Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1177: 1159 possibilities

Chapter 1177 1159. Possibility

After explaining to Lan En what they knew so far, Aunt Nannik left alone.

She is the chief priest of this temple, and she is usually too busy to maintain the operation of this temple.

But before leaving, the fat mother-in-law, who was very kind and caring to Lan En, still warned him worriedly.

"We still don't know what was in the mist, nor how it came to be in the Mahakam Mountains. But one thing is clear, kid."

Nannick's old and deep eyes looked at the shadow under Lan En's hood and said seriously.

"That thing, with its violent and wild destructive traces, can scare a hunter who has been crawling around in the mountains for decades into a mental disorder. Although there is also a reason why the hunter's family was destroyed, which is heartbreaking in itself."

"I don't have much experience in dealing with such cruel and strange things." Lan En nodded politely towards Nannick, "But thank you for your message and reminder. I will be more careful."

"It better be this way."

Nannick sighed, turned and left.

Lan En watched her back and picked another beautiful and plump marigold from the flowers at the edge of the garden, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it.

The flowers in this garden seem to be particularly nutritious.

Whether it is medicinal or edible, it must be very effective, and it even makes Lan En a little greedy.


While chewing the slightly bitter petals with fresh vegetation in his mouth, Lan was thinking about this keyword he got from Nannick's message.

The demon hunter's first thought and first suspicion is, of course, the so-called [Little Mist Demon].

This is a carnivorous creature, which means that as long as it is meat, it will accept anything that comes.

They often appear in swamps or mountains.

It is generally a slender humanoid with pointed ears and a ferocious head, and its lower abdomen is exposed as if it has been disembowelled.

This monster has natural magical power, which is to control the fog.

With this ability, the little mist demon, whose magic power becomes more advanced as he gets older, can even use magic mist to project remotely, transform his body, and transform his voice.

For example, if you suddenly hear a woman or child screaming for help in the wild, experienced businessmen and travelers will know that this is not good news.

Most likely, the little mist demon remembered the voices and appearances of those who had been killed, and used the mist to simulate them and lure others over.

Others can make the magic mist summoned by them have special properties such as corrosiveness or toxicity.

During the mission where Bordon was killed by Lan En, they initially thought that the toxic mist with chaotic magic was made by the little fog demon.

Although it turned out in the end, it was just a magical fog of unknown origin.

It's no different from the endless curses, magic experiment accidents, and chaos magic gathering points that appear every day in this world.

But it can be seen that when a demon hunter faces a task, if the characteristic of fog appears, then the first suspect is that the little fog demon has not escaped.

After all, such monsters are widely distributed and numerous, and their control over the magical mist allows them to perform in a variety of ways.

And although this kind of monster is not a gregarious creature like evil ghosts and water ghosts, it does not reject gathering in twos and threes to hunt.

Their mist is inherently diverse and varied, and therefore more unpredictable.


"Can the little mist demon really have this level of destructive power?"

Lan En's mouth was still chewing and whispering.

The strength and mana of the little mist demon will become stronger with age, but it is so strong. Is this a mist demon that has lived in the Mahakam Mountains since the first landing of humans and has been living until now?

The witcher shook his head helplessly.

The problem now is not that there is no direction for investigation, but that there are too many possibilities.

This is a vast world, and mages are conducting magic experiments all the time. Maybe there is a mage on the edge of the civilized world whose experiment is on the verge of getting out of control.

Then the out-of-control experimental results and experimental phenomena were thrown to an unknown place by the emergency teleportation technique used to avoid danger.

I heard that an unnatural thunderstorm once occurred in Keville. The thunder collapsed a mine that was still under development, causing countless casualties and losses.

In the end, the mages followed the king's order and traced it directly to the royal mage of Ofir, thousands of miles away.

On the surface, this world looks the same as the ignorant Middle Ages, but you tell the Ofir people on another continent, 'The humans in the north of this continent are actually people from another world and aliens.'

Then these Ophir people, who wear turbans and sprinkle spices and perfumes on their bodies, will accept it naturally and there will be no surprise. The power of magic is developing and expanding at a rapid pace, but any outstanding mage will conduct some unconstrained experiments.

However, the technology of [Teleportation] makes it possible for the consequences of runaway experiments that could have been limited to a small area to occur anywhere in the world.

Mages don't think there's anything wrong with throwing garbage all over the world.

Just like in Lan En's home world, in the early days of the industrial revolution, people didn't care about discharging pollution and waste into the environment.

Rivers flowing with industrial wastewater are even considered to be symbols of the development of civilization.

Because people who have not yet developed to a certain level do not realize that the destructive power of human beings has actually exceeded the natural endurance of the world and the environment.

Because in the long development process of previous civilizations, there has never been an era in which human beings have mastered such power and are still moving forward.

In the past, human beings have always been insignificant in all aspects when facing nature, so they had no experience and did not realize this.

In addition to the possibility that a certain mage's experiment in the world went out of control, and the products or consequences were randomly transmitted to the Mahakam Mountains, there are many other possibilities.

Chaos magic is a dangerous force that is naturally mutated and distorted. Without anyone's intervention, it can cause some distorted consequences just by gathering on its own.

There are many magic nodes in the Mahakam Mountains. Who knows if the chaos magic caused some changes on its own?

Lan En could list several large pieces of parchment for such speculations.

After all, you have to go to the place to see what happened this time, otherwise it will just be a guess.

But here Lan En was thinking about the "Mist" and asked Mentos to record his various speculations in the file library.

And simply develop some plans to deal with various possibilities.

On the other side, in the pavilion outside the garden, the voices of a man and a woman seemed to be getting more and more excited, and gradually started to sound like they were arguing or quarreling.

"Nilfgaardians are all black dogs! What's there to say?"

The man's voice said impatiently, but then, the female voice opposite seemed not to understand the impatience in the tone, and continued to ask.

The sound of "papa" seemed to be the hard cover of a book being slapped with the palm of one's hand.

"But why?" The female voice sounded soft in timbre, but her tone was decisive and steady at the same time, giving her a very strong female demeanor.

Just asking the question.

"This book says that the Nilfgaardians are gentle and polite. They never have many differences and mutual contempt like the northerners. As long as they unite under the flag of the sun, they are compatriots of the same country. Doesn't this seem ideal? "

"The author of this book is Nelvin, a well-known professor and scholar of the South at Oxenford University. He was knighted in front of King Vizmir of Redani. His words should be very credible, right?"

A man and a woman were talking in the pavilion, and Lan En also approached the pavilion from the garden exit.

The pavilion uses wooden columns, ceiling and stone base. The thick and weathered wood has small cracks, but it is still painted with various bright colors to outline various arcs and patterns.

Garlands were also hung on some corners.

The bright and bright patterns and garlands are paired with dark brown wood, very much in the style of Meritelli's faith.

"Yes! Ha! Gentle and polite? Madam, you should really go to Soden Mountain and the old land of Sintra to see how gentle and polite they look after even changing the race of people there!"

The speaker was a male warrior, wearing armor that was a mixture of leather and plate armor, with a half-hand sword on his waist.

He looked ordinary, but his tone showed that he was an eyewitness to the Civil War at that time.

In front of this man who looked angry and impatient, the woman sitting leisurely on the railing of the pavilion was much more distinctive.

She has dark blond hair and a thick red and white cotton rope as a headband on her forehead. Her face was mature and powerfully beautiful, but her eyes were exceptionally clear.

She wears a red and white plaid cotton armor vest and cotton armor breeches underneath, with assembleable plate armor parts tied on the outside to her knees, calf bones, elbows, waist and abdomen.

But even with such a rigid and bloated look, the so-called "beauty of curves" and "beauty of curves" can be seen when she wears it.

The neckline of the cotton armor vest looks more like it can't be closed. It opens up to a generous neckline, revealing the healthy and vibrant skin and deep ravines underneath.

Generally speaking, if a person who fights for a living is dressed like this, then she probably doesn't want to live anymore. A small part of it may be because she has some special abilities.

But look at the weapon this woman placed beside her—a knight's two-handed sword that ordinary male warriors could not use freely.

This shows that she is most likely in the latter situation.

"I think you misunderstood me."

The lady, who was also called ‘Sakia Sath’ by ​​Sister Nannik, calmly faced the male warrior.

"I do not deny the facts that have happened, nor do I mean to defend the massacre of the Nilfgaardians. My question is: why are the characteristics described in a more credible book inconsistent with reality."

(End of chapter)

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