Barbarian Quest

Chapter 143: Blue Mist

Chapter 143: Blue Mist

Samikan had gotten into an unexpected situation. The Stone Axe Tribe, thought to have been subdued, had allied with the Red Sand Tribe behind their back.

I didnt expect them to be capable of doing such a thing.

Tribes dont form alliances without benefits. The Red Sand Tribe had been particular with their specialty in iron trade to use it to maintain neutrality for a long time.

Why did Red Sand ally with Stone Axe?

There were three chiefs, and none tried to rush into battle. Instead, they put away their weapons and held a trilateral meeting.

It seems like theres someone here whos not a chief?

Samikan sat in a chair inside the tent, noting the presence of Gizzle of Stone Axe, Belrua of Red Sand, and then Urich.

Despite being surrounded by enemies, Samikan was unfazed. The chiefs were honorable warriors who wouldnt draw weapons at a negotiation table. Even if they were to be treacherous and gain immediate benefit, their warriors wouldnt follow such a cowardly chief.

I heard you were looking for me, Samikan. I am Urich.

Samikan narrowed his eyes at Urich.

Urich, he is younger than I expected.

Samikan was a warrior approaching his thirties who was at the peak of his skill and experience. Belrua was in her mid-twenties, while Gizzle and Urich were barely in their twenties.

Yes, I see, so you are Urich. The one who crossed the mountains. A great feat, I must say. You have my respect.

Samikan raised his glass. Urichs eyes widened.


Urich cursed internally at Samikans attitude.

Samikan is not an easy opponent.

Acknowledging the opponent was a privilege for those with leverage. Gizzle didnt have such a privilege, but Samikan did.

You believe so easily that I crossed the mountains.

Theres no reason not to believe. Its true that the world beyond the mountains exists. The shamans blabber on about how its a taboo, and how its all made-up, but the evidence cant be ignored.

Samikan differed from other tribesmen. He naturally accepted the existence of the world beyond the mountains as common sense. He was a progressive figure, and under his leadership, the Blue Mist Tribe was flourishing.

Have you crossed the mountains too? Like me? Urich asked, and Samikan laughed, shaking his head.

Not quite. But I cant reveal my secret just yet.

Samikan crossed his arms, looking at the other chiefs. Noah Arten was his trump card. Noah's knowledge of the civilized world was a precious treasure.

Step aside, Urich. Im the chief to negotiate here, Gizzle intervened after hearing the conversation between Urich and Samikan.

Of course, Chief.

Urich responded with a bow. The immediate crisis was averted. With the Red Sand Tribe backing them, the Blue Mist Tribe couldnt rashly attack Stone Axe. A successful negotiation could even free the captured tribespeople.

This is getting interesting.

Belrua smiled faintly, observing the dynamics between Gizzle and Urich while calculating benefits for Red Sand. She had learned that the world beyond the mountains wasnt exclusive to Urich. Samikan was also a potential negotiating party.

Chief Belrua, we've already subjugated the Stone Axe. What we do with them is our business.

Samikan challenged Red Sands intervention.

Its the same for us in choosing who we ally with, Samikan. The expansion of Blue Mist has been a concern in our tribe. A neighboring tribe growing too large is never good news for us.

We are a bit too far apart to call each other neighbors, dont you think?

Maybe in the past, you mightve been right. But youve grown. Considering the breadth of your tribes influence, I think its fair to consider you our neighbor.

Samikan frowned, racking his brain to try to read Belruas intentions.

Is the Red Sand doing all this just to keep an eye on us? If thats the only reason, then there are better tribes for an alliance.

The chiefs werent just warriors. Each chief in this meeting represented tribes that stood out in their respective region, and thousands of tribespeople depended on them.

Questions flew back and forth, digging for more information. The three chiefs all came to the same realization.

Samikan is the most experienced chief here.

Gizzle was lacking in many areas, and Belruas strategies and mind games were no match for Samikans.

We simply have one condition, Chief Gizzle. Hand over Urich, and we will leave peacefully.

Samikan pointed at Urich, having sensed the strained relationship between Gizzle and Urich.

No good will come out of another tribe gaining access to the knowledge of beyond the mountains.

For Samikan, Urich was a must-have. If not obtainable, it was better to eliminate him.

Did you just tell me to hand over Urich?

Gizzles lips twisted.

Im very interested in the world beyond the mountains. It seems you, Chief Gizzle, arent. We would gladly host Urich as a guest back in our Blue Mist Tribe.

It was a mild offer. As Gizzle hesitated, Belrua interjected.

No, Im afraid we cant do that. Urich promised a gift to our tribe. Until then, he needs to stay where I can see him.

Belrua tapped her rugged forearm with her fingers, showing annoyance.

This bastard and that bitch... Urich, Urich, Urich!

Gizzles face reddened. In this meeting where three renowned chiefs had gathered, all were eyeing Urich.

Is Urich that important? The one who defied the taboo to leave us only to return at his will!

He wanted to blurt it out, but he was a chief, and he had to separate his emotions from actions.

Belrua desired Urich even more. Given Samikan's reaction, the world beyond the mountains was real, validating most of Urichs truth.

'The Red Sand Tribe will be the first to have the advanced metallurgy in our hands. It won't be handed over to other tribes.'

Belrua thought only of her own tribe's welfare. Even other wise and exceptional chiefs would have done the same. They were unaware of the colossal threat of the empire. Even Urich's verbal warnings would not be tangible to them. Despite receiving Urich's caution, Belrua naturally prioritized the immediate power struggle that was right in front of her eyes over unseen threats.

Im curious about that gift Urich supposedly promised you, Belrua.

Samikan prodded, but Belrua just grinned, showing her teeth. Samikan wasnt expecting an answer in the first place.

"Samikan! Urich is a member of the Stone Axe Tribe. We wont just hand him over!"

Gizzle exclaimed. Although it was true that he disliked Urich, he acknowledged Urich's importance in the current scenario. If Samikan coveted him, there must be a reason. Moreover, if Urich, who facilitated the alliance with Red Sand, left, the alliance would crumble.

'I wont let Urich go right now.'

With Gizzle's decision, Samikan sighed deeply.

"If it comes down to using force..."

Samikan was prepared for a clash. Though it meant facing Red Sand and Stone Axes combined force, he was confident. Blue Mist warriors were highly spirited, and combined with the warriors from subdued tribes, they wouldn't be heavily outnumbered.

"How dare you even think about going against the Red Sand! You fish-eaters!"

Belrua also fiercely laughed, accepting the challenge. As a chief, she was also the most formidable warrior in her tribe. Though each tribe had its own customs, non-warriors could never become a chief anywhere. Belrua, a blacksmith and warrior, was no exception.

The chiefs almost seemed ready to declare war.

"Hold on, I just realized something. Why the hell should I let someone else decide whether I go or stay?" Urich interjected while observing.

"Urich, this is a chiefs' meeting!" Gizzle tried to cut him off.

"Gizzle, I respect you as a chief... But I am a free man. Where I go or stay is my choice."

Urich looked at each chief, making eye contact.

None of you know who the real enemy is yet.'

If they were to go to war here, the loss of warriors would be significant.

'They dont realize it yet, but we need to fight as one people.'

Urich bitterly smiled. Telling them to unite against an external threat would be a joke here.

"I will go as a guest to the Blue Mist Tribe. Ill stay there for a while."

At Urichs statement, Samikan laughed heartily, slapping his knee, while Belrua looked crushed.

"Urich, keep your promise with us."

"Of course, I'll honor my promise with the Red Sand. I am not betraying you. Trust me. This is for all of us."

"If you betray us, it wont just be you, but the weakened Stone Axe Tribe will become our enemy too. Remember that," Belrua coldly warned.

Urich announced his departure. Gizzle's pride was severely bruised. In front of other chiefs, he was practically stamped as an incompetent chief who was unable to control even one tribe warrior.

Did you come back just to humiliate me, Urich?

Gizzle's fists trembled. He had to let Urich go.

Everything was fine before you came. We were doing so well.

Gizzle had been performing well as the chief of Stone Axe. Everything started to fall apart after Urich's arrival. Urich brought a disaster, a calamitous change in the world.

* * *

Urich was heading to the Blue Mist Tribe, with the main concern being Belrua of the Red Sand. The Red Sand was not entirely satisfied with Urich's decisions and could break the alliance they formed with the Stone Axe Tribe at any moment.

'But if the major tribes clash now, we won't stand a chance when the imperial army arrives.'

Urich was looking at the bigger picture. He would be relieved if the empire failed in its venture to build Yailrud. If the empire collapsed on its own, Urich wouldn't mind being ridiculed as a liar for the rest of his life.

Vald hurriedly gathered his belongings and followed Urich. He had heard that Urich was going to the Blue Mist Tribe, almost like a hostage.

"I won't let you go alone this time. I don't want to regret it again."

"Ah, you're making me tear up, Vald."

Urich laughed and bumped shoulders with Vald. Vald regretted having left Urich alone and fled three years ago. He had no intention of repeating that regret.

'Whatever situation Urich faces, I'd rather die with him than run away again.'

Vald vividly remembered Urich risking himself for his brothers. Had Urich not returned, Vald would have lived with regret, always reminiscing about that moment.

"Are you ready, Urich? Samikan is waiting."

A Blue Mist warrior was waiting for Urich. Urich and Vald followed him out of the village.

"Urich, we even managed to form an alliance with the Red Sand. It was worth a fight. If you avoid fighting like this, you'll be rumored as a coward."

Vald whispered into Urich's ear. Urich chose to avoid the fight.

"What do you think of the Blue Mist Tribe, Vald?"

"What's there to think? They're despicable. I dont think Id be satisfied even if we ripped them into shreds."

"It's natural to think that since they've taken our people as hostages. But... maybe... in the future, we might call each other brothers. In fact, we have to."

Urich swallowed his anger and suppressed his hatred.

"What the hell are you talking about? That doesn't make any sense."

"I know it doesn't. But I have to make that nonsensical thing a reality."

Urich was convinced after meeting the tribal chiefs. They hated each other and only united for mutual benefit. Following this path, they would end up just like the north and the south. Urich was the only man in the west who had the lessons of the past.


Urich clutched his chest, feeling a throbbing ache. A surge of heat welled up in his throat.


If he voiced this now, everyone would laugh at him. But if he didn't achieve it, the only thing left for the west was the conquest of the empire.

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