sword from the ground.


Suddenly, a knight aimed at Urich’s back without him realizing.

“Great Chief!” A warrior shouted, seeing Urich in danger.

It was a chaotic battle where warriors and knights were entangled. Urich bent down to dodge the knight’s sword.


Carnius didn’t miss this opportunity and attacked Urich. Urich, despite his size, moved nimbly, rolling backward like doing somersaults.

“Huff, huff.”

Urich’s shoulders heaved. Carnius, too, was panting, trying to catch his breath. The exhaustion was much more severe for the older Carnius.

Urich watched the knight approaching him. Everyone had fallen off their horses and were fighting on foot in a melee.

Schring! Clang!

The knight targeting the exhausted Urich fell lifelessly. Urich had struck the knight’s face with his axe.

“Nice try.”

Urich kicked the knight’s head and broke his neck. He walked toward Carnius as he crossed his axe and sword.

‘His speech and actions are frivolous, but he is stronger than anyone I’ve fought against.’

Carnius acknowledged Urich’s prowess. The status of leader of the plunderers was fully deserved. Urich’s fame that had spread throughout the civilized world was no lie. Calling him a legendary warrior wouldn’t be an overstatement.

‘The frivolous provocations were just a guise.’

Carnius looked quietly into Urich’s eyes. The opponent wasn’t an emotional barbarian but a cold-hearted warrior. He was a man who had chased him down using every trick to ensure he didn’t escape.

“I was worried you might just get away like that.”

Urich muttered, looking at Carnius.

“I saw right through your obvious provocation. I just decided to fall for it, Urich the barbarian.”

Hearing that, Urich shrugged his shoulders.

“My ass. You just didn’t have the courage and patience to endure disgrace and humiliation.”

Urich sneered. Carnius, infuriated, charged.


Urich extended his arm and swung his sword. Carnius’ arm, unable to withstand Urich’s strength, was forced upward.


Urich swung his axe rhythmically, targeting Carnius’ head like a hammer. Carnius twisted his upper body to avoid the axe’s trajectory. The axe grazed the armor covering his neck. The sloped plate armor deflected the attack with ease. It was the highest technology of the empire, befitting the armor of a general.

A life-or-death blow was exchanged.


Urich spat on Carnius’ face. The thick saliva, mixed with blood and phlegm, hit Carnius’ eyes.

The spit blurred his vision, but he couldn’t easily wipe it away due to his steel gauntlets.

“You should’ve kept your helmet on!”

Urich shouted and seized the opportunity. He began slashing wildly with his axe and sword. Urich struck Carnius’ arm with the axe, breaking it. Then, he wedged his sword underneath the breastplate.


There was the sound of Carnius’ entrails being torn. The sensation of the sword churning inside his stomach was chilling.


Carnius grabbed Urich’s shoulder, coughing up blood. Bloody tears streamed down his wide-open eyes.

“I...! I!”

Carnius kept repeating. Knights fighting other warriors screamed and looked at Carnius.


Urich drove the sword deeper. Carnius’ body convulsed violently.

“Oh, Lou, why....”

It was an old, frail voice. Lou had not granted Carnius his vengeance.

“Go ask him after you die.”

Urich pushed Carnius’ body away with his foot and withdrew his sword. He lightly shook off the blood from the messed-up blade.

Carnius’ eyes and body grew cold.

Even the resisting knights began to fall or flee in all directions. Urich didn’t bother to chase them. For now, this was enough.

‘A lot of blood has been spilled today.’

No peace was achieved, and the amount of blood that was shed reflected that.

It was a rampage of a father who had lost his son, and Urich had provoked him. It wasn’t the greatest aftertaste.

‘How many Carniuses have there been... and how many more will there be?’

Urich collected the body of Carnius, who died with his eyes open. His body would be sent back to the empire.

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