Barbarian Quest

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

"Already on your deathbed, old man?"

Urich asked while sipping warmed wine, looking at Sven lying down. A military priest was treating Sven.

"Judging from the fact that I can hear you mocking me, I guess I can't die just yet. Hmm."

The priest removed the arrow embedded in Sven's shoulder with a pair of tongs, causing Sven to grimace in pain.

"Lucky for us, someone recognized me. I was half in doubt, you know."

Urich had surrendered because of Sven, who was hit by an arrow and fell off his horse. If he had been by himself, he might have escaped the encirclement.

"You should have left me. Dying in battle would have been a fine ending for me."

"You might be content with that, but abandoning a sick old man would haunt my dreams," Urich shrugged.

The priest applied ointment to Sven's wound, finished the treatment, and then left the tent after a brief prayer.

"Next time, leave me behind, Urich. Ive lived long enough," Sven spoke sternly, almost like a warning.

"That's not for you to decide, gramps. Whether I fight or run, thats my call to make. Where and how I use up my life is up to me," Urich replied, to which Sven widened his eyes.

"...You're absolutely right. But I can't rest easy knowing you died because of me. So, do that for me, Urich."

Urich silently finished his wine. Thanks to the furnace, the tent was warm. Their cold bodies felt like they were finally melting.

"The viceroy requests your presence, Urich," a knight peeked into the tent.

"I'll be right there."

Urich stood up and looked at Sven lying down.

"Rest up, I'll be right back."

As soon as Urich walked out of the tent, he felt the piercing gazes around him. Soldiers were whispering, and many rumors were already circulating.

"The winner of the Hamel Jousting Tournament... maybe the Order of Imperial Steel might have been a stretch because you are a barbarian but couldnt you have at least joined the Sun Warriors?" the knight escorting Urich asked.

Dont really like being tied down," Urich answered shortly. He crossed the encampment to the largest tent, guarded by well-armed soldiers.

Inside, Duke Langster sat with two armed knights standing beside him who seemed like they were ready to draw their weapons at any moment.

"Urich," Duke Langster murmured lowly. He had heard enough about Urich from his men.

'Jousting tournament champion, Armor Breaker, acquainted with the King of Porcana.'

Duke Langster knew about the shift in the Porcana monarchy and the empire's involvement in it. His mind raced, weighing the pros and cons of how to deal with Urich.

'His reputation as a warrior means little. After all, he's just a barbarian.'

No matter how big his fame was, Urich was still merely a barbarian warrior. Killing him here wouldn't disadvantage Duke Langster one bit.

'But his ties with the King of Porcana are troubling. The current king is quite pro-empire with his close relationship with the empire.'

Duke Langster watched Urich enter. Urich looked every bit the well-trained warrior. Scars on his face were like badges of honor. His rugged hands looked capable of killing a man barehanded, and his intense eyes were intimidating, almost beast-like.

'No harm in treating him well.'

There was no reason to incur Urich's wrath. Duke Langster had finished his calculations.

"I am Duke Langster, viceroy of the northern territories. How is your companion doing?"

"If hes lucky, hell live. If hes not, well then, you know.

Urich replied with a half-smile. His words were no lie. Unlucky men could die with just a single scrape, while those with luck on their side manage to survive even when their guts are spilling out of their stomach. Hence, few believe in the gods as fervently as warriors do.

"It was a necessary action. I hope there are no hard feelings," Duke Langster indicated a chair opposite him. Urich sat down, facing Duke Langster.

"We're travelers. We had no reason to be attacked by the Imperial Army."

"We'll compensate appropriately for that. But you were the one who tried to flee from an inspection."

"We're barbarians. Had you not recognized me, you'd have tortured us first, right? This army is heading to attack Mulin, after all."

Duke Langster fell silent for a moment. Urich's point was valid.

"Why linger near Mulin, knowing it's to be attacked?"

"Where I go is my freedom. I'm a free man."

"There's no guarantee you and your companion won't join Mulin in the battle."

"Two warriors joining Mulin won't change anything against the empire's might. Even if Mulin knows about the attack, can they stop it? They're just remnants of the defeated northerners."

"You speak as if you're not a northerner."

"Thats because Im not."

Duke Langster looked puzzled for a moment as his preconceived notion was shattered. After learning that Urich wasnt a northerner, he almost seemed like a southerner.

"So, I don't care what happens to Mulin. Whether it's destroyed or not is none of my concern," Urich said, looking at Duke Langster.

'But I do want to see the remains of the dragon.'

He wanted to visit Mulin before the Imperial Army's attack by any means necessary.


Urich leaned back in his chair.

"I have no interest in the Imperial Army's fight with the northerners. Id appreciate it if you could just let me go."

Duke Langster shook his head.

"I can't be certain you're not a spy for Mulin. I understand your frustration, but please bear with us for a while."

Duke Langster was cautious. No matter how advantageous, the outcomes of war were unpredictable. The fewer variables they had to worry about, the better it was.

Urich frowned. He had no intention of being held back here.

'But if I try too hard to escape, they'll think I'm a spy from Mulin.'

The reality was that it was true Urich was on his way to Mulin. It was a perfect situation to buy their suspicion.

"I'll treat you as a guest, and it wont be too bad either. Getting a good meal and a warm bed in this frozen land is tough. We will compensate your companion for his injury with gold coins."

Duke Langster declared, deciding to hold Urich until they made contact with Mulin.

I guess it is what it is. Sven will be bummed out, though.'

Urich had no intention of forcefully breaking out. The dragon's remains wouldn't disappear if he was late. He could still visit after the Imperial army's attack on Mulin.

"Alright. Just make sure there's enough food and drink."

"Good to see reason in you, Urich," Duke Langster smiled satisfactorily.

"Very well then, I think were done here."

Urich nodded and left the tent. The knight who had guided him earlier was waiting for him outside of the tent.

"I heard you fought in the Porcana civil war. Is General Ferzen really gone?"

The knight inquired cautiously. Ferzen's whereabouts were still a topic of interest among knights. His sudden disappearance sparked many rumors. Many believed he was still alive, and that he had become immortal through the blessing of Lou.

Youve become an immortal knight, Sword Demon Ferzen.'

Urich envied Ferzen in some ways. He was a warrior who achieved his life's purpose and died without regrets.

"Well..." Urich closed his eyes. Ferzen's last moments were still vivid.

Opening his eyes, Urich looked around the encampment. Many soldiers were busily moving around.

The Mulin subjugation force was over a thousand strong, a significant number for a hastily assembled force. More soldiers from northern military bases were on their way to join. Once the mobilization was complete, the attack on Mulin was going to start.


Urich noticed a group of soldiers. It was a group of about ten soldiers who were dressed as imperial soldiers, but something about their gait felt off.

Passing the group, Urich looked back. One of the soldiers also looked up at Urich, then hurriedly averted his gaze.


Urich's intuition warned him of danger. It was hard to pinpoint, but a deep unease and alien feeling signaled danger.


His fingers instinctively reached for his axe handle.


The knight leading him turned, puzzled at Urich's sudden halt.

"Something stinks," Urich muttered and walked back toward the viceroy's tent.

"The viceroy is a busy man. Your next meeting will be..."

The knight tried to dissuade Urich.

"No, not that. Don't you feel something's off? Those guys," Urich pointed at the group of soldiers. His animal-like senses were incredibly sharp, enough to be able to dodge incoming arrows.

"Eh? Aaaaah!" The knight looked where Urich pointed, then screamed. He drew his sword and rushed into the viceroys tent.

"Attack! It's a surprise attack by the enemy!"

The group of soldiers Urich had passed suddenly drew their weapons and charged toward the viceroys tent. The guards at the entrance were swiftly slain.

"Ullllgaro!" The soldiers, throwing off their helmets, shouted. They were northerners who had infiltrated the camp.

"Ooooooh!" The northerners tore through the viceroys tent and charged in. They showed no fear or hesitation, intending to kill the viceroy and die in battle.

"The Field awaits us! Brothers!"

The northerners shouted fiercely, cutting down any soldier in their path. They were formidable warriors. Their faces were deprived but they still had a remarkable frenzy in their eyes.

"Hmm, what do I do?" Urich grasped his axe, contemplating.

Various calculations ran through Urich's mind. The outcomes if the northern warriors successfully assassinated the viceroy or failed. And if he helped save the viceroy, any suspicions about Urich would be dispelled...

"Too much thinking can also be a problem," Urich chuckled, shaking his head.

"There is a battle breaking out right in front of me. As a warrior, I should fight first and think later!"

Urich walked into the tent, holding a sword in one hand and an axe in the other. The smell of blood was already overwhelming, tingling his nose. A thrilling tension exploded in his mind and soon spread throughout his entire body.

"You cheap barbarians!" Inside the tent, the battle was in full swing. Duke Langster, too, was seething with rage, roughly drawing his sword. Knights around him stepped forward to protect the duke.

"Woooooo!" The situation was on a knife-edge. The viceroys tent was in the center of the camp. The northerners who had broken in were like arrows whose only target was the viceroy. Arrows released from the bowstring couldnt turn back. A surprise attack with the readiness to die was highly effective.

'The discipline has slackened. Those barbarians disguised as our soldiers got this far without being noticed!' Duke Langster cursed, facing a northerner with his sword.

"Keugh!" He was outnumbered. Even after stabbing a northerner in the stomach, the barbarian didn't stop. Only a cut to the throat or heart could stop them. That was the terror of northern warriors, who took pride in dying on the battlefield.

"Ugh." The other knights in the tent fell to the ground.

The northerners used even the death of their comrades to press the attack. They believed their brothers would help them kill the enemy even in death. Some even stabbed through their own to kill the enemy along with them.

"We shall meet again on the Field!" A blood-soaked northerner shouted, advancing toward Duke Langster. If they delayed the job any longer, more imperial soldiers would arrive.

'I need to finish this now. This is our last chance.'

Another attack like this wasnt going to work again. The Imperial Army wasn't stupid. The fact that this attack succeeded was almost a miracle.


Duke Langster frowned. The northerner he just stabbed wasn't letting go of his sword, even as he was dying. He couldn't face the northerner unarmed, and there was nothing nearby to use as a weapon.

"Imperial, receive the wrath of the north." The northerner muttered as he strode toward Duke Langster.

'Foolish northerners.'

Duke Langster was merely a cog in the machine called the empire. There were plenty to replace him. Killing him would only increase discrimination against the northerners.

'Oh Lou...'

Langster sensed his impending death and called upon Lou.


A sound of crushing flesh echoed. Langster checked if he was in Lou's embrace.

'I'm not dead yet, then that means

Langster's eyes widened when he looked up. The northerner who was about to deliver the final blow to him had an axe buried in his head and was killed instantly from his cracked skull.


The northerner fell, revealing a sturdy man behind him. The man exuded a different feeling from the other barbarians.


Urich stood there, covered in the northerner's blood.

"It's better to wear a helmet. Otherwise, your head might split open in one blow."

Urich, who wasnt wearing a helmet himself, said to the northerner who lay lifeless on the ground. The north wind blew through the torn tent, wildly tousling Urich's hair.

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