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Chapter 573: old classmates meet

  Chapter 573 Meet old classmates

   "Cough, someone led the team to fire Squibs last year, so they dare not lead the team this year?

  That’s why you gave me the chance. Chang Hongfa couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly when he heard what Xu Shiyan said.

   Really think leading the team is a good job? This is to go out to work, not to travel, how can it be so easy?

  Besides, if a bad quarrel happens, he will be blamed. Only Chang Hongfa can understand the sadness in this.

  Xu Shiyan glanced to the side, and heard that Li Jingming from the Commercial Bureau is in the same family as Secretary Li.

   It seems that they are cousins ​​or relatives, anyway, they are related.

  Chang Hongfa just said that in front of Li Jingming, isn't it good? Are you not afraid that Li Jingming will go back and sue?

   After all, we still have to work together, so it’s too stiff, isn’t it?

   "Xiao Xu, you must work harder this year and take our county along the way.

  This time, the province has set a task amount for our county, which is $500,000 in foreign exchange earnings.

  Oh, just thinking about it gives me a headache, and I don’t know what to do. "

   Without waiting for Xu Shiyan to remind him, Chang Hongfa said again.

  Last year, the province was very upset when the Squib was fired, and this year it specially assigned a task.

  If they fail to complete the task, they will be disqualified from participating in the Spring Fair next year.

  Xu Shiyan was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect that there would be such an operation with a fixed task quota?

   "Chen Ju, what products did you bring?" Xu Shiyan didn't bother to remind Chang Hong, and turned to ask Chen Jianzhang.

  The task amount of 500,000 yuan is estimated to have to be contributed from the ginseng company.

  The products of the county pharmaceutical factory are not bad, but the product positioning is not accurate, and it is not suitable for export sales. Even if there are orders, there will not be too many.

  Chen Jianzhang also smiled wryly, "What can I have? Isn't it ginseng products?

  Red ginseng, white ginseng, vigorous ginseng, deer antler slices, what else can there be?

  Our ginseng antler company doesn't have you as a master, what kind of deep processing can we do. "

  The Spring Fair, no matter which county or city is thinking about it, but there are not many in this province who can really shine at the Spring Fair and earn millions of foreign exchange.

  After all, not all units are as capable as Yi Canchang, and can independently develop new products.

  Why doesn't Chen Jianzhang want to bring some new products?

  But didn’t Ershenchang and Quanyang Water Plant bring new products last year? How did it turn out?

  Chen Jianzhang felt that it would be better to honestly bring some traditional ginseng antler products, as much as possible to earn foreign exchange.

   At least it's not risky, and it won't make people laugh.

  Xu Shiyan really couldn't answer these words.

  Chen Jianzhang didn't ask him for any advice, and he couldn't get on the pole to help.

  Besides, with the current situation, even if Xu Shiyan helped to come up with an idea, there is no way for the county to adopt it.

  Xu Shiyan is almost too busy now, so he doesn't want to use a broken car to do those thankless things.

   Just when Xu Shiyan was hesitating about how to answer the conversation, someone patted his shoulder suddenly.

  Xu Shiyan turned his head and saw that it was Shao Yong and others.

  It turned out that Shao Yong, Jin Yongqing, Park Zhengzhe and others were all in the team for this spring fair trip.

   It's also normal. In that group of cadres' training class, except for Xu Shiyan, who is now only a field leader, everyone else has been promoted to the deputy county level.

  The Spring Fair is such a big event, which county doesn’t want to join in the fun?

  Jin Yongqing and others were entrusted with important tasks to attend the Spring Fair.

   "Oops, I haven't seen you for some time.

  You kid is too mean, you come to us if you have something to do, and you leave us behind if you have nothing to do, right?

  My place is not far from your county, so you don’t know how to ask me for a drink during Chinese New Year. "

  Shao Yong saw Xu Shiyan a few miles away, so he came directly over.

  Patting Xu Shiyan on the shoulder, he took advantage of the situation and put his arms around Xu Shiyan's neck, as if to strangle him.

   "Brother, please forgive me, I'm over this year, and I almost ate dumplings in the laboratory.

  I don’t have time to go home, so I don’t have time to find you guys for a drink. "Xu Shiyan hurriedly begged for mercy.

   Xu Shiyan's words are not false. He took the task before and led the technical department to develop new products.

  The Chinese New Year period is the busiest, and I really can’t take care of anything. I almost eat the New Year’s Eve dinner in the laboratory.

  Years later, I didn’t bother to visit relatives and friends. I was relieved until all new products were researched and passed the technical appraisal of the superior.

   "Busy man, I found out that among us, he is the busiest.

   Also, how much did their family spend last year? I heard people say that there are several million, right? "

  Jin Yongqing also came over and said with a smile.

  The story of selling ginseng seeds last fall was not only spread throughout Fusong, but also in neighboring counties.

   Especially the ginseng on-demand technology, many places have specially sent people to learn it.

  In the spring of this year, Su Anying was selected as an advanced individual, a March 8th red-banner bearer, and also won the title of Ginseng King.

  Not to mention Fusong, Su Anying's name is known everywhere where ginseng is grown.

  Others don't know the background, but Jin Yongqing and the others know that Su Anying is Xu Shiyan's daughter-in-law, and Xu Shiyan is behind her company to give advice.

   "Hey? I heard that you are going to build a microbial compound fertilizer factory and produce biological foliar fertilizer.

  It seems that the effect of the foliar fertilizer is particularly good?

  Brother, as far as our relationship is concerned, when I ask you to buy fertilizer, you must leave some for me. "

  Pu Zhengzhe also made a request to Xu Shiyan with a smile.

  Ginseng microbial compound fertilizer and biological foliar fertilizer, after two years of research and experiments by Xu Shiyan and the researchers of the Agricultural University, finally succeeded.

  Donggang Township, Yicanchang, and Xu Shiyan jointly funded and established a fertilizer factory in Donggang.

  The project has been approved by the superior department. The factory is currently under construction and is expected to be completed and put into operation this summer.

   Planting ginseng this fall will allow you to use new microbial compound fertilizers.

   "Don't worry, as long as you pay without credit, you can keep the supply of fertilizer as much as you want." Xu Shiyan deliberately joked.

  The fertilizer factory is expected to produce more than 100 tons of compound fertilizer per year, and several units have already made reservations.

  Of course, if Park Zhengzhe wants to buy it, he can definitely keep it.

   "Listen all of you, how stingy is this kid? It's as if I don't want to pay for fertilizer."

  Park Zhengzhe knew that Xu Shiyan was joking, so he laughed.

  Several students from the Agricultural University also laughed.

   "Brother, come, let me introduce a few people to you."

  Xu Shiyan smiled and called Guo Shouye over to introduce him to everyone.

   "These are all my classmates from the Agricultural University. The sales of our drinks are so good because of their help."

  Xu Shiyan took the opportunity to introduce Guo Shouye to these students.

  Multiple friends and multiple paths, the network of contacts is accumulated little by little, and it may be used someday.

   "This is my brother, my dear friend, my son's godfather.

  Currently the deputy director of Songjianghe Forestry Bureau, currently in charge of the beverage factory. "

  By saying this, Xu Shiyan is telling everyone that his relationship with Guo Shouye is unusual.

  Guo Shouye knew that Xu Shiyan's classmates were not low-status, so he hurried forward to shake hands with Shao Yong and the others.

  (end of this chapter)

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