Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1160: 1142Learn to get along

Chapter 1160 1142. Learn to get along

“Today, protecting caravans faces far more Scoia’tael attacks than monsters. People have put up notices to destroy more Scoia’tael strongholds than monster lairs.”

After he and Lambert disliked each other and exchanged insults as usual, Berengar looked as if nothing had happened and gave a serious explanation to Lan En's question.

"You also know that normal demon hunters tend to uphold 'neutrality'. We don't mix in hatred between the country and the family, and we don't mix in racial conflicts. We only kill monsters without intelligence. Because that way there is no involvement and no trouble."

As Berengar spoke, he asked Tur Butcher to sit down, and also found a bench from the corner for Fergus and Yuna.

"Lambert is not averse to killing. In fact, when he killed the highwayman, he had some fun. But it was a passive and accidental response. In terms of psychological issues, it is completely different from the current situation of the Scoia'tael."

"If he takes another mission, he will come to kill elves, half-elves, and dwarves."

When talking about the dwarves, Berengar looked at Master Tull Butcher apologetically. The dwarf master pursed his lips and shook his head, indicating that he didn't need to care.

"Greetings to you, Grand Duke Lan En."

The dwarf forging master who once repaired Lan En's first armor first said hello seriously to the young demon hunter who was holding a workshop operation record.

After getting his response, he sat on the chair opposite Berengar.

"Don't be so polite, Master."

He flipped through the records at a glance, and all the running records that were recorded by Mentos for inspection and analysis were inserted back into the original place in the file cabinet by Lan En.

He turned around and said to the dwarf master and his two friends with a smile.

Fergus and Yuna, who were standing behind the master, did not look nervous when facing him. After all, he had played Gwent with them before he left last time.

By the way, I won a special edition leader card of Foltest from Fergus.

But for Tull Butcher, it had been a long time since he had been in contact with Lan.

He only knew that this was the owner of a demon hunter armor that he had repaired, and that this man had made a big name and done big things in just a few years.

"A duke without a fief is not even comparable to a baron, is he?"

Lann joked, but Tull Butcher curled his lips slightly.

Normally, the role of 'a duke without a fief' would not exist at all.

Why wear a high hat if you have no strength?

And if it is just a false position and title given by the king to his close ministers, that is unlikely.

Because those princes who really have great strength and influence will feel that this is an insult to them by the king.

But Lan En's experience is obviously not an 'ordinary situation'.

Which duke came to power after first defeating an unprecedented battle involving more than 100,000 people?

You are not a duke and do not have the strength of a duke. Why do you get involved in such a big battle?

Are you and the ordinary Duke the same thing? Can we talk about it together?

Moreover, Tur Butcher didn't have much dealings with Lan En, so he couldn't figure out his temper at all, so he still chose a cautious approach when getting along with him.

Until Lan En walked behind Berengar's seat and stood against the wall with his arms folded, showing a 'you guys talk' attitude.

Only then did the bald and bearded dwarf master turn his attention to the old demon hunter.


Under the already gray and lush beard, Tur Butcher cleared his throat and spoke seriously.

"On behalf of the majority of the non-human race blacksmiths in this Valyrian steel workshop, I am here to meet and discuss with you, Berengar Technical Director."

Speaking of the position represents the formality of the meeting.

Tull Butcher wanted this to be more than a dispensable conversation in private, between colleagues.

So Berengar, who was still leaning on the table with his elbows and frowning, also raised his eyes, straightened up and sat down.

"Okay, talk. Oh, I've been talking all these **** months!"

"Come on, what do you want to say?"

Berengar spread his hands.

"In the past few months, humans have come to me and told me that non-human races cannot be trusted, and non-human races say that they don't feel safe now. I really don't know how I, a demon hunter, can now become one of my own on both sides. '?"

"We do feel unsafe, Berengar."

The dwarf master stretched out his hand to straighten his lush beard.

"But it has nothing to do with you, it's because of the overall social atmosphere. Now for some reason. Oh, okay. No need to beat around the bush, it's because of the Scoia'tael."

The dwarf master sighed.

"The Scoia'tael attacked humans. If humans couldn't catch the Scoia'tael, they retaliated against the inhuman races in the city, and the situation intensified."

"Of course we will feel unsafe. When I came home from work yesterday, a few humans followed me with malicious intentions. I flashed the ax on my belt, and they turned around and ran away."

"What else is coming out of your mouth: Sooner or later you dwarves will spit out the money and jobs you stole from humans."

The dwarf grandmaster sneered, tilted his head and spat disdainfully. "Bah! I won my job by relying on hard work, talent and skills honed over time! It has nothing to do with those human gangsters who are street gangsters!"


Tur Butcher was disdainful at first, but at the end he became serious.

"But most of us still want to work here, Berengar."

Although the old demon hunter sounded impatient, he still listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

"It's not because the wages here are so good. We are all highly skilled craftsmen, and most of us have experience in opening a shop."

The dwarf pointed his fingers at the old demon hunter and listed their advantages.

"We are still craftsmen who have been working with this new type of steel since the beginning of Valyrian steel. No one in the world has more experience than us."

"We can just find other places to start work. People in those places buy Valyrian steel billets, and they will most likely ask us to process them. No matter what, they will earn no less."

"But we still feel that we have to stay and work."

"Why?" Behind Berengar, Lan En, with his arms crossed, asked. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because we must learn to get along with humans, Grand Duke." Tur Butcher looked up at the young demon hunter expressionlessly.

"We had no choice. I knew what was going on a hundred years ago, so I left Mahakam and came to the human world to open a shop."

"I must let you see with your own eyes that we are no different from you. We don't have to be wary of each other as if we are enemies. We don't have to kill each other to live in peace."

"I have always been committed to this. For this reason, I and others I represent believe that there is a need for a platform where all races can come to work and there is no discrimination between them."

"We need this platform to show and prove, just like I have a human female in the store."

"Although humans are most likely not as talented as dwarves in blacksmithing, and few of them are women who can endure furnace fire and high-temperature steel. But I still hired her, even if it's just as a helper doing odd jobs."

As he spoke, Tur Butcher pointed at Fergus and Yuna behind him.

Lan En, Fergus, and Yuna looked at each other for a while. When the dwarf master mentioned his stereotype of human women, Yuna curled her lips in disapproval.

It's obvious that she has a disdain for this stereotype.

But under the current situation, Master Tull Butcher's performance can be regarded as a rare sobriety and progress.

He is a person who considers the future of his race from a realistic perspective and wants to promote harmonious coexistence between races.

"You don't have to worry about what's available and what's not."

Berengar nodded after Tur Butcher finished speaking, saying that he had always known it.

"Just work hard when you work here, and don't worry about other things. You also saw today that among those three bitches, two are humans and one is a dwarf."

"This place not only treats everyone equally, but I also treat everyone equally if they want to cause trouble."

At this point, Tur Butcher's statement on behalf of most of the non-human race blacksmiths in the workshop is in place.

There was nothing they could do for the rest, so after nodding to Berengar and Lan En again, the dwarf master took Fergus and Yuna out.

After they walked out, Lan En came to where the dwarf master was sitting just now, sat down, and looked at the big-headed Berengar with interest.

"This doesn't seem to be your job, mediating conflicts among employees."

"Yes." Berengar sighed tiredly and upset, "I am just a technical supervisor, in charge of technology. This kind of thing has nothing to do with me."

"But who allows my technology and my force to suppress them? Although the supervisor sent by Aretuza is powerful, these blacksmiths don't look down on them."

When Berengar started the Valyrian Steel business, he joined as a technical director.

The specific management of the workshop and production is the dedicated personnel sent by Aretusa, who are equivalent to professional managers.

But unexpectedly, under the current circumstances, Berengar, a demon hunter who was once despised, rejected, and accepted by both humans and non-humans, would suddenly become the reason why both parties trusted him.

Position is more important than ability most of the time.

Therefore, although Belengar's management ability is completely inferior to the professional managers sent by Aretuza, he can be considered by both parties as not being biased towards the other party, and only then are they willing to let him mediate.

The professional manager doesn't dare to show up now.

"I will issue an entrustment to Lambert in the name of the college, asking him to be responsible for maintaining security along the roadside of the workshop during the hours when the workshop is over and when it is starting."

Lan En said to Berengar.

"No sword, no killing. Use fists, or at most a stick. He is also a demon hunter, and he has the same positional advantage as you in this matter."

(End of chapter)

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