Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 5 (3)

Book 6: Chapter 5 (3)

Academic City (3rd)

Just as I was about to get Professor Journals group to leave, we were suddenly greeted by a pair of new guests to my lively living room.

One of these figures quickly greeted the room with a voice that, only moments ago, had been muffled by my front door.

I knew it. You were in here all along!

Drill-chan is in my living room.

And, right next to her, was the Kimoronge. He must have used his spatial magic to teleport inside. Im not sure what the range is on his teleportation magic, but a dozen meters or so is nothing for him. What a useful servant.

Hmm, spatial magic?

Professor Journal was the first to react to their sudden appearance.

The Hero of the East and West nearly leapt from the sofa when the sadomasochist pair suddenly appeared in front of them. Their heavy armour made a clattering sound. That noise was loud enough to make me jump, so if the two of you could please refrain from doing that Id appreciate it.

The big-breasted loli ignored the two Heroes entirely.

Oooooooooohohohoho! Youre a thousand years too young to ignore me!

Doris-san, please dont come in without my permission.

Whats up with you? First, Liz wont talk to me and now you! I thought we were supposed to be friends!


Shes here because she has nobody else to talk to.

If it was just the two of us here, Id happily talk with her for the next thousand or even million years. However, with everyone here, this couldnt be a worse time. Not to mention Goggoru-chan is here.

Fortunately, shes far enough away from us that she cant use her ability on any of us. If she could, a battle between her and the masochist demon may have started. Im starting to sweat through my shirt.

Isnt it the duty of a servant to correct their master when they do something as rude as intruding into someones home?

Be quiet, Im simply obeying my Masters orders.


These two are never easy to deal with.

When its one or the other, I can handle them, but together theyre impossible.

The Hero of the West looked at the strange exchange between us before looking back at the Kimoronge then at Drill-chan.

Im sorry, have we met somewhere before, Ambassador of the Pussy Republic?

I dont typically associate with commoners.

R-Really? My mistake.

Thats good. They dont recognize the masochist demon when hes in disguise.

His horns were retracted, the color of his hair changed, and he was wearing noble clothing. The Kimoronge was in full noble mode. Hes definitely more fitting of the image of a typical noble than me. Not to mention that the association with the words ambassador and Pussy Republic made it hard to believe that he could actually be the same high demon.

In the Hero of the Wests mind, theres no way this person could be the same demon that cut him in half and nearly killed him.

With one final goodbye, the party of three left my room.


No one invited her here or allowed her in, but Drill-chan is casually sitting on my sofa; the same sofa that the Heroes of the East and West and Professor Journal were sitting on moments ago. Her loyal follower, the Kimoronge, stood at her side.

Im sorry about this, Doris-san, but I have other important business that I need to take care of today, so if this isnt something urgent, can we do this another day?

I still have to finalize the details of the JCs report. The JC herself will be here soon Im sure. I cant let Drill-chans boredom get in the way of my competition with Ester-chan.

Actually, what I should be more worried about is Goggoru-chan.

Ara~a? Nobodys ever said that to me before.

What can I say? Im a busy man.

If Drill-chan was here alone, Id ask her to join us to help with the presentation tomorrow. However, thats not possible with the Kimoronge here as well.

I can only blame my low LUC for this.

Aah, thats not right. I cant keep blaming my LUC for everything.

If both Liz and you wont entertain me, what am I supposed to do?

Fine, I get it. Then, would you like to accompany me for a little while?

I just need to entertain her for a while and get the Kimoronge away from Goggoru-chan.

I could already see him glancing back and forth between me and her. If I dont get him out of here quickly, it could lead to trouble. Ive threatened him in the past with my fireballs, so I doubt hell do anything if I can get him out of here quickly.

Ara? Are you okay with that?

Youre servant can come with. You dont mind, right?

I dont mind. What about you, Gerosu?

Of course Ill come. I cant stand this human, but Ill always be by your side.

Thank you. Now, lets head out.

My emergency evacuation is a success.

Im going to keep you away from Goggoru-chan.

O-OI! If youre heading out, Im coming with!

Im sorry, Edita-san, but I need you to stay here until I get back.

But, w-we still need to get ready for tomorrow.

Rocoroco-san can help you with anything you need. Im sorry for leaving all the work to you, but it would be great if you could finalize everything before I get back. Im counting on you.

Hmm, y-you are? Still.

Ill only be gone for a little while.

fine. Do whatever you want.

Thank you.

Sensei pouted a little bit, but I got her permission to leave in the end.


The three of us walked down the hall for a little while before Drill-chan asked about what we were doing.

Are we going to the library for more research?

I managed to get them out of my room, but I had no idea what to do now.

I cant tell them this, but Drill-chan did offer me a good excuse I can use. I can take this chance to do some more research on hair regrowing potions.

If you dont want to, we can go somewhere else.

I dont mind, but what are you researching?

That, Im afraid, is a secret.

Human, are you refusing to answer my Masters questions?

Its a private matter.

Does it have anything to do with curing baldness?


How does Drill-chan know about that?

Maybe the Heal Ive been using in the morning has become ineffective or maybe that fight against the tentacled slug caused excessive stress that led to me losing even more hair. I was desperate to check by touching the area myself, but that would be the same as admitting my worries.

I maintained my composure and kept a straight face.

What do you mean?

A sly smile spread across Drill-chans face.

She must have noticed the bald spot.

Ara~a? So that is what youve been researching.

I dont know what youre talking about.

Really? Thats too bad. Ive heard of a recipe that cures baldness.


Drill-chan stopped walking and turned to me.

Naturally, I stopped as well.

I had to turn to face her where she had stopped a few steps back.

If you dont need it, theres no point talking about it anymore. Someone with such a rich, full head of hair wouldnt need something like that, right? It would even be disrespectful to you if I were to suggest that you might want a hair growth potion. It might cause a diplomatic incident. Right?


How humiliating.

It feels good.

It feels so good being humiliated by Drill-chan. Ive finally got a taste of the pleasures that the Kimoronge gets to enjoy every day. I had to resist the urge to kneel down and start licking her foot.

Shes a virgin after all.

Its like opening a new toy that nobody has ever touched before.


Aa~n, I just remembered, I actually have something else to do~

Drill-chan turned on her heel and started walking away.

I cant miss this chance.

Wait. Do you actually know a recipe?

Ara~n? Do you think Id lie?

You havent shown any evidence to prove you actually know of one.

But, I thought your hair was growing just fine. You dont need anything that regrows hair? Unless.


Is something wrong?

Her eyes narrowed as a sly grin spread across her face. I swear I saw a shimmer flash across her eyes. I realize that I have no choice but to play along with her as she torments me. Its not all bad. Ive already experienced what its like for humiliation to turn to pleasure.

Yes, I have some concern over a certain issue Im having with my hair.

Is it a disease? What kind of disease exactly? Im afraid I cant help unless you tell me in detail.

its about the thinning of my hair.

This is the sadist side of Drill-chan.

I could feel a strange tingle run through my groin as I imagined what shed do to me. I want her to reverse rape me. No, she doesnt need to go that far. She could just step on me through my pants. I want her to crush my balls.

I also cant forget that she still has a hymen. Theres nothing I can do to resist her.

Hmm? I guess I can tell you.

You will?

One of the ingredients youll need is the root of the Juregui sedge.

I see, Juregui sedge.

I have no idea what that is.

Even so, Ill act like I do.

I dont know if shell tell me more if I show how little I know about this world. What if thats what I want? Maybe shell humiliate me more if I show her my ignorance.

Damn it. Im caught between two minds.

What do you think? An ingredient like that could lead to the hair regrowth you desire, right?

It certainly is.

As she talked about something I wasnt paying attention to, Drill-chans large breasts swayed side-to-side. The painful urge to lose my virginity was pushed to its limit while I watched her. Im not sure Ill be able to hold myself back. I want to know what it feels like to break the hymen of a sadistic big-breasted loli with drills for hair.

I assume Ill receive adequate compensation for this information?

Of course.

And Im not necessarily talking about money.


I was thinking of a payment thats less monetary in a sense. Yes, how about we start with you licking my feet.

My time has come.

My reward from the land of sadists.


I need an answer.

And you promise that youll tell me once Ive done it? I need your word.

Of course, Ill tell you everything you want to know. I wouldnt lie.

Yes. This is it.

Every word that Drill-chan spoke sent a tingle through my groin.

I want her to ride me for three hours and twenty-nine minutes in cowgirl position.

I agree.

You agree? I think Ill need to hear the exact terms that were agreeing to.

After we return to the Penny Empire, I will act as your servant in place of Gerosu-san for three days. Now, will you please tell me what you know?

I actually said it.

Its out in the open.

It didnt take long before I was hit with her patented ohoho.


An ear shattering ohoho.

The tingling that had become ever present in my groin now resonated throughout my body.

Thats good! Very good! This is what Ive been waiting for! I have so many things in mind for you, ooooooohohohohoho!


Im glad shes happy.

Im ecstatic.

Youve already agreed to it now! Theres no turning back!

Yes, I understand.

M-Master, thats going too far!

The Kimoronges monopoly on his masters sadism was being threatened which caused him to speak up.

However, Drill-chan was in no mood to listen.

Be quiet! Dont you understand that Ill be able to do whatever I want to him!? I cant think of anything more enjoyable than that! Ah, theres just so much I want to do that I dont even know where to start. My hearts racing just thinking about it! I hope this meeting end quickly so we can return home!


Drill-chan was enraptured by the sadistic ideas filling her mind.

In complete contrast, this was the first time Id seen true sadness on the Kimoronges face.

This was the one thing he actually cared about.

Now its time to keep your promise.

You think Id fall for that? Ill gladly tell you once weve returned to the Penny Empire. Im not going to tell you everything now and have you weasel out of our agreement. Ill never allow it!

You promise?

Oooooooohohohohoho, its a promise, ooooohohohohohoho!

I dont think Ive ever seen Drill-chan so excited.

The unstoppable momentum of Drill-chans swaying breasts hinted at a second chance for my wasted youth.

The library will have to wait.


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