Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 3 (1)

Book 6: Chapter 3 (1)

Academic City (1st)

Just as planned, we arrived safely in Academy City.

Thanks to the few days spent among the clouds, I got to experience an ordinary life filled with exercise and casual conversation. Maybe its just my imagination, but I think this short sky vacation has helped re-energize me. Now, I can go back to work with a newfound passion.

We crossed the deck and descended down onto the dock of Academy City.

This place is quite extravagant.

It might even put Kalis, the capital of the Penny Empire, to shame.

I was told the building where the meeting was to be held was one of the most well-reputed in Academy City. It may be something comparable to Roppongi Hills in Tokyo. The dock we landed at was very high up on the building and the view from so high up was breathtaking.

We landed not long after dawn.

Watching people get started with their days from so far up was fascinating.

The capital of Kalis has no specific layout to its streets. Buildings were most likely built as they were needed as the city grew. Academy City, however, was clearly planned and had a more modern grid layout. Both of these cities are old, but there was a clear difference between the planning behind them.


I glanced over at the small elf beside me and noticed she was making a strange face.

Is she seasick?

I didnt notice anything while we were on the airship.

Edita-san, are you alright?

Hm? Huh, w-what!?

Nothing. You just dont look like youre feeling well.

O-Of course not! Im fine, completely fine!

Really? I hope so.

Maybe she has bad memories of Academy City. I hope thats not the case. It was her idea to accompany me, so I doubt thats the reason. And I dont think pressing the issue further is a good idea.

As I was admiring the view, someone called out from behind me.

Representative from the Penny Empire, Ive been assigned to escort you. Please, right this way.

It seems that our tour guide has arrived.

We followed the guide from the dock into the building.


We descended from the port, following after our guide down a series of stairs as he explained what would take place. It seemed the meeting itself was not scheduled to begin for some time. All of the representatives were slowly trickling in, but with so many people arriving from all over the world, it would take a while to get them situated.

For now, those that arrived early were left to wait for the rest.

We were provided with a room and told we could do as we like with our free time.

The room here in Academy City doesnt quite match up to the one I saw in the FitzClarence mansion. However, thats not to say that it isnt fancy. A room of this quality in modern day japan would cost millions of yen a night. All of the wooden furniture was polished to the point of sparkling and was completely mesmerizing to a lower class person who was used to plywood furniture.

When I sat down on the sofa, I sank down into it and felt like my entire body was being enveloped in a warm embrace. I never want to stand up again.

Umm, Edita-san?

What is it?

Currently, everyone was gathered in the living room of the room given to me. Both Goggoru-chan and Edita Sensei were given their own rooms, but theyre currently in mine.

If possible, Id like to learn a little more about this city.

Hm? Is this the first time youve been here?

Yes, Im embarrassed to say I dont know much about many other countries.


I spoke to my plump, loli sensei that sat opposite me on a separate sofa.

Goggoru-chan was sitting off on her own in the corner of the room. I asked her why she was doing it and she told me she didnt want to make Edita Sensei uncomfortable. This is just my own interpretation, but I think Goggoru-chan is starting to care for Sensei.

Okay, Ill tell you everything I know.

Thank you.

She looked to get excited just by the idea of teaching.

However, the glorious panty shot that would have been presented to me in the past was nowhere to be seen. No matter how much I wait and watch, even though weve been close together over the last several days, I have received no blessing.

Thats not to say there havent been opportunities. Chance glimpses of her panties and amazing butt when shes walking up the stairs. I was able to enjoy the full view of her backside. However, the frontal view that seemed to be so willingly offered in the past has now been nonexistent.

I guess were not close enough for the town panchira shop to reopen just yet.

If you want to learn about Academy City, a good place to start would be its geography.

Sensei cleared her throat before continuing.

The city can be divided into five sections: the east, west, north, south, and the where we currently are, the center. It has a similar layout to the city you build, so Im sure it will feel familiar to you.

I see.

This city was definitely planned beforehand.

Befitting of the name Academy City, there is research being done here at all times of the year. This is not strictly limited to magic as in the Royal Academy in Kalis, but also into language and mathematics. Everything about this city is dedicated to academics.

I see.

This place doesnt seem so different from the larger universities Im familiar with.

Im sure the scale is much larger, but the purpose remains the same.

A nobleman from another country like you should focus on the power dynamic between the various factions of the city. There isnt a caste system here as there is in the Penny Empire, but a hierarchy still exists. Ranks like professor, associate professor, and so on.

I see.

No matter where you are in the world, humanity loves to place each other in ranks.

Starting from where we currently are, the Centre holds the greatest power. The so-called elite reside here. The Centre is in charge of managing the city and the central governing body can also be found here.

I see.

I think I say I see a lot.

I might want to consider expanding my vocabulary.

The power rankings from here go as follows: East, West, North, and South. The Centre always holds the greatest amount of power, but the rest tend to fluctuate with the times. How successful their respective research is or the personal power of the registered members all play a part.

Oh, really.

The last time I was here, the West and East were near the top while the North and South were on equal footing.  However, these rankings dont change that often. Based off past trends in this city, Id say the power rankings change every few decades.

Similar to minor wars between noble houses.


Im surprised how much Edita Sensei knows about this city.

I wonder how many times shes been here in the past.

I know I mentioned earlier that the research and study isnt restricted to magic, but that is still the primary focus here. The leaders of each faction are also those considered to have the most success in their respective fields.

At this moment, Sensei lifted her thigh slightly as if getting ready to cross them.

She suddenly stopped as if she realized something and quietly returned her thighs to their original place.

Thanks to this slight movement, I was able to catch a brief glimpse of the treasure hidden within. It was as if a black jewel was revealed within the white depths of her firm body. It is the sacred treasure of procreation that humanity has desperately chased after since the beginning of time. It is a universal language that smashes through all language barriers.


Has Sensei finally noticed what shes been doing?

Shes trying her best to break her habit of exposing herself.

In addition to everything else noted, theres also research being conducted here in the centre into items considered to be more of a fad. Items like the Elixir of Youth youve been trying to make yourself or the creation of synthetic magic stones.

Those items are considered fads?

Intense research is done into them periodically before interest inevitably wanes from lack of progress. Im not sure how many people have taken up the challenge in the past, but I know that only one person managed to make something tangible. He vanished shortly after and left only a few items beyond that could give an idea of what he had created. Naturally, nobody has been able to successfully replicate his success.

Thats too bad.

The creation I made on my own was little more than a rejuvenating bath bomb. It must be a hard field to make progress in. Id like to dedicate my life to creating such a potion, but right now its hard enough for me to take time off from my regular duties to take a vacation.

I need to focus on the work ahead of me for now and consider taking a long vacation when I get back.

There arent any laws that state such research must only be conducted by those in the Centre. Researchers are permitted to do whatever they want, whenever they want to do it. However, funding and the facilities required are the real issue.

What research is normally done outside of the centre?



I know of someone working on a way to manipulate the shape of your favorite spell, fireball.

That sounds rather artistic.

I dont know. That sounds like a humanities course at a low ranked university.

Still, as long as you can give out legitimate degrees and can bring in enough students, its a decent way to make a living. I have a dream that I can open such a low quality university and live life easily doing pointless research.

Well, you never know what research might prove to be useful. Its much better to continue your efforts on something that may not work out rather than sitting around doing nothing trying to think of something better. Its happened countless times before where a particular field of research believed to be useless managed to produce something powerful.

I can agree with that.

Oh, Sensei is pretty open-minded.

What she just said sounded really cool.

Now I feel bad.

Im ashamed of myself for comparing some of the researchers to an F-ranked university.

You have time to take a look and experience the city for yourself. In this city, people use every opportunity they can to present the results of their research. Even if you are new to this city, there are many places you can go to see new discoveries. That being said, the greatest discoveries will be presented behind closed doors to those with the right qualifications.

That sounds interesting.

Right? Its been a long time since I was last here so Im getting excited.

She looked serious when we landed in the city, but that smile on her face is genuine. I hope shes starting to feel better after what happened on the airship. Id be happy to hear it if she was.

If its okay with you, could you show me around the city?

O-Of course! Ill show you all there is to see!

Thank you Edita-san. It will be a great help.

Ill tell you everything you need to know so you can explore the city with confidence!


My sensei has a motherly side to her. I think she would make a good wife if she were to ever get married. Thats huge points in the book of an old virgin like me.

Some day, Id like to see her wearing a naked apron and showing me her pussy in the kitchen. Naturally, this image of my blonde thick thighed loli Sensei popped into my mind. I could still remember the image of her exposed body when she was unconscious in the basement of her atelier.

Goggoru-chan suddenly stood up as these thoughts ran through my mind.

Is something wrong, Goggoru-san?

its nothing.

Areare you reading my mind?

The noble mage said her range was limited to the length of a spear.

He said it aloud for all to hear.

Im sure he knew what he was talking about. Right, Goggoru-chan?



I have no clue what to think.


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