Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1242: 1214 Stomach Magic

Chapter 1242 1214. The magic power of the stomach pouch

 Tissaya, who will be strong but is weak due to the world environment, will be put aside for the time being.

 Lan En joined the team studying [Mist Nest Lord].

The craftsmen who had been waiting in the outer workshop area for a long time quickly began to build simple floor slabs.

 Because of the 40-meter-long Dino Tyrannosaurus, even if the body was lying on its side and collapsed, it would still be seven or eight meters thick.

 If researchers want to get in touch with the other side, they must use tools to climb up and down.

 So next to the body of [Mist Nest Master], the first thing to start was engineering work.

 The arena looks more like a construction site than a research site.

 But researchers from all walks of life are very accustomed to it.

After all, for those who have been studying monsters in this world for a long time, the larger the monster, the greater the complexity of the research, and the research site becomes more like a construction site.

Lan En took the lead in using the projectile hook on the arm armor to cling to the body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and successfully found the familiar wound that he had made.

After digging around for a while, he took the cone-shaped crystal in his hand and put it back into the alchemy leather bag on his waist.

The 'construction site' has been under construction for about twenty minutes. The craftsmen in the workshop area are indeed elites.

They are not only familiar with weapon production, but they have also generally had experience cooperating with the Longli Academy and the Scriveners Team before coming to the New World.

 Hence, it is clear how to construct research equipment.

 The scholars and researchers had already impatiently rushed to the simple floor and began to write and draw around the body of [Mist Nest Lord] in their notebooks.

 “Why do you grow so big?”

 The director of the Institute of Ecology sighed with trembling emotion.

“It’s amazing that the short-lived Tyrannosaurus rex could grow to this size. Although I was excited to see this special individual, I felt uncomfortable when I thought about how much it destroyed the ecological environment to reach this point.”

 The researchers began to measure the specific body dimensions of [Mist Nest Master] from top to bottom, and collected a small number of samples from various parts of its body for archiving.

Tisaya's magic pressed all the chaotic magic power that was originally scattered on [Mist Nest Lord] into the body. Even if the opening was broken, the chaotic magic power would not pour out, but would still be trapped in the body tissue and would not interact with it. External things are involved.

So it’s no problem to use the knife or get started.

 Lan En was noncommittal about the sentiments of the director of the Institute of Ecology.

"I suggest you cut open its stomach pouch and study it first. That's where the curse mainly takes effect."

The witcher suggested it from a professional perspective, and also because the stomach pouch of the Tyrannosaurus Rex was one of the powerful organs that he valued very much.

“It can absorb the nutrients of the creatures killed by the cursed mist monster out of thin air and complete the digestion. This also causes its hunting range to expand to small creatures.”

"Let me do it. If there is no problem with the stomach pouch, the key part where the curse gathers, then other parts will not be a problem."

“At that time, break it into small pieces and scatter them to let nature degrade, or see if you can make several sets of equipment.”

Douding'er, the old man from the dragon tribe nodded in agreement, raised his head tremblingly and patted Lan En's leg.

“It makes sense, it makes sense, come on, let’s go to the front of it and operate on its abdominal cavity.”

As he said that, the old man couldn't wait to take the lead, stepping on the "thumping" simple floor slabs, and headed towards the direction surrounding the front of [Mist Nest Master].

 A group of excited and curious researchers were busy jumping up and down on the huge corpse.

 At this time, the researcher has no director or monitor in his eyes.

Everyone is excited about this unprecedentedly large dinosaur tyrannosaurus.

Generally speaking, the body length of ancient dragons such as Flame King Dragon and Nergigant is basically controlled between 20 meters and 22 meters.

This is the ideal size for their locomotion and ecological habits.

It is also the size that is most suitable for exerting their combat effectiveness. Any larger will make them bulky.

 As for large ancient dragons, the Hunter Guild's division set the standard at a body length of thirty-five meters or more.

 Although it seems that the body length standard has only been increased by ten meters, the size of living creatures is calculated in cubic terms.

 The increase in body length of ten meters is also a huge increase in cubic times when converted into volume!

The average body length of African elephants and the average body length of lions are almost twice the same, but when they stand together, the size relationship between them can only be said to be very obvious.

As for the super large ancient dragons that go higher up, they are at the level of Laoshan Dragon and Snake King Dragon. It is impossible to count them at all, and perhaps it is impossible to estimate an upper limit.

No matter what, the 40-meter-long body length of [Mist Nest Master] Dino Tyrannosaurus is considered extraordinary no matter where it is placed.

Lan En and his group came to the front, and the demon hunter went up, tied a thick rope to the relatively short and thin forelimbs of the Dino Tyrannosaurus, and then threw it behind the body.

Wend and Little Jack caught it on the other side, pulled it back hard, and then tied the rope to the fixed stake.

This action forces the two forelimbs of the corpse to spread outward, exposing the front of the chest.

The two researchers bared their teeth and struggled to bring over a long knife that was large in size but had a thin and delicate blade that was even sharp enough to be fragile.

 Lan En took off his gloves and arm armor, flexed his fingers, and after improving his awareness of the muscles, he grabbed the extra-large scalpel with a very steady hand.

This is a knife prepared for dissecting and studying large monsters, and it comes with several spare blades. In order to ensure a smooth and neat cut, the durability of the blade can only be sacrificed.

At this time, although the researchers were reluctant to stay away, there was already a circle around Lan En.

 This is to ensure that [Mist Nest Master]'s stomach sac, the most evil place, will not hurt laymen when it is cut open.

After taking the special scalpel, Lan tilted his head left and right, allowing himself to fully observe the current position of [Mist Nest Master] and the expected location of the knife.

 “Mentos, start surgical positioning assistance.”

"Deploying. The deployment is completed. In addition, I have chosen the most secure set of seven solutions, which has been uploaded as anatomy suggestions. Please review, sir."

The biochemical intelligence brain was debugged by Lan En, and the accentful voice explained it in an orderly manner.

 After looking at the corner of his retina for a minute, Lan already roughly understood the solution provided by Mentos.

At the same time, in his field of vision, the biochemical intelligence brain also provided a bone direction and muscle distribution map on the image of the [Mist Nest Lord] corpse for reference.

 With the assistance of biochemical intelligence brain, basically the whole process of surgery can be maintained with clear and smooth thinking.

With the sound of the blade cutting into the flesh, with a smooth texture, Lan En explored the depths of the [Mist Nest Lord]'s body under the eager gaze of many researchers and scholars.

 The dark green tough skin is covered with blood scabs and dirt, which are all traces of the crazy predatory remnants of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

 Going deeper, you will see the strong muscles that have expanded crazily due to the soaring metabolism of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

 Fortunately, it was already dead at this time, and these muscles were in a state of paralysis rather than tension. Otherwise, the sharp but fragile blade would probably wear out faster, even under the control of Lan En's knife skills.

“I am currently bypassing its abdominal vascular network. This area is no different from that of a normal T. rex. Next, I need to find its stomach pouch along the way.”

While making a **** stab, Lan En introduced his thoughts to the scholars and researchers behind him without moving his eyes, so that they could record and analyze it.

Finally, while groping inward, almost letting Lan put his entire arm and the large scalpel in, he touched the target.

Since Tissaya's magic to block the magic of Chaos was cast, the roaring bear head pendant around the demon hunter's neck jumped for the first time.

 The stomach pouch is indeed the strong point of [Mist Nest Lord]'s chaotic magic that is twisted into a curse.

“Give me a hook and I’ll pull out its stomach. It’s too deep in here!”

Lan En shouted without looking back, and a long-handled surgical hook as thick as a crowbar was quickly handed over from behind.

 Fortunately, the biological vitality of the New World has always been incredibly strong.

Monsters captured by hunters are usually treated in this way by researchers from the Institute of Ecology. After dissection and study, they are released into the wild, and there is no problem at all.

 The damage caused by an autopsy was like a sleepless night.

 Hence, the tools used to dissect monsters here have always been of this style.

And [Mist Nest Master] is simply a corpse that needs to be disposed of harmlessly, so there is no need to be careful.

The blood stings, and it also carries the stench and fishy smell of internal organs.

  Lan pulled the hook and pulled the stomach pouch from deep in the chest to near the opening, exposing it.

After being shriveled and contracted, the stomach pouch, which is still about the size of a person, looks strong and tough, and is spontaneously glowing with a magical light.

However, scholars who were bold and moved closer due to curiosity discovered keenly that they did not feel any inexplicable discomfort.

 This shows that the magic power is still locked.


The old man from the dragon tribe, Dou Ding'er, was trembling as if he was about to lose his breath and pass.

 “Take it off! Save it for research!”

The connection between the huge stomach pouch and the inside of the body was cut off by Lann. He rolled up the extremely stretchable stomach pouch and placed it in the organ storage box placed nearby.

The stomach of [Mist Nest Master] seems to be extremely empty, which is why it has shrunk like this.

Does this mean that the amount of meat, protein and fat that was ‘hunted’ by the cursed mist demon was not ‘transmitted’ into its stomach by the curse?

Rather, it was directly converted into magic power and then transmitted remotely? That's why the stomach looked like it had been empty for a long time.

 After all, the magic power of Chaos takes up less space than a solid piece of meat, and it cannot support such a big stomach.

Lan En thought as he pinched the large piece of folded meat on his stomach with his fingers.

  And that is to say.

The witcher's amber cat eyes flashed with thought.

 He raised his eyes and looked at the dire tyrannosaurus he had killed, its dim yellow eyes.

Has it evolved to the point where it can not only use the stomach pouch to digest material nutrients, but also can even directly digest magic power?

 Horrid creature.

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