Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1155: 1137 Feelings

Chapter 1155 1137. Feelings

“So you want me to believe that the ring with the beautiful sapphire on your finger was given to a, um, lovely halfling?”

Margarita and Lan were walking in the luxurious and bright corridors of Arethusa College.

The dean with enchanting eyebrows held the demon hunter's arm and smiled sweetly, looking like a couple going to a banquet.

Harmonious and well-matched.

Even the sorceress students and teachers who passed by the two felt more at ease because of this.

But the keen Lan En heard the teasing in Margarita's seemingly gentle words.

"A hobbit, to be precise."

The Witcher explains this.

"It's different from the halflings here, and Bilbo is very nice! He was in trouble again, so I helped him. You know me, Rita."

"Yes, I understand you." Madam Dean glanced at the witcher with a smile on her eyes, which were more attractive under the eyeshadow, "The great and bright goddess knight."

The flannel ball, who was following the two of them step by step, tilted his head very deliberately at this time, as if he suddenly discovered the beauty of the gorgeous and historically rich wall decorations in Aretusa.

Even Elucat could hear it now, and Margarita stabbed Lan En gently or not seriously.

The witcher was very sure of the character of the sorceress next to him, so he didn't speak to her at all and just held her hand and continued walking.

And sure enough, seeing that Margarita failed to provoke a verbal dispute, she naturally calmed down.

Go up from the Losha Palace, which is used to entertain foreign guests on the lowest floor of Arethusa.

The two held hands and met many apprentices and teachers along the way. Of course, the news of Lan En's reappearance spread.

There is also a velvet ball. Its cuteness and obvious traces of wisdom and civilization also attract the attention of everyone who passes by.

However, the people in the Sorceress Academy are high-level intellectuals in this world, and they do not recognize Ellu cats as kitten people living in the northern reserve.

But no one was too surprised. They just thought that this was a calico cat that gained wisdom through some kind of magic or ritual and was domesticated.

In fact, when Lan En took Qilin and Velvet Ball over to take shelter from the rain at the toll booth on the bridge, their presence would definitely be noticed.

Neither Lan En nor them cared about it, so there was no need to hide from others.

However, El Cat still attracted some strange looks.

Not because of anything else, but because of the 'cat' issue.

In the stereotype of the general public, identities such as witches and sorceresses are naturally placed together with mysterious and untamable cats.

The ‘witch with the cat’ is a common image in drama and poetry.

And because sorceresses generally have a spirit of resisting the secular world, they basically deliberately don't keep cats.

In order to resist the secular world, these powerful women would even let their hair hang down like prostitutes. What does it mean to deliberately not keep a certain type of pet?

Walking all the way up to the floor where the dean's office is located, Margarita took Lan En's arm and pushed the door open.

Tissaya sat on the cashmere-covered bench facing the door, leisurely opened a bottle of Dongzhidong red wine produced in Toussaint, and sipped it slowly from a delicate silver cup.

Dongzhidong Red Wine is Toussaint’s national treasure red wine, which is even more expensive than Alforose in the same vintage.

When Lan En and Margarita entered, the sorceress was carefully moving the three cups on the table, trying to make them achieve perfect symmetry.

She raised her eyes and saw Lan En entering the door. Her first words were: "You are missing a ring?"

The witcher's movements froze and he licked his lips.

Isn’t that why you see so carefully? !

In Margarita's eyes, which looked like she was watching the fun, Lan En could only tell Tissaya the matter again.

The former dean of Aretusa was much more calm. He nodded noncommittally and stopped pestering.

Normally, Tissaya, who already serves in the Talents and Skills Association, should be running around at this time.

However, Tissaya had said before that she planned to align her work and vacation time with Lan En's travel time in the celestial sphere's intersection.

So Lan En was not surprised to see Tissaya who had already poured red wine on the table.

Both Margarita and Lane were able to accommodate Tissaya's symmetry obsession, so they sat down where she placed their cups.

There were a lot of snacks in Margarita's office, and she took them out and gave them to Velvet Ball.

The kitten who couldn't drink happily squatted at the table and started eating the snacks.

As if it was some kind of convention, Lan En spoke first, briefly describing his journey to the intersection of heaven and earth.

The world called Arda, the immortal elves, the hobbits, the lonely mountain of the dwarves, the dragon.

This is a scenery and journey that even the oldest wizards have never seen before.

"A world with a clear creator god?"

Half of Margarita's body was lazily leaning against the cashmere-covered armrest of the chair, and the plump, white curves of her chest were pressed into an overflowing pancake shape.

His slender fingers traced circles on the rim of the silver cup, with a tone of disbelief in his tone. Although she showed her superficiality and neglect towards 'knowledge about gods' last time, Disaya was very strict and asked her to make up lessons.

It almost reminded her of her school days.

But the Creator God? !

Even among the most mysterious and insane religious sects in the world, no one among them dares to get involved with this concept.

The most commonly used concept of the flame revered by the Church of Eternal Fire is: to drive away evil and danger, and to illuminate the path of hope for the future.

It is a concept that is future-oriented rather than tracing back to its roots.

It's not that they don't want to, but because the history of humans and elves is relatively clear.

They are all outsiders who came to this world through the intersection of the celestial sphere. Even the time and place of landing are well documented.

If the concept of a creation **** is really brought out, what role should these foreign guys play after they have established a foothold and then engage in ethnic cleansing of the indigenous people?

Therefore, all religious people in this world who have studied theology to a certain extent and are able to develop the prototype of a sect have a tacit understanding not to study the most fundamental concept that best reflects theological orthodoxy.

Compared to the students who were loose and unrestrained, Tissaya still sat in her original position dignifiedly and orderly.

It's just that her ascetic face, paired with a large-opening dress that is not out of the ordinary among sorceresses but is still considered 'bold' on the market, creates a contrasting beauty.

Unlike the new generation of warlocks who are obsessed with power struggle and obtaining material enjoyment, Tissaya's thinking is more 'old school', that is, a 'magic researcher'.

As soon as the concept of [Creation God] came out of Lan En's mouth, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is there anything you can show me?"

Her eyes scanned Lan En eagerly.

The witcher shrugged and took out Arondette from his waist.

It seems that because the power of the world of Alda is always not so obvious, this long knife with a graceful arc and exquisite and complicated rune carvings on the blade looks no different from the original at first glance.

But only if you look carefully and look deeply with a calm mood can you find that the whole body of this knife is exuding a psychedelic, seemingly non-existent shimmer.

Tisaya carefully stretched out her hand and gently touched the cold blade with her fingertips.

Her eyebrows suddenly relaxed, as if she felt the incomparable purity and light, these beautiful things.

But Tissaya's self-control was very strong. Although she felt a sense of relaxation and pleasure from mind to body, she was still able to retract her fingers.

It's just that the eyes are a little reluctant to leave.

"This is indeed a higher power than ever before."

She watched Lan En put the long knife back into its sheath.

"I can't understand it at all. Such a manifestation of higher power could be so inconspicuous."

"Power is hidden in the invisible." Lan En explained his conclusion to Tisaya, "And in this case, the power that can be clearly displayed is even more terrifying."

For example, the power that Lady Galadriel spread to the distant sky at that time.

"Then that world must be very dangerous." Margarita held the wine glass and looked at the witcher with worried eyes. "A silent weapon may contain dangerous power."

This is indeed the case, whether it is Gramdrin in Gandalf's hands or Orcrest who has belonged to Thorin.

At first glance, these two swords are just beautiful and smooth swords with the unique artistic style of the Arda elves.

Even Lan En and Elrond carefully inspected the swords at close range before confirming that these two swords were at the same level as the Sword of the Lake Lady that had not been adjusted and was not infused with the [Light of the Twin Sacred Trees].

"It's indeed a bit dangerous. My master-level Bear School armor was completely burned to pieces."

Lan En took a sip from the wine glass and said.

"But there's nothing wrong with him."

"That's good." Margarita looked at Lan En seriously and confidently, and after confirming that he didn't hide any heart-wrenching injuries, she nodded with satisfaction.

At the same time, the current dean of Aretusa subconsciously let out a small yawn.

Lan En put down the wine glass from his mouth, his nose twitched and he frowned.

"Are you drinking energy potions again? Are you so busy now?"

During the previous war in the North, Margarita drank energy potions to maintain a clear mind in order to deal with the endless affairs.

Later, Lan En took the time to improve the formula, and now the energy potion comes in various options such as apple flavor and orange flavor.

Margarita didn't mean to hide it from him, she just rubbed her eyes that were slightly watery from yawning and said.

"Now the situation is getting tense again. You know what I'm saying, right, honey? There's no time to relax."

(End of chapter)

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