Azimuth: The Elden Throne (New Version)

Chapter 230 Not fit to Rule

Chapter 230 Not fit to Rule





As Winthrope heard Dale's family name, he went into deep thought before looking back at him with a deep gaze.

"I am… Unfamiliar with this family, but this can be left for another time." He said with a determined look as he replied to Dale

"It is imperative we provide proper lodges to all citizens while also envisioning the future, such as determining food distribution and other basic provisions."

"It must've been difficult to properly manage the Town given the extreme environmental conditions, but it shouldn't take long to reactivate old facilities and properly distribute what everyone deserves."

"... You speak true, everyone is tired and they all deserve a proper place to rest." Dale replied after he put in some thought

'This guy seems to know what is going on and what everyone needs, but why is his way of speaking and being so awful?'

'Some people were just born to be unlikable...'

"Still, food shouldn't be a problem, the fields just South of Resko are extremely bountiful, it's just a matter of assigning the people with the ability to work on it and results should show themselves in due time."

"That I am aware, though I find it such a shame the Northern fields were consumed by sand, however, we must accept the present and forget the past." Winthrope said as he shook his head in disappointment

"Regardless, there is a particular problem with your reasoning, an issue I already raised before."

"Even if we can supply our future selves, we cannot do so in the present."

"That is not a problem either, the forest can provide in the meantime, Resko also possesses enough reserves to sustain everyone if we balance everyone's diet properly." Edimund said as he crossed his arms, laying his back on the counter

'Also, our Crops were planted over two months ago, they've already grown quite a bit and some are already about to be harvested.'

"Given the time, we should have enough months left before the rainy season starts to fall, and a few more before Winter comes, there are absolutely no issues in this department as long as we start preparing now."

"As for everyone's lodgings, Resko possesses many old establishments and homes that can be reformed into temporary accommodations as we dig through the sand."

"It would be for the best if all owed their own homes, but we cannot afford such a luxury for now."

"... Alright, so far, everything you said was something I was already aware of even before I led everyone through the old Tower."

"What I wish to know… Just what seems to be the problem here?" Dale asked out loud as his eyes sharpened

"Do you have any suggestions, now that I have the chance to ask…?"

"I'm glad you finally raised the subject. As you said, before your arrival, we had already extensively discussed this subject and arrived at a proper solution, any further exchanges would lead to nothing conclusive."

"Then what's this about?"

"Simple, I am suggesting a restructuring of the Chain of Command of the Village."

But before anyone had the time to say anything, he continued with a deep and serious expression:

"I will not look past our current conditions. As we stand, we cannot be called the Capital of the South as we were once hailed as."

"Much less a normal City, we barely even stand as a Village, so we cannot call ourselves a Town."

"And with our arrival, the previous Elder Council that stability led the Village for all this time is unsuitable to manage the recent burst of people."


"HOW ARE WE UNSUITABLE YOU SNOBBY BASTARD?!" Barme exclaimed as he slammed his fist on the counter in rage

'Why must we make so many concessions for these people?! Can't they just find a corner to stay in and stop being a bother?!'

"Do you think my words come as some form of foolish desire to rule? That we are not in fact meant to manage?"

"URG! What else could it be?!" Barme said as his temples tensed

"Must I count my reasons? Very well, I have many." He said without being flustered by Barme at all

"The First reason. The lack of proper representatives from our group."

His gaze turned to Dale.

"Young Dale, your presence greatly soothes the minds of all and your heroic spirit moved us into taking a step forward once more, for that, I cannot thank you enough."

"However, we cannot rely on a single anchor point to connect both communities together, just look at how all of you have already secluded yourselves, this can't be done nor must it remain."

"We cannot build a society like this, we can start one, but if we wish to bring prosperity for the future then we must push forward with the changes that correlate to such."

"Ninety years is more than enough time for cultures to diverge even if they originated on the same source."

"If the council remains, the… Original Citizens for a proper term will feel safe and comfortable…"

"But the 'Returning' Citizens, us, will not."

"How can we trust those we never met before to lead us into prosperity? Who will voice the rules and changes to those that work in the fields, workshops, and out there hunting in the wield?" He asked as he put his hands behind his back

"You?" He asked as he looked at Barme


Barme really wanted to punch his face but Jyter's hand on his shoulder made him reconsider his options.

"Regardless of what you think, a restructuring is necessary for both our sakes, to reduce instability and stimulate cooperation and consolidation between both parties."

"We likely won't be seeing a fusion between us for now, we may even have to wait another ninety years, but eventually what was once two shall become one again."

"That is my first reason."


Despite the spiteful words mixing in his phrases, Dale had to agree that the old

'This guy's way of speaking is getting on my nerves.' Dale thought as his temples started to tense

But he said nothing, giving him a nod, he wanted to see where he was going.

"My Second reason, your numbers."

"For a Village of 100, a small group of 5 or so wise individuals is enough to lead everyone."

"But what if we raise that number to 5000?"

"This leads to the Third reason. Your time."

He looked at Barme once more.

"Where should a Smith of ambition be?"

"What? What does this have to do with…"

"Do you wish to 'waste' every single one of your days listening to suggestions and complaints from the Citizens?"


"Or would you prefer to remain at your workshop, only leaving every once in a while to request materials?"

"Do you wish to be the one handling at the top, or would you prefer to maximize your time working on what you were meant and trained to be?"


"This leads to the Fourth reason, Skill."

"I'm not saying you are unskillful, do not misinterpret my words."

"What I'm saying is that, between wasting the time you studied and trained to be on something you know little of, leave it to the people that are already aware of what should be done."

"Patterns, behavior, meetings, development, information gathering, information interpretation, and much more."

"I studied to manage, not to fight, not to create, much less to farm. My body is feeble but my mind is strong, that is what I am, everything I wanted to be and shall aspire to surpass."

"You could exert your rights as an Elder due to how little inconveniences there were in your previous life, but now, will you be able to exert them at the same pace?"

"With 5000 people willing to have their point across, will you have the time to listen to them all and properly give them a reply, contact the people that can help them resolve the problem, implying you memorized who they were, and then finally, after a day of hard work, go back to your forge to exert the same amount of effort you were previously dedicating to your craft?"


"That's right, you cannot, neither anyone can as time flows only for itself and not for anyone else."

"You don't need to say it, your expressions already say it all, you were already bothered by how things were before. No... Some of you were already aware of this issue."

"We can have people fill individual roles and significantly cut the time and effort it would take for the Manager to do his work, but then, who should you contact? Who is fitting for each role? Would you be able to name 50 individuals to fill all the staff necessary for Resko to properly run without issues?"

"From the Original Citizens, apart from a few that decided to pursue their own crafts, most dedicated their time to the Fields, not because they were talented at it but because they needed it to survive."

"We were no different, we adapted to our conditions, but now, it is time to give everyone the chance to pursue what they should be, and this is a priority given our precarious situation."

"We must make the most out of everyone but how can you do so when you barely know any of them in the first place?"


Barme's expression had already turned dark, he had no more words to give.

"My Fifth reason…"

"Enough, I could hear your ramblings from three streets away Winthrope."

"Give your throat and our ears a rest already." Someone said as they opened the doors to the Guild

"... So you're here." Winthrope replied as he adjusted his glasses

"I apologize for the late arrival, allow me to speak for a moment, I won't waste everyone's time." Sarferato said with a large smile as he stepped into the Guild Hall


'This must be where the real discussion will take place.' Dale thought as he looked at Sarferato

How this would end and who would take control of Resko, Dale didn't know, but Winthrope words had already taken root in his head.

He wasn't wrong, but that didn't mean he was right either.

What were his true intentions, was he filled with righteousness and good will as he made them believe?

Or was he just trying to get his hands on something that wasn't his?





This was a hard chapter to write, my feeble mind could not catch up with these ideas.

I hope you enjoyed it, I'm trying my hardest to not add one dimensional characters but actually trying to give them more dimensions and reasons to be what they are.

That's all, have a wonderful day, peace.

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