Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting

Chapter 236 Working Alone [1]

I slowly opened my eyes as the consciousness hit back. When my vision cleared, I saw that the view before me was not the same as what it was when I blacked out.

The trees were moving along with the scenery and I felt as if someone was holding me on their back. Which turned out to be the case and I came to know it when my mind was working again.

I didn't know where I was, or whom I was with; just that I was being carried by someone during the time I was unconscious.

Naturally, I reacted on instincts to defend myself. I wrapped my arms around the person's neck tightly and obstructed his legs with mine. This caused him to fall forward on the ground. Next, I quickly grabbed hold of both of his hands and bended them behind his back, immobilizing him.

I sat over him and bend his hands even more, at that time he let out a scream. The voiced seemed a bit familiar.

"Stop! What the hell are you doing?!" this one was even more familiar.

I turned behind to see that it was Ellyn, standing alongside with Anya. After that it didn't took me long to realize who was I sitting on. Leon.

"Ah, ouch. Ehh, it hurts. Don't bend my arm anymore," he grumbled. I noticed that I was still bending his arm and was a few moment away to break it. I instantly let go of it and stood up.

"I'm sorry. It was on instincts, I didn't know it was you," I said as I offered my arm and helped him stand up.

"Oh, no, It's fine really, nothing to worry about. I was just a little surprised, that's all," Leon stated as he dusted the dirt off his clothes.

[I don't know whether he's insulting here or he just too dumb to realize his words are sarcastic.]

'Honestly, I'm not sure either. But judging from his personality I believe it's the latter.'

Thta was when something occurred to me. Even if it was not something serious and he would've been able to break free of my grip, but I did immobilize him for a while.

And I didn't feel an ounce of pain.

I looked all over my body and saw that all the injuries I'd gained were gone, they had been recovered. Although my uniform was still a mess, I was no longer covered in blood and painted with wounds. Even the chunks of flesh that the wolves had bit out were recovered.

"How are my injuries gone?" I asked. But I was just playing the part and taking the conversation how it was supposed to go. I already knew the answer. Leon had healed me with the help of the high-quality questions he got from his system.

"You should be grateful to Leon for that, he's the one who healed you," Anya said as she walked close.

"Really? I mean, I believe those were some pretty bad wounds. But thank you," I said to Leon.

"Don't mention it. I just did what was needed to be done," he replied as he scratched his head and looked away.

'Cringe,' I thought.

If you don't know, he was getting embarrassed right now. Yeah, that's how you get embarrassed; totally natural.

"How did you guys found me though? I was in a pretty dense part of the forest," I inquired.

It's true. The area where I'd passed out was away from the main track that led to the mountains. It was around night too—no, I think I saw the sun rising when I was to lose concussions. Anyway, that wasn't a place where many students might go just at the first day until they were deliberately headed there.

"Leon was the one who found you," said Ellyn. "We were headed for the mountains but he said that 'he fell like something's going on' and then rushed over in your direction. Yet what he gets for helping you out is…"

"Okay, okay, I get it, and I apologized for that. Plus I said it was on instincts!"

"Humph," she closed her eyes and turned her head in another direction.

All I could do was let out a sigh. But well, not everything was bad. And I could now guess how their were able to find me in such isolated space.

Leon along with Ellyn and Anya was headed toward the mountains just like in the novel and they were supposed to reach there by morning—around the time I passed out. Leon was able to find all the hidden tasks so easily because his system detected the mana that the hidden task items—or magic crystals—were radiating.

So it's pretty easy to figure out the rest. Leon was in the area where I'd passed out and he found out my exact location since his system detected the magic crystal I was carrying.

That was theory that made the most sense.

"Zero. I think you said that you won't get into anymore trouble. Then what was this?" Anya asked. Her tone was a bit sharp, but not the bad type of sharp.

"Ahhhh…" I honestly didn't know what to say to her. "I'm sorry," I guess. "I didn't really had a choice. It was a kill or be killed situation; I couldn't have avoided the fight even if I wanted to. Or would you have preferred me dead?"

She looked away, her expression was still didn't seem like she was convinced.

"Still, I looked at the bodies of those horned wolves. You'd given them a pretty good beating, even I wouldn't have been able to do that," Leon interjected.

I can't believe this guy. How can he say such a clear lie with a straight face like that.

[You aren't the one to say.]

'My lies are at least, believable.'

[Well, I can't argue with that. But that isn't the case every times. Sometimes even you sound ridiculous.]

"Anyway, I should probably leave now," I said. "I'm fine now, so it shouldn't be a problem."

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