Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1188: 1170 ‘Natural Disaster’

Chapter 1188 1170. ‘Natural Disaster’

"Then do you think I care about other people's eyes?"

Lan En tilted his head and asked silently, while Triss laughed and shrugged on the horse.

Her laughter always makes Lan En feel elusive, but it is undeniable that Triss is a little more cute amid the enchantment of the sorceress.

The sorceress dismounted and handed her mare to a soldier passing behind her without looking back.

Although the road to the floating port is rugged and difficult, at least it passes by the edge of the Mahakam Mountains, so there is still a way.

But if you want to go deep into the mountains to see it on the ground, then humans can cover much more ground than horses.

Triss didn’t report it to anyone else or notify anything.

Her identity as a sorceress was already met with resistance in Duke Elland's team, and no one wanted to contact her because everyone knew Siward's position.

But she is indeed a magic consultant sent by Foltest, and due to political considerations, she must be treated accordingly.

So she is actually in an awkward position in the team now.

Triss and Lan En stood together after dismounting. They stopped and were quickly left behind by the convoy that continued to advance.

Seeing the team drifting away, Lan En raised his hand and touched the magic ring on it.

Triss raised her eyebrows happily because she made the ring.

And a rustling sound of tree branches and leaves came from the heights of the nearby rocks. A large, pale-maned feline head, and the Elu cat on the head, looked out from the shrubs growing high up. come out.

"Hello, meow!"


It's the unicorn and the flannel ball.

Lan En led Triss up with his claws and sat on Qilin's strong back.

"Has this horn been trimmed?" Triss, who was sitting in front of Lan En, curiously touched the broken horn of Qilin. "Such neat knife work."

Qilin snorted in displeasure, shook his head, and turned to look at Lan En, but the arc did not come out.

Its current broken horn is growing much faster than last time, and today only one-third of the tip is still intact.

The ability to control the thunder has also become much more stable.

"Please point me in the direction." Lan En first stuffed a piece of special ration into Qilin's mouth, and then pulled its mane to turn it around. He said to Triss.

"Where is the incident area?"

"Deep in the Mahakam Mountains, we have to go south first." Triss seemed to have a plan in mind and arranged it skillfully.

At the same time, her eyes closed, and the strange feeling of chaotic magic began to spread.

The necklace on the witcher's chest began to dance.

This is when she releases her sense of the magic of chaos.

Lan En nodded, patted Qilin's neck again, and was ready to set off.

"It must be at least thirty kilometers deep into the mountains. Although the abnormal range is spreading, it is still..."

Triss closed her eyes and added to Lan En what she had sensed before.

But as soon as she finished speaking, the sorceress’s eyes, which had been closed calmly, suddenly opened!


The suspicious tone and eyes made Lan En feel nervous.

But his tone was still calm and steady. The more abnormal it was, the more rational he had to be.

"Did you sense what happened?"

".Twenty kilometers."


Triss herself blinked and said in a daze.

"That area expanded ten kilometers toward the Pontal Valley overnight!"

"." The demon hunter's face became slightly serious, "Triss, open a shield in front of us first."

"When Qilin runs, the soft branches and leaves in these mountains will turn into thorny whips at the speed. My [Quen's Seal] cannot last twenty kilometers."

"oh oh!"

The sorceress also became completely serious at this time. After a brief spell, a magic shield appeared in front of Qilin's horse.

Gu Long also immediately started running at Lan En's signal.

The horse with a white background and blue thunder patterns, even if it suppressed its speed enough to carry people, it immediately turned into a lightning in the vast Mahakam Mountains!

Gu Long's strong body refused to dodge, and whether it was a fragile shrub or a century-old tree blocking the road, it was nothing more than a handful of debris in front of Qilin's head-down collision.

These debris are insignificant to the ancient dragon's body, but on an ordinary person, they are enough to scrape off a layer of skin.

Immediately afterwards, the flying debris hit the magic shield, causing a wave of insignificant ripples.

In order to overcome the inertia, Linbuqiu clenched his small tiger teeth and put his small paws on Lan En's shoulders.

The unicorn began to move at high speed through the mountains.

When traveling in the mountains, moving five kilometers in a straight line in one day is considered outstanding.

Twenty kilometers away from the outer edge of the mountain range in a straight line is indeed considered the range of 'deep mountains'.

But a distance that expanded by ten kilometers overnight could not be considered a 'safe buffer' at all.

"Is this expansion speed abnormal?" Don't worry about Qilin's running ability. Lan En asked Triss while giving directions, "Or was it expanding like this some time ago?" "How is that possible?!" Triss stretched her hand forward to maintain the protective shield of chaos magic. At the same time, there was still unquenchable surprise in his tone.

"If it expands ten kilometers overnight, then since this anomaly was discovered, it would be time to cross the Pontal Valley and enter the Kestrel Mountains!"

In other words, did the expansion speed suddenly increase, or the expansion direction change?

Lan En's brain was running rapidly, and Mentos helped organize his thoughts.

Two possibilities immediately emerged.

I don’t know which one it is, but no matter what, I can’t escape the question: it must have been affected by something.

Otherwise, a person with convulsions would suddenly become like this?

"The direction has been generally determined."

Lan En said calmly.

After Triss adjusted the direction and pointed the way several times, Mentos, who had obtained enough data, had established a permanent coordinate position in Lan En's mind.

Now he can guide Qilin to the target.

"I have other things I need you for now, Triss."

"To spread out the concentrated perception, I don't need to focus on one place as a guide. I now need to know the general area that this thing passes through."

"I can't do it!" Triss said with difficulty with her eyes closed, "The chaos magic in the Mahakam Mountains is now a mess!"

"Just a rough outline. I just want an outline."

Lan En's calm tone made Triss, who was a little flustered, also be affected. She took a deep breath and nodded.

She had been here for many days, and she was already aware of the spread of the abnormal area, so she could relax beforehand.

Because according to her predictions, it will take some time for this thing to cover the Pontal Valley.

But when I opened my eyes today, I was almost touching the edge of the Pontal Valley!

Amidst the howling wind caused by the speed of the unicorn, the biochemical brain in Lan En's brain was running at high speed.

The newly completed blood reconstruction has filled the blood throughout his body with huge amounts of nutrients. While supplying the super organs throughout his body, Mentos also feels that the blood supply to his brain is as good as a fish in water.

"Sir, based on the roughness of the trajectory map that Miss Tris may provide, and with our on-site investigation, I am confident that we can complete the trajectory calculation within half an hour to an hour."

The biochemical intelligence brain's mission report made the demon hunter nod slightly.

"Over to you, Mentos."

"The duty lies, sir."

After some exchanges, the first location sensed by Triss was already in front of her at the speed of Qilin.

Lan En quickly turned over and dismounted, and the velvet ball jumped onto his shoulders, used it as a step to slow down, and then landed deftly on the ground.

"Triss, you are outside. If you are within range, the more chaotic chaos magic will make it more difficult for you to sense the trajectory."

Lan En stretched out his hand to help the sorceress down, then turned to Qilin and nodded.

They have been getting along for a long time, and many times they can understand what the other person means even without using the variant [Yaxi Seal].

This noble horse nodded towards Lan En.

With this ancient dragon around, even if the coercion of the ancient dragon is not released, the strong electrostatic field released unconsciously is enough to keep many poisonous insects and sensitive creatures away under the pressure.


Coercion away from expulsion. No living creatures

A series of associations flashed through Lan En's mind, causing him to frown slightly and have new guesses about this matter.

But because there was still too little information, he kept this speculation in his heart for the time being.

The demon hunter lowered his head and nodded at his Ellu cat friend, and the flannel ball gave an imposing 'meow' sound.

Then he followed Lan En and walked into the dense forest in the mountains.

The rocks on the ground were mixed with soil and tree roots, which was bad and uneven.

Just walking normally on it requires several times the concentration as usual to keep your feet from spraining and stand firm.

This is one of the reasons why climbing can feel tiring.

Fortunately, Lan En and Fengbuqiu are both accomplished masters in practicing [Light Body Breathing Technique], so simple terrain rarely stumps them.

The kitten jumped and followed Lan En's long stride.

Logically speaking, the dense forests in the mountains should be so dense that they never see the light of day.

Especially now that spring is approaching summer, not autumn or winter when leaves fall.

But when Lan En and Velvet Ball walked deeper for less than five minutes, a ray of sunlight shone through the leaves and fell on the faces of Lan En and the kitten.

They both looked at each other, their expressions serious.

Sure enough, they just walked a dozen steps further.

"This is.?"

The flannel ball trotted forward a few steps on all fours and spoke with his mouth open.

In front of us, a large piece of dense forest that should have stretched far away along the mountain has now become a pile of waste wood!

These tough and long-lived trees were easily broken, and some of the wood was so excellent and tough that it could be seen that it broke after being bent to the extreme.

The roots of the tree are still in place, but the thick trunk has jumped fifty meters away! Then another tree was crushed.

Such a large forest should be able to stop even small-scale landslides by consolidating the resilience and ability of water and soil.

But now this huge and ancient forest is like a naughty kid sweeping across an area with a wooden stick and breaking the reeds everywhere.

This doesn't seem like deliberate 'sabotage', more like...

"Act of God."

Lan En glanced around the flannel ball, frowned and said the word.

(End of chapter)

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