Ascension of the Master Assassin

Chapter 26: Lilith

Chapter 26: Lilith

Hearing Venn's question surprised Lilith a little. She had a small astonishment that Venn could recognise her identity despite never seeing her appearance before.

Also, she was expecting him to ask her the typical questions of what had happened in the trial, particularly the details on it, seeing as he fainted immediately after exiting the founder's illusion and that he regained his consciousness so abruptly.

Never did she once think that Venn would have the presence of mind and cautiousness to take note about the matter of her revealing her face to him.

As such, her evaluation of Venn rose even further.

Nonetheless, she answered Venn's question patiently as she was ordered to do so. Her role here was to properly induct him to the Blood Serpent.

"First of all, welcome to the ranks of Blood Serpents. Before I brief you any further, let me answer your query."

"It doesn't matter that you have seen my face. Granhiert and I have known each other since a long time ago. As a disciple of hers, it's fine for you to see my face as well." 

"Besides, it's only right that I show you my most secretive and sensitive place when you have already shown me yours without any reserves."

Lilith politely answered. 

Her bashful face and demure manners seemed to indicate that she was a pure and innocent young girl like her appearance seemed to suggest. However, her devilish smile and her sentences that carried a smutty double entendre suggested otherwise.

Faced with such a predicament, Venn decided to tackle it head on. Behaving like a prepubescent boy was the worst thing he could act in this scenario. Besides, although he has never had a relationship with someone before, he wasn't exactly young either.

Putting on his bravest front, he spoke with a deep tone while maintaining his eye contact with Lilith. It would be wise to show her his confidence so that she would view him as her equal rather than a mere disciple of Granhiert.

"Then how about we bare naked to one another. Let's start with you first since you are the one who suggested it."

Venn was happy that he thought of such a witty line, however the action of the woman in front of him exceeded his knowledge of the game.

"Interesting As expected of Granhiert's disciple. Not only have you passed the founder's trial while the rest couldn't, you even have the audacity to be comfortable with me. I want you even more now. How about this? Leave Granhiert and join me. I shall grant you heavenly pleasure beyond your wildest imagination."

Lilith said with a highly suggestive tone. And at the end of her sentence, she gave Venn a lascivious wink before her appearance morphed into someone else.

Within seconds, she had finished her transformation. 

Her small build and innocent look of an elementary girl was no longer present. 

Taking its place was a young maiden with a pair of voluptuous breasts and supple plump thighs wearing a scandalous small black corset that barely covered her monstrous jugs.

Below her waist, Lilith was wearing a high quality leather-made black miniskirt, and on her thighs, a layer of translucent black thin leather was wrapped around it, giving her the look like she was wearing black stockings.

Her body curves were so seductive that Venn mentally gulped as she approached his direction gradually.

All the while she was doing so, Venn's sight couldn't control itself from staring into the abyss that was located between Lilith's cleavage.

Sensing Venn's intense gaze at her body, Lilith smiled and whispered gently into Venn's ears.

"Well? Have you decided yet? As a succubus, I'm fairly confident in my skills. Whatever you desire, I shall grant them all. Just nod your head, and big sister Lilith here will take care of your needs. Your stress, your problems I shall take it all in..."

After saying her piece, Lilith made a slurping sound and observed Venn with her gorgeous looking eyes.

Watching his dazed expression, she was absolutely certain that he wouldn't be able to refuse her tempting offer.

And she was absolutely right. The next moment, Venn spoke with a blank face.

"I want you."

Hearing Venn's reply, Lilith laughed. 

However, much to her surprise, before she could celebrate her victory over Granhiert, Venn's next sentence completely shattered her perception that she had of him.

"But I want Granhiert too. So do you do threesome?"

"Why are you glaring at me so scarily for? You did say any desire." Venn acted as innocent as he could as he quoted her words.

"You!" Lilith wanted to cough up blood badly.

She had never seen such a despicable person before. Biting her lips, she restrained herself from killing Venn on the spot. If it wasn't for the guild rule that members are forbidden to fight against one another and that Venn was Granhiert's disciple, she would have squashed him like a fly.

Meanwhile, while the succubus was staring at him with eyes filled with hatred, Venn sighed a breath of relief.

He figured it was for the best to deal with the succubus NPC in front of him by making her give up on him rather than outright rejecting her or accepting her deal. 

Of course, there was a chance that she might kill him on the spot given his answer. However, based on his prior experiences, he knew that his answer would probably anger her greatly but not sufficient to warrant him to be killed when he was officially a guild member now.

On the other hand, if he was to reject her advances harshly, it would be like painting a big target on his back in the guild which was something Venn would like to avoid at all costs.

Whereas if he was to accept the deal, the succubus may find out that he is a fraud one day.

Thus, it would be wise if the current situation could remain status quo for him.

Operating under Granhiert would give him a perfect excuse in the Blood Serpents since Granhiert was not particularly too keen on her duty as a guild member, and it meant that he could be her supposedly mouthpiece. He wasn't willing to give this up for some pleasure. Especially with an NPC with an ulterior motive.

Furthermore, throughout the nine years playing Heaven Descent, he had never once heard about any NPC having a relationship with any players.

Those that attempted to try to form a relationship with NPCs were either mercilessly killed by the NPCs themselves or arrested by the guards for public nuisance, let alone having sex with an NPC like what Lilith had suggested doing.

There was even a case of a player patiently giving flowers and wooing a village girl day after day in the game for nine entire years, and the last that Venn heard was that the story ended in tragedy with the village girl ended up marrying another NPC in the game while the player never log back into the game anymore.

Thus, Venn was highly puzzled the reason why Lilith would respond in such a strange way.

There was another fact about Lilith that made Venn frowned heavily. And that was her race as a succubus.

Throughout the entire nine years of playing Heaven Descent, he had never seen or heard about the existence of a succubus be it from rumours, forums or in-game books.

The existence of a succubus was even rarer than the dragon as although the dragons were believed to be extinct, there were still traces of their previous existence in quest lines, items, or the books.

Staring at the succubus in front of him, Venn couldn't contain his excitement.

All these mysteries and secrets meant that it would to lead to more and more quests for him.

Furthermore, there are a lot more other members in the guild as well. If each one of them has a epic quest or two for him to explore, he would strike it rich with the rare items and money that could be obtained from them!

"I have to uncover her secrets at all costs!" Venn mentally noted to himself.

Unbeknownst to him, his intense and fiery gaze was affecting Lilith in ways he could never have imagined.

Due to Lilith's unique constitution as a young succubus, her body was getting hot under Venn's fervent gaze.

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