Ascenders Rift

Chapter 90: Elumar, An Old Friend

Chapter 90: Elumar, An Old Friend

At the very core of Earling Star, within a verdant field that was more than 40 acres in size, surrounded by high walls and a towering gate which was protected by well-dressed guards with state-of-the-art rifles. A massive castle that covered more than eighty thousand square meters rested at the center of an artificially created lake. Its ground neatly paved with marble that created a trail towards its large doors.

Occasionally, one would notice a few men and women garbed in fine wears traveling about the passageways, as they headed towards various areas of the palace. The evening wind gently blew across this royal land, sweeping a few straggling leaves from land's trees across the compound, as it rustled the lower hem corners of the noble women's dresses while ruffling the hairs of others.

One such leaf made its way towards a deeper section of the palace, dancing along with the wind as if it were performing to nature's song. Here was an area surrounded by roses of all kinds, with lush fields that were pleasing to the eyes, along with fountains and other ornaments positioned at various locations. A fresh fragrance wafted with the wind that could soothe the soul of any who wandered into this domain.

Currently, a chair rested at the center of this field; its back turned from the world as the person who seated within it faced the distance, gazing into the unknown. His right hand was gently holding a glass of wine that he shook circularly. He had dark blue hair that was vaguely visible and was dressed in a white-colored a royal formal wear. A few moments passed as the individual in the chair continued to watch the setting sun in silence while drinking his wine.

Eventually, however, a slight number of footsteps were heard from behind him followed by a few words, "We greet the Crown Prince Elumar."

Elumar hearing this didn't even turn his head, he continued to spin his wine glass as he focused on the sun that was turning blood red as he spoke in a calm tone, "You're late, what was it this time?"

The persons behind Elumar remained silent before one of them spoke, "We were dealing with some... interpersonal issues, sorry for the delay."

Elumar remained silent for a moment before he replied, "Oh, well isn't that something, to think that your group would be having troubles already. Still, I suppose it's to be expected..."

As Elumar said this, his vaguely revealed mouth made a faint smile before he spoke, "Have you brought the things I've requested?"

"Yes, we have, please have a look and see if it's to your liking prince," A person behind him spoke as he then placed a tablet onto the wine table by Elumar's side.

When Elumar glanced at the tablet, he noticed a familiar face, which caused his smile to grow even more prominent. He then waved his hand to the group and spoke, "Good work, you may take your leave,"

The men bowed before turning around, but one of them showed a hint of hesitation as if he was uncertain if he should leave.

Elumar sensed that the person was still behind him; he spoke in a somewhat indifferent tone, "Say what you wish,"

The man hearing this gulped before speaking, "Prince Elumar, there is the matter about the King, his excellency would like to know your plan regarding the steps forward."

Elumar didn't show any reactions as he heard this, his back still facing the others as he gazed at the setting sun. Soon, his mouth opened as he replied, "My father is naturally not feeling well. I'm afraid he also won't have the time to partake in the new age. Tell that fellow of yours not to worry, as I shall be the one to see my father off personally."

The man hearing this nodded and bowed as he replied, "Excellent news, I shall report this to his excellency."

"You may go," Elumar said in a dismissive tone.

The man hearing this left the area along with the others, leaving behind the silent scene of the setting sun. Soon, the sun had entirely faded beyond the horizon, enveloping the world into the darkness of night.

Elumar looked at the starry night sky as he spoke while smiling, "When the sun sets, the moon will eventually rise, this is the principle of change. Father, your time to rule is now over, for a new age calls for a new leader."

When Elumar said this, his profile became a bit more visible, revealing his bright blue eyes that now vaguely glowed in an odd light. He recalled the faces on the tablets just now, fixing onto the profile of a handsome brown-haired youth as he spoke with a happy expression, "Not to mention that it will indeed be a blessed age, one that I can even share with an old friend..."

Upon saying this, the world before Elumar had changed, as a different scene had appeared. It was a world of utter ruin with a red sky, broken buildings, and numerous corpses littered everywhere as countless oddities and strange lifeforms were eating them.

It seemed that this world had already fallen after a long and harsh battle, turning into a world of death; the only survivors were two mighty looking individuals that stood side by side as they faced a strange-looking gate that glowed in a reddish-black light.

One of them was a handsome but weary-looking man in mid-thirties, with messy dark brown hair that fell to his back of his neck, a stubble of beard, sharp but tired-looking brown eyes, and well-defined cheekbones. He wore a ragged looking cloak with strange markings, and a red pendant around his neck resting atop of a rare chest armor below his robes.

The other was an indistinct fellow, he wore similar dark robes, but his features seemed to be distorted by a strange power. A white mask with star markings covered his face, as behind him was his exceedingly tall, dark blue hair that swayed due to the winds, glowing in bright lights.

The two stared at each other in silence for an unknown period as the brown-haired man opened his mouth and said a few words that never sounded. The moment the man spoke, the masked man with blue hair said nothing, his eyes that shone from behind the mask merely showed a look of ridicule as the scene warped and returned to normal.

Suddenly, Elumar's consciousness had returned to the castle's garden, his face showing a glimpse of pleasure as if he enjoyed his recollection very much. He picked up the tablet from the wine table and thought to himself with confident eyes, 'Old friend, no matter what you do, nothing will change...'

After saying this, Elumar then rose to his feet and turned around, picking the tablet up from the table. As he leisurely made his way into the castle, the lights from the interior illuminated his figure, bringing more clarity to his form.

At a single glance, he had an appearance that was like that of Rick's but with more robust features. He had a taller frame, a broader forehead, and a slightly longer nose. If anything were said to be strikingly different, it would be that his dark blue hair was even longer as most of it had also covered his eyes, giving him an oddly shady look.

While walking, he firmly gripped the tablet while gazing at it from the corners of his blue eyes that peeked from behind his hair strands. He snickered to himself like a madman, as the various palace attendants that walked past him gave him a strange look while greeting him.

Elumar waved his hand to dismiss them as he continued to walk throughout the wide hallways towards a certain direction. As he moved, he would pass by ancient sculptures, and large photos framed with gold on the walls. His eyes showed disdain as he looked at the history of the palace rulers as he thought to himself, 'So many years of history, yet no one has ever dared to do the daunting, that's why you're all different from I am. I will show you all the true path of which a king must take, one which is defined by true ambition.'

As Elumar thought this, his eyes flashed with a determined glint as his arm, which gripped the tablet grew tighter. Soon, a cracking sound was heard as he had mistakenly cracked the tablet screen.

Elumar seeing this frowned before tossing it towards the side as he had now arrived in front of a large door, one made of high-quality timber and was carved with exquisite markings by a master craftsman.

Knock-knock! The door made a few knocking sounds as Elumar tapped it with his knuckles before halting, moments after, a wave of coughing was heard followed by a weak but dignified voice, "W...who is it? Is it you... Ivan?"

When Elumar heard this, his eye turned cold as he thought to himself, 'Hmph! One foot in the grave and the first person on your mind is none other than that wretch, Ivan...'

After fixing his expression, Elumar opened the door which made a loud creaking sound as he spoke with a smile, "My dearest father, Ivan has yet to return, it's me again, I've come to watch your side."

The king seeing Elumar looked at him gravely for a moment, as his eyes flashed with a hint of sadness, he closed them before he spoke in a weakened tone, "So it's Elumar, please... e and have a seat."

Elumar didn't seem to mind that he didn't say 'my son' in his sentence. He nodded and replied, "As you wish, father..."

Following his words, the door closed with a loud creaking sealing the king's quarters from the outside world. But, on the floor right beside the quarters, was the tablet with the broken screen, if one looked at it carefully, they would notice that faces on it were somewhat familiar.

However, the most prominent face was that of the brown-haired young man that seemed to be nineteen, with the title - Evan Cross that was written below his name. The tablet's lights then flashed for a moment before it turned off as if closing its eyes to the proceeding scene.


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