Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 3 (7)

Book 6: Chapter 3 (7)

Academic City (1st)

Goggoru-chan and Edita Sensei were still waiting for me in my room.

Goggoru-chan was lazily lounging on my bed. From my view from the doorway, I could see slightly up her skirt; not far enough to see her panties, but still a nice view of her thick brown thighs.

She is one of the view sources of panty shots I have now that Edita Sensei has closed her legs to me. However, I may have plenty of chances to see her upper thighs, the exact colour of her panties still remains a mystery to me. She possesses an impregnable mini-skirt.

Goggoru-chan would occasionally roll to one side or the other, rubbing her brown skin against my sheets. Shes rubbing it so much. Im sure her smell will cling to my sheets. I cant wait to go to bed tonight and not get any sleep.

are you not planning on telling us what happened?

R-Right, of course.

Goggoru-chan read my mind and snapped me out of my fantasy.

After being prompted by the chocololi, I explained the situation to Edita Sensei. I told both of them that Drill-chan and the masochist demon were here. I also told them that Allen and Ester-chan were here to attend the meeting.

I see.

Thank you for understanding the situation so quickly.

Goggoru-chans ability is handy for situations like this. Her ability allows her to perfectly understand me without the need for me to go into detail. She would just silently nod as I explained everything that happened.

Viva la cool kid.

Edita Sensei had the exact opposite reaction I was hoping for.

That noblewoman is here? I should go say hi to her.

She hopped up from the sofa.

If I recall correctly, Sophia-chan told me that Ester-chan and Sensei have a friendly relationship. Ive never heard anything from either of them to confirm this, but Senseis willingness to go see her would suggest this.

However, its not quite that simple.

The masochist demon being here is dangerous enough, but Ester-chan would have forgotten about Edita Sensei too.

I dont plan on going into detail, but Ill tell her enough to understand whats going on.

I see. I didnt know that happened.


Sadly, Sensei was not lying around like Goggoru-chan. Rather, she was sitting on the sofa, going over her manuscript. This manuscript was the same one I had read a few days prior. She must be planning on finishing it during our trip.

So, she doesnt remember anything about you either, does she?

She has lost all of her memories going back a few months.


Sensei looked disappointed.

Maybe she was closer to Ester-chan than I thought.

S-So, what are you planning on doing about it?

What do you mean?

What do you mean what do I mean? Should you be wasting time like this? I know she doesnt remember anything about you, but that doesnt mean theres no way of bringing those memories back. If you want, Ill do everything I can to help you.

Is she talking about curing the lolibitch and bringing her obsession with me back?

If thats so, then I dont want that.

I would have to decline your offer. If we were successful, nobody would be happy.


Ester-chan has the best chance of happiness being by Allen-sans side.

I know how Allen feels about her and, despite what he said to me, this works out the best for everyone. Now, all he needs to do is prove his worth to Richard and he can have everything he wants. Im sure I could even get Sophie-chans dead to help as well.

The lower half of his body may have a perverted mind, but he has a good character. Hes also skilled and has become vice-captain of the Order of knights at such a young age. He has the trust of his companions, hes handsome, and well-groomed. Even a man like me has to acknowledge how perfect he is.

and youre okay with that?


Even after everything thats happened? Just think about all that youve done for that girl.

Effort and struggle holds no meaning to anyone but yourself.

Ones own satisfaction is most important.

So, please, just leave things as they are.

If I fail to get rid of Ester-chan here, I dont think another opportunity will prevent itself. This is a wonderful opportunity. The day that Ive been waiting for since this all started has finally arrived.

But, I thought y-youliked that girl. Dont you?

You thought I liked Ester-san?

Y-Yeah. You two always spent so much time together.

I cant deny that.

However, that was due to Ester-chan always clinging to me. There has been a hundred or maybe even two hundred perfect opportunities for me to pounce and make my move on her, but I have always been able to resist thanks to the power of my virginity.

Looking back on all of those times now, its really a bunch of missed opportunities. I didnt need to have sex with her, but I could have at least groped her.

No, our relationship was nothing like that. I merely had a lot of respect for her as a person.

Eh? R-Really? Y-Youre sure? Youre not just lying to me, right?

No, Im telling you the truth.

That Ester-chan is now a thing of the past.

I thought one last time about her smile and acknowledged that Id never see that person again.

Goodbye, Ester-chan.

If youre the one saying that, then Im not going to do anything to force you.

Thank you.

Edita Sensei sat back down on the sofa, although she looked far from convinced. Still, I know that she will be true to her word. Sensei is a woman of her word.

So, my focus returned to my bed.

Or, to be more accurate, to the hem of Goggoru-chans skirt in the hopes of catching a glimpse of her panties.

Senseis panties were widely available before, but Goggoru-chans are a much rarer specimen.

But, the challenge is worth the reward.

The whole situation has tired me out, so Im going to lie down for a while.

I made up an excuse to sit down on the bed where Goggoru-chan was lying. I closed the distance between me and my target and sat down on the edge of the bed. I gave a fake stretch to sell my lie before lying back on the sheets.

The bed in the guest room was large, around the size of a queen bed. Even with Goggoru-chan lying on one side, there was still enough room for another person to lie down. My plan was to lie down alongside Goggoru-chan and keep the lower half of her body in the corner of my eye.

Goggoru-chan rolled over so she was parallel to the pillows.

If she is the grown bamboo, then I am a bamboo shoot.

I slid down so my feet rested on the floor and only my back was on the sheets.

The universe is truly on my side. My head was now positioned perfectly next to Goggoru-chans hips.

I looked to the side without moving my head and only a few centimetres to my side, I could clearly see the chocololis toned thighs fully exposed beneath her mini-skirt. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life and I had to stop myself from diving in head first.

Considering how close we are, she can easily read my mind and know exactly what Im thinking.

But I dont mind.

I embraced it and kept staring.

Goggoru-chans brown thighs are within arms reach.

My heart had taken a lot of damage after that encounter with Ester-chan, but these thighs could heal any mental wound. Can you please just wrap those thighs around my Asian head? Squeeze, squeeze. I want your calves to rest on my neck.

Just as I was really getting into it, my thoughts were interrupted.


Edita Senseis voice.

Simultaneously, I heard the rustling of papers. She was looking over her manuscript and must have knocked over a stack of papers. It sounded like a sizable amount. An amount large enough to make it hard to put them back in the correct order.

Excuse me, one of my pages flew over there. Can you grab them for me?

And I was still trying to enjoy these chocolate thighs.

It cant be helped.

I have a responsibility to come to the rescue of my Sensei when called on.

I quickly got up off of the bed.

what is this?

The living room where Edita Sensei sat and the bedroom I was in were connected directly and the bed and sofa were not far apart. Just as my thick sensei said, a page of her manuscript had flown over to the side of the bed, but there were also several other sheets of paper nearby.

I guess she lost a few more pages than she thought.

Ill gather them quickly so I can get back to ogling the chocololis thighs.

It was as I was thinking this that I noticed Sensei shifting in her seat.

She was picking up pages that had fallen at her feet. To do this, she spread her legs wide, and with her thighs spread out, she reached down to the ground to pick up the pages.

Due to this action, her tightly closed legs were now wide open and her thighs were fully exposed. Her panties were also in full view.

Panty shot alert. Panty shot alert. This is not a test. Code black.

I could see everything. I could even see a vertical slit in the middle of her panties.

The panty shot shop that had sadly closed down in Kalis had now suddenly opened up shop here in Academy City.

Beneath the table in front of the sofa, her legs were spread wide open without any attempt to hide her most sensitive parts. I can even see the small bumps on the inside of her thighs. Even though I have no idea what those are called, I love them.

Here you go.

R-Right! Thank you.

I pretended to remain calm as I handed over the papers.

Even as I approached her, Edita Senseis legs remained open. As a combo to this, her large blue eyes fluttered as I walked up to her and she stared up at me. Due to the height difference this would be the so-called upturned eyes.

theres one more thing Id like you to do for me.

Eh? Oh, sure. What is it?

I almost lost myself in her eyes.

I quickly averted my gaze to a non-specific point in the room.

I didnt want her to notice how captivated I was by her.

Id like to finalize the binding on our book, but I need to rent the facilities necessary. Having a noble with me would make the process easier.

Of course. We should be making use of the spare time we have.

Y-Yeah, thats right.

We didnt have much free time once we arrived in Kalis before we left for Academy City. Sensei probably hasnt had any time to properly work on her book. Bringing the manuscript along meant that she planned on getting work done on it while were here.

We should start by speaking with Peacock-san.

Sensei is a good person. She gave me my reward of seeing her panties before even asking me for help even though I wouldve happily accepted without any reward. This level of generosity makes me want to have her by my side for the rest of my life. After all, if its high-quality panty shots Im after, Sensei is the number one supplier. Edita Sensei brand panty shots, a brand you can trust.

The best part about it was her asking me to pick up her pages so she could get me in position for the reward. Its like roleplaying.

If Im picking up something on the floor near her, it cant be helped that I saw her panties.

Of course, theres only one answer.

Thank you!

Im excited to see what the finished book will look like. Should we go now?

A-Are you sure? You looked tired on the bed there.

Dont worry about me. Helping you is more important anyway.

Goggoru-chans thighs will still be there. Either way, her skin is so dark that its hard to catch a glimpse of her panties due to the shadows created by her skirt. I never even got a chance to see her panties. Weve been spending a lot of time together the last few days and this has given me countless opportunities to worship her thighs from the most rare angles.

This is where Sensei will always win out. A pure white skinned loli that wears black panties.

R-Really!? Then, Ill be relying on you!

You can count on me.

I gave her a confident nod.

But, then, I noticed an overwhelming pressure.

Its a feeling Ive grown used to in recent days. I turned my attention to who I knew would be the source. I saw Goggoru-chan sitting up on the bed staring directly at me. The chocololi sat upright with her toned thighs fully exposed beneath the hem of her skirt.

would you like to come with, Rocoroco-san?

Lets go.

Sure. The three of us can go together.

She gave an immediate reply.

This damn lonely loli.


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