Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 5 (6)

Book 6: Chapter 5 (6)

Academic City (3rd)

In the tallest tower of the centre in Academy City, on one of its countless floors were several rooms used to host important visitors to the city. A confrontation between a male and female student was happening outside of these rooms and one of the guests staying there had just become involved.

My timing was near perfect after watching the two of them for a few minutes. I was able to interject myself into the confrontation just as I wanted. No, thats not true. I was late. I didnt expect Pi-chan to resort to violence so quickly and leave the JC in a pool of blood on the floor.

I guess it would be more accurate to say I was barely in time. Im sorry, JC.

Ossandid yous-stop his magic with your arm?

I uncrossed my arms and used my recovery magic on the JC.

Pain, pain, fly away.

A magic circle formed beneath her and a new foot grew from her severed ankle.

Eh? Wham-my footmy foot.

She looked completely at a loss as she glanced between her new foot and me.

All the while, Pi-chans loathsome glare remained locked on me.

Another noble, this time one that belongs to the powerful FitzClarence faction. Your equipment must be quite powerful to deflect my magic from this distance. Even in a situation where I should hold all the power, the one with the money wins out due to no skill of his own. What else should I expect of this corrupt world?

Care to give me a try?

Bring it on! You damn noble born whos never had to suck on a penis!

What a powerful line. Im still not sure if Pi-chan is gay or not. I suppose I can think of it as Schrodingers Pi-chan. If the penis is in Pi-chans mouth, but you cant see it, is it really in there at all? (TN: this doesnt make sense, but I thought it was funny)

A shockwave erupted towards me.

I took the blow head on but made sure not to block it with my arms this time. I must look even cooler this time.

The concussive force slammed into my chest before quickly dispersing into the air. The remnant of Pi-chans shockwave turned into a gentle breeze that fluttered the hair and clothing of those around me.

It definitely hurt but not so bad that I couldnt hide the pain.


Let me know when youre ready to get serious.

D-Damn you!

My confidence was building and I felt calm enough to provoke Pi-chan even further.

Pi-chan responded by unleashing a torrent of magic.

I didnt really feel scared when it was just gusts of wind rushing toward me, but now hes throwing in flames and lightning. Those are two things that humans are naturally scared of, but I cant allow myself to show that fear. This is my chance to show off my cool side.

It took everything I had to resist covering my face with my hands. Instead, I stuck my hands in my pockets and tried to look disinterested. Despite the high intimidation factor, the damage his attacks actually did was minimal and I didnt even need to use recovery magic.

My body had become more durable. Its unfortunate, however, that my clothing doesnt level up with me.

I lost a set of clothes yesterday in my fight with the tentacled slug and now Ive lost a second. Each set was traditional nobleman clothing that Richard had prepared for me before I left the capital. I was concerned with dressing the part that I didnt even think about what I was wearing before throwing myself into these dangerous fights.

Theyre definitely expensive and I should be sure to reflect on that when I get the time.

Im happy that I salvaged those magic stones from the sky pirates.


The torrent of magical attacks ended and Pi-chan was bent over, panting, and with both hands on his knees.

He must have used up his MP.

I recognize the reaction having experienced it myself.


M-Monsteryou damn monster.

Its bad enough being called a monster by the Kimoronge, but Id rather avoid it becoming common among humans. I should put an end to this now before it can become a trend. This should be enough for Pi-chan to realize he shouldnt hurt the JC or anyone else for fear of what I might do.

This is why I allowed him to hit me with so many of his attacks. Now, I know shell be safe. This made me realize why the yakuza and other thugs are so obsessed with the idea of mento. Put such powerful fear into those around you that they would never dare oppose you.

It definitely has nothing to do with my desire to show off my son to the JC and Drill-chan whos still watching from our hiding spot.

Is it my turn?

I took a step toward Pi-chan to cement my victory.

This simple action caused a stronger reaction than I was expecting.

Waitjust wait a second! Fine, Ill suck it! Ill suck it!

Please, stop.

Hes serious about this too. Considering my clothes have been shredded and my son is on full display for all to see, I wonder if his words and my appearance are giving the wrong impression to the others gathered in the hall.

no thanks, Im good.

Just give my mouth a try! You can use it as much as you please! Professor Bus always told me how good it felt! He said my hole was the best in the world! He said it was a perfectly tight hole!


Hes been trained how best to please Professor Bus. I dont want to think or hear about that. I have a feeling that no matter how Pi-chans life turns out, hell never be able to completely remove the Professors meat rod from his mind.

In a sense, things are going as I wanted. Pi-chan quickly realized the difference in our power and didnt hesitate to give up. However, his version of giving up involves turning submissive and begging to please me. This is unfortunate. A strong fight scene needs a competent enemy and clothes that dont tear so easily.

Its unfortunate, but even my magic cant heal the mental wounds youve suffered.


I took another step closer, causing Pi-chans face to grow paler.

His reaction was different this time. He raised his wand to the throats of the bullies and shouted,

D-Dont come any closer! If you take another step, Ill kill them!

I was expecting this.

Its time to put my plan into action.

Doris-san, if youd please lend a hand!

Drill-chan made her appearance from her hiding spot further down the hallway.

Shortly after, her voice filled the corridor.

You finally know your place! Gerosu, take care of this!

My Masters orders are absolute!

The Kimoronge moved in response to the big-breasted lolis command.

The Kimoronge is skilled in spatial magic that even the noble mage is impressed with. In an instant, the three bullies vanished from Pi-chans reach and reappeared near Drill-chan.

Whwhat just happened?

Even the magically accomplished PI-chan couldnt comprehend what happened.

I recognize the confusion on his face. Ive experienced it myself several times when dealing with the Kimoronge.

Theres nothing left for you to hide behind.


I have no intention of punishing you. Im surrounded by people of questionable morals and many of them have done terrible things. All that I ask is that you stop hurting others and you never threaten any of my friends or acquaintances again. I will allow you to leave her if you promise me this.

Including Richard, there are at least a few people around me that have likely killed multiple people. Actually, if I consider how protective he is of Ester-chan, its almost a guarantee that at least he has killed several people. I suppose thats the way a world like this works.

I hope that can change in Dragon City. A righteous loligon government.

What do you say?


I guess hes taking my threat seriously.

With one last cry, Pi-chan turned and fled down the hallway.

Good choice.

Drill-chan watched him run before turning to me and saying,

Do you think it was a good idea to let him go?

After everything I learned about his past, it was a hard decision.

As naive as ever. Its going to lead to your death one day.

Ill worry about that day when it comes.

Should a man that just needed my help be acting so cocky?

you make me sound weak when you put it that way.

Still, I dont hate that side of you. Its the reason Im still alive.

If you want me to tease you, Ill tease you all you want.

I-Im just trying to say, be careful who you save. You never know if theyll be the next one to try to kill you.

Ill be careful.

I guess my involvement in this matter is over.

I might not be punishing Pi-chan, but Academy City might have different ideas. Theyre conducting their own investigation, and theres a chance theyll find out Pi-chans involvement and capture him before he can flee the city. If hes fast, he might be able to leave the city before they figure it out. It all depends on Pi-chans actions.

I was dragged into this issue unwillingly and now Ill happily let it resolve itself without my involvement.

It would be a simple task for me to punish Pi-chan myself. However, one-sidedly doling out punishment to a student of Academy City could lead to suspicions falling on me. The investigation should discover Pi-chans involvement and theyll know whos truly responsible for the attack. He may be able to escape or he might be captured. Whatever the result, Ill be happy to no longer be involved.

Imagine if a rumour spread through this city that a foreign ambassador killed or harmed a student of the school. It would be similar to a US soldier serving in Japan harming a Japanese citizen. The story would be front-page news. This is my best course of action after carefully weighing the risks and benefits.

I cant be sure that Richards name can protect me on a global level.

Global is scary, global is scary.

Still, I can at least tell Professor Bus what I know.

Y-You did great, Gerosu! Now that simpleton owes me a favour! This is huge! I dont think this day can get any better!

Yes, Master! Thank you for your kind words!

Now that Pi-chan was gone, the atmosphere in the hall lightened.

I could overhear Drill-chan saying something that worried me, but I ignored her for now and approached the JC.

Aufschnaiter-san, may I ask you a question?

W-What is it!?

The brave hero turned to face me as her shoulders trembled from fear.

Her eyes briefly flicked down to this busamens exposed son. Im sorry there is a naked ossan approaching you. But, my appearance cant be helped and I need to talk to you. It has nothing to do with me liking you staring at my son.

Im sorry again. That was a lie.

You really are an Aufschnaiter. You were so cool.

The JC was doing her best to save me and protect her bullies. She was doing it without realizing she had an audience. Shes the real hero.

She risked her life to protect three people that have done nothing but torment and harass her. I wouldve abandoned them if I was in her position. I would have done anything to save someone I care for but I wouldnt have the courage to do the same for a stranger or someone I hate.

I-Isnt that obvious by now? I always look cool.

I called you a coward before and I wanted to tell you I now realize I was wrong. Id like to take it back and apologize. You were cool and incredibly brave. You risked your life to save me and the others. Thank you.


Please, accept my apology and know that I will try to repay your kindness later.

The more I spoke, the darker a shade of crimson the JCs face turned.

Shes as honest a person as Ester-chan.

I want to experience a lovey-dovey chat with a wonderful girl like her.

Im sorry to leave so abruptly, but I think its better to leave quickly seeing as Im dressed like this. Please, return to your room and get some rest, Aufschnaiter-san. I may have been able to heal your body, but the mental wounds you suffered will take longer to mend.

It was a brief interaction, but I was too embarrassed to continue.

I was naked and the JC wouldnt stop looking.

I quickly turned away to escape the JCs curious gaze.

Ah, oi.

Ill be there for your presentation tomorrow.

Wait a second! Oi! O-Ossan!

I wanted to keep talking with her, however, the cool air filling the hallway was dangerous for my son. Besides, I could only see it ending badly if someone were to witness a naked ambassador of a foreign country standing over a student of the academy.

I escaped into the safety of my room.

I left Drill-chan and the masochist demon outside without saying goodbye and hid my naked shame in my room.

However, after opening the door, I was stopped by Goggoru-chan and Edita Sensei waiting on the other side. They must have been watching the scene unfold through a crack in the door, similar to how Drill-chan and I were watching from around the corner.

As I opened the door, the pair silently stepped aside and allowed me to enter.


I feel like this might become a habit.


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