Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1183: 1165 Debate Discussion

Chapter 1183 1165. Debate Discussion

 The people around them were like flies, cursing the inhuman race, which made Lan En and Saskia frown unconsciously.

If it was just for this attack, Lan En didn't have much idea.

After all, the Scoia'tael do what they do, and it is true that they destroy important livelihood facilities and kill innocent humans.

However, the attacks carried out by the Scoia'tael are linked to the so-called "innate bad nature" of the inhuman race and "the lack of gratitude and integrity in the race".

This kind of illogical and random remarks made Lan En feel disgusted.

When they landed in the boat and walked to the ferry, they found that many people were already engaged in cleaning up the sunken ships in the river.

Lan En waved his hand behind him, and Lincoln led the rest of the Ember Knights to help with the work.

The sunken ship didn't look big, but because it was in an unnatural position after it sank, it posed a considerable threat to ships passing by.

The mast is still sticking out of the river.

You really have to clean it up before you can go there.

Then, amid the busy ferry crossing with people coming and going, Lan En, Fluffy Ball, and Sakia walked inside.

This is already the second facility Lan has entered that has been attacked by the Scoia'tael.

It can be seen that the security environment in Temeria is deteriorating rapidly.

Although bandits were rampant before, it was not unusual for a number of people to die on the road. But now even the official facilities where sergeants are stationed have been breached, which has a huge impact on public security and prestige.

The sergeant who had boarded the boat to ask for people walked ahead of Lan En. The bandage on his body was bleeding. Because of his injury, he did not have to do the work of cleaning the river.

"Those were the people who died in the attack."

The sergeant stretched out his hand and pointed to a temporary thatched roof arbor set up outside the wooden sentry box.

There were eight or nine corpses covered with white cloth, canvas or something.

"Three are Scoia'tael and the rest are our people."

The wooden boards on the ground were covered with mud and the ground was very wet.

The wooden planks made a "squeaking" sound when being stepped on, and muddy water was squeezed upward from the gaps from time to time.

The flannel ball always lifts its legs habitually when walking on it, and then kicks back to shake the water.

This place is originally a mudflat next to the river, and coupled with the recent fighting, it has become even more muddy and chaotic.

People and horses were neighing, and there was shouting and busyness everywhere. The sergeant led Lan En and the others outside the wooden sentry box and pointed inside.

"You guys go in, the person in charge is inside, just talk to him if you have anything to say."

The witcher nodded and the group entered.

In the dark and smoke-smelling sentry box, there was a lively conversation.

A bald knight, wearing sleeveless mail and a blue coat with the coat of arms of the Principality of Elland printed on it, seemed to be the leader of this group of soldiers.

He was shouting at two businessmen in the room.

The original toll collector of the ferry, his head wrapped in several bandages but still bleeding, was sitting quietly but with a gloomy expression.

He didn't know whether he was just watching the excitement, or the injury on his head had damaged his nerves, causing him to be in an uncontrollable daze.

"I said, no! Are your ears broken?"

The knight dropped his fist on the table. The table seemed to be falling apart. Several charge sheets popped out of the drawer.

"I told you, there are also Scoia'tael in the Pontar Valley ahead! And they are even more rampant! They have massacred several villages in the mountains, and no one survived!"

"But we have been detained here for several days!" A businessman, who kept wiping sweat with a handkerchief and wore a disk-like cloth hat, cried out.

"Especially today! If you didn't come quickly and we hid well, the Scoia'tael's knife would have been stained with my blood!"

Another businessman with his wallet hanging around his neck also said: "And every day the goods are hoarded, the value is depreciating, and the investment is increasing. Our business cannot sustain it!"

"That's none of my business." The knight said arrogantly, throwing his leather gloves on the table. "Anyway, in the Pontal Valley ahead, Duke Siward is mobilizing troops to completely eradicate the Scoia'tael entrenched there. ”

"In order to prevent you from causing trouble, no one can come over until this is over. Hey, Sergeant, who did you bring here?"

The sergeant who didn't want to enter the door poked his head in and responded.

"No, sir. These are the soldiers on the ship chartered by the Duke. They came here to hear what's going on."

At this time, a hearty smile appeared on the knight's face, looking at Lan En and Sachia who almost blocked the door.

"It looks like you have good skills, but it's a pity that you have to go into the river valley, otherwise I really want you to deal with the Scoia'tael here together."

He has completely different attitudes towards warriors and businessmen. It seems that he prefers to communicate with brave people.

But when he finally talked about the Scoia'tael, his face turned sour again.

"I heard you say before that the Scoia'tael are causing trouble in the valley? Is this true? Why do they do this?"

Sakia took a step forward and asked the knight a little strangely. The closer we get to the river valley, the harder it is to hide this matter. this is normal.

But even Aunt Nannik didn't know the specific situation, but a knight here said categorically that 'the chaos in the valley comes from the Scoia'tael'.

The knight still had that unquestionable expression.

"Of course it's them, or who else? Unseen monsters? Don't be ridiculous, ma'am. This world is not a fairy tale book."

"As for why? Everyone knows that the Scoia'tael want every human being to die. They are already notorious. Destroying the river valley can damage all the four northern countries. Isn't that enough?"

Seemingly surprised that Saskia's words contained so little understanding of the Scoia'tael, the knight continued.

"Since the war with Nilfgaard began, the first batch of Scoia'tael have already appeared. These despicable inhuman races are simply adding insult to injury!"

"We fought life and death with the black dogs of Nilfgaard on the front line, and they fought guerrillas with our supply troops behind. They must have thought that the Nilfgaardians could defeat us, so they preached that human rule was over. , the world will restore its old order."

The knight waved his hand angrily.

"'Drive humanity back into the sea', this is their battle cry and also their excuse for robbery, murder and arson!"

When the knight spoke, Lan En's reaction was quick, and the flannel ball was also very smart.

The knight in front of him showed his distrust and disgust towards inhuman races.

So relying on his size and cloak, Lan En simply blocked the flannel ball.

The kitten himself was very smart and did not go in. Instead, he stayed outside the door of the sentry box to avoid causing trouble.

It really couldn't understand why the humans in this world couldn't be like the New World where it was located.

Wouldn’t it be good for humans and other intelligent races to work together and coexist peacefully?

Obviously if everyone works together, we can do a lot of things that we couldn't do before!

Detel, the plundering tribe in their valley, has become much better than before after getting in touch with the New World Survey Team and cooperating with each other.

Fluffy Ball scratched his ears with his little paws in confusion.

In the guard box, there were also people who objected to the knight's statement.

"This is your fault, your problem."

The businessman wiped his sweat with a handkerchief, but the sweat seemed to increase more and more.

"It's you, and other nobles and knights! You oppressed the inhuman race, didn't let them live their own lives, and made trouble for no reason. Now retribution has come. And we have been transporting goods in this area, and we have never had anything to do with them. connection."

"That's right." The businessman with the money bag hanging around his neck also agreed, "The Scoia'tael are no more vicious than the thieves and water bandits that usually run rampant on the trade roads, but who will the elves deal with first? Those thieves and water bandits!"

"But I don't care if the person who hid in the bushes and shot me through the heart with an arrow was an elf or a bandit!" The toll collector who had been sitting in the corner in a daze suddenly said viciously.

His dirty fingers pointed at the gauze on his forehead that was still bleeding.

"The same goes for the iron-clad wooden stick that almost opened my mouth. Does it make any difference in whose hand it was hit on my head?"

"Sir, you said that the Scoia'tael are similar to the Scoia'tael? That's a big mistake! The Scoia'tael only want money, but the Scoia'tael only want to see human beings bleed!"

"Not all of us have money, but all of us have blood in our veins!"

He first said to the businessman with the money bag hanging around his neck, and then turned to look at the businessman with the handkerchief.

"Also, you said this is a problem between nobles and knights, which is even more stupid!"

"There is another toll collector lying in the charnel house outside us. Elsewhere in Temeria, there are tar workers who were chopped into pieces in the beech woods, and farmers who escaped after their villages were burned down. They did it What's wrong with the non-human race?"

"I have never done anything sorry to them in my life, but not long ago a dwarf jumped up and tried to smash my head!"

The topics that were originally on the surface are gradually moving into deeper levels through the conversations between several people who have experienced it and knowledgeable and thoughtful people present.

Lan En himself didn't say a word and just listened. Because the topics these people talked about have already been thought about in his mind, and they have even gone deeper.

But Sakia in front of Lan En. Obviously, except for the book she discussed with Lan En last time, she has not thought deeply about reality a few times.

He was frowning at the moment, but it could be seen that he was trying to keep his mind up with the progress of the discussion.

With a "bang" sound, the shaky table in the center of the room was hammered hard again.

After knocking on the table, the bald knight in a blue coat loudly praised the toll collector.

"You're so right! They want to see human beings bleed, and they don't care whether the blood is noble or low!"

"We indulged them too much before, trusting and treating them as human beings. As a result, our tolerance led to betrayal! I dare to guarantee with my life that it must be the Nilfgaardians who are funding them and delivering weapons and equipment to these barbaric elves and dwarves. !”

"But another story."

The bald knight's tone deepened.

"Actually, the real help the Scoia'tael has come from is around us—the elves, half-elves, dwarves, and halflings who are still living a normal life!"

"They harbor the Scoia'tael, send them supplies and intelligence, and even replenish their manpower!"

(End of chapter)

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