Ascenders Rift

Chapter 88: Everyone's Concerns, Leaving for home

Chapter 88: Everyone's Concerns, Leaving for home

The day had already fallen, arriving at the peak of the evening hours. By this time, Evan and the others had already left the vicinity of Hell's Swamp, along with the swamp regions, arriving at the train center. The station was jammed with many individuals that were arriving instead of leaving; it even seemed that most of them wanted to leave the city areas to more remote grounds like these for some reason.

Currently, Evan, Breya, Layla, Emilia, Joe, and Rick were seated within the waiting quarters, a large ventilated room with a full table stacked with food and drinks at the center of a few large sofas. A TV was even placed on the wall, along with a monitor that showed their train's arrival time. Though the environment was classy and carried a warm atmosphere, the moods of everyone was in stark contrast to their surroundings.

Evan sat on one side of the table while looking through the wide glass window at the scene of trains coming and going. His mind was now in a state of turmoil as he pondered, 'Silver? That mysterious female that acted as a lone Ascender, you're telling me that she was actually apart of RADA from the beginning. Che! If it's like this, then who else am I missing? Are all those powerful characters who showed up in the middle to the late phase of the calamities people from the same group? If it is like this, then things are going to be a lot more difficult than I'd thought...'

As Evan thought this, he couldn't help but recall more of Breya's words. He narrowed his eyes as he pondered, 'It's said that they are incapable of taking direct actions against us. If so, then it should more or likely have a connection to the Ascenders Rift. Our planet right now is not capable of handling the powers of even a peak Lesser Tier Ascended Lifeforms, much less those of the Superior Tier. To exist here, then I suppose they would have sealed their powers from the beginning to only show strength comparable to a weak Stage 1 Ascender. "

'How truly troublesome, on one side, we have the different powerful alien life that is going to threaten the planet, and on the other, we have the humans of our world that are... eh? Wait, I might have been a bit misguided here. Was RADA a group that is even controlled by humans, to begin with?' When Evan thought to here, his eyes widened in surprise as he recalled RADA's appearance.

'Yes, I'm certain of it, they claimed to be administrators of the rift, so it's highly possible that their core member and true elites much-like that Silver is in no way humans, but supernatural beings connected to that 'bastard.' The very human's they have in their groups are then more or likely talents they've filtered through, using those lists of theirs. They kill those the highest most threatening talents and keep the rest as grunts, but in saying this, it also contradicts another statement made by them during their first appearance. The fact that they're draft...' Evan's eyes flashed as if he had come to a realization, but before he could finish his thoughts, he was disturbed.

"Evan, are you okay? Your face is a bit pale?" The soft voice of Layla said as she leaned in closer to him and looked at him with large rounded hazel eyes.

As Evan took sight of the beauty, he was pulled from his sea of thoughts, he smiled and replied, "Yes, I'm fine, I only wandered off a bit that's all."

Layla tilted her head and looked at him deeply before she pouted and spoke, "You have to tell me what's going on in your head too, you know, it works both ways."

As Evan heard this, his eyes widened as he seemed to have forgotten that he wasn't alone in this world. He had a team, so he shouldn't be thinking about things by himself. He lifted his head and saw that the others were talking while he was off into his own world.

"Aha, it seems that I might have become a tad bit withdrawn..." Evan said under his breath as he saw the scene.

Layla, hearing this snickered and pinched his leg under the table as she spoke, "It doesn't matter, as long as you are you, I'm fine."

Evan smiled, hearing this; he placed one palm on her hand and started to gently rub it before he looked at everyone listening to their words.

"Blast! If they're already so powerful, then what do you expect us to do if they send out another elite? We are in no way ready to face them in head-on of conflict!" Rick said as he uncharacteristically slapped the table while looking at Breya.

"Rick, you're too pessimistic, my sister has already stated that they're under some constraint. For now, we can only choose to increase our strength as much as we can, far beyond their assessment of us, as it is already too late to lay low from their visions. If we have enough power, then no matter what they do, they will be incapable of causing us direct harm. Don't forget, now that our MSS spies are dealt with, it can also similarly act as our shelter. The weapons we've formed over the years are nothing to make light of..." Breya replied while looking at Rick.

"..." Rick remained silent for a while as he tapped the table with his fingers before he sighed and spoke, "I just hope things go the way we want it, right now, things are just feeling slightly bleak."

As Rick said this, his eyes grew slightly distant, as if he recalled his father's words, he knew that not only everywhere else but the palace itself had a force within it that no one knew about at this moment. Something that could cause even a king like himself to bow down into submission.

At this time, Joe who was silently listening, spoke with a confused expression, "What's all this about RADA? Which group is this that you're all talking about?"

Emilia also had a curious look on her face, but as for Layla, her expression seemed to be a bit complex. Evan, hearing this, finally realized that they had yet discussed this to the others. Breya and Rick also made a somewhat surprised look as they turned to Evan.

Evan shook his head as he saw this and spoke, "Fine, I'll be the one to do it."

Upon saying this, Evan faced everyone and spoke, "The RADA group is a force that will make themselves known to our world by the end of this month. They've existed in our world for an untold amount of time and are formed by individuals that I believe were not from our world."

Emilia and Joe were shocked as Layla carried a trace of surprise on her face as Rick and Breya seemed to have already reached a similar conclusion, as they had previously defined those from RADA as outsiders.

"What? You mean to say that these guys are aliens?" Joe asked in surprise.

Emilia also had a look of wonderment on her face, Evan shook his head and replied, "They might be, might not be, no one knows for sure what they truly are, but for now, we can assume that some of their ranks are mostly certain formed of alien life. Others are merely humans that have joined their ranks as so-called Outer Members.

"Unreal! Then say that they are aliens, what purpose would even bring such creatures to our world?" Joe asked again.

Evan looked at him and replied, "It's simple, they are here to act as what they term as 'Administrators' to the Ascenders Rift. The reason why the rift is even headed for our world is related to them, as well as that being that stands behind them all."

Joe, hearing this went silent, as Emilia spoke with a curious look in her eyes, "Then brother Evan, what kind of being would it be that stands behind them?"

Evan sighed and lifted his head, gazing at the setting sun in the distant sky before he spoke, "The very being known as God..."

This time not only were Joe, Layla, and Emilia were shocked, but even Rick and Breya had widened their eyes in surprise.

"This... Evan, are you certain about this? Is this so-called God real?" Rick asked in shock.

Joe and the others looked at Evan's face deeply awaiting his next words, Evan sighed and looked at them before answering, "I'm afraid so, if not, which being could have the power to create such a dreadful thing that can easily annihilate worlds, much less connect us to a system that can give us strength? All I'll say is that for the things to come in the future, it will be a part of his objectives and if we wish to overcome it, we can only allow ourselves to partake in his game. It is only by acquiring power can we ever hope to break free from his reign and make our own destiny."

As everyone heard this, their eyes flashed as they gripped their fists tightly with a determined expression on their faces. Like any lifeform, no being will subject itself to the whim of another, those who do so are no different from cattle to be slaughtered.

Evan seeing their expressions, nodded and spoke, "Good, that's the kind of spirit we need to move forward, the odds may be against us, but I am sure that if we keep getting stronger. We will be able to overcome any challenges, our first goal is to overcome the hurdle called RADA, they may be a towering force now, but no giant is insurmountable. Let us show them all the miracles formed by the human spirit."

Everyone remained silent for a while before Joe gripped his fist and stood up and spoke in excitement, "That's right, we can't let them have their way, we are not a part of some game that they can push us around as they please."

"Hmph! My spear will similarly show no mercy; those that try to rip my kingdom apart and take away that which I hold dear shall not have good ends," Rick said as his eyes flashed in sharp light.

"I'll do what it takes to win, that's the way of a soldier," Breya said with a smile.

"Hehe, my arrows will show no quarter," Emilia said as her blue eyes shone with radiant light.

As everyone spoke, only Layla remained a bit silent as she gripped her fists tightly. As Evan saw this, he knew that she was worried about her father. He looked at her deeply before he spoke, "Layla, are you perhaps worried that your father might be..."

"Yes," Layla replied not giving Evan a chance to finish his words, she then lifted her head at the sky which had transitioned into nightfall as she spoke, "I am worried, but he made his choice, and so I've similarly made mine."

When Evan heard this, he knew that she must have learned quite a lot more than he had anticipated during her final meeting with her father. He thought to himself, 'You are willing to tell her your intentions, yet push her away by severing ties, and not killing her despite knowing her talents. Hmm, I wonder, just what is her father plotting?'

As Evan thought this, he shook his head, clearing his thoughts as he concluded, 'I suppose it doesn't matter, it won't change the fact that he as Val Corp's head has officially decided to work with RADA. I can only expect to see that right hand of his like last time, during the World Briefing.'

After clearing these thoughts, Evan looked at Layla with an even softer look as he could tell that for her to make this choice was not so simple. He grasped her slender palms and pulled her in for a hug before whispering in her ears, "Layla, remember what I told you before?"

As Layla heard this, her eyes that seemed a bit lost returned to normal as her face became flushed, she nodded and made a low answer, "Yes, I do."

Evan smiled and spoke again as he rubbed her hair, "Good, keep my words in mind, for no matter what your 'real' choice is, I'll follow you through with it to the end. So, don't beat yourself down due to its unfairness..."

Layla's eyes dripped with tears as she replied, " Evan, thank you."

The two looked at each other for a moment before separating under the eyes of the group, Joe, who looked at this, spoke his mind, "Evan, can't you have a little more decor, we're having a pumped-up speech about saving humanity here, this isn't the time for you to express a romantic atmosphere."

Rick seemed to have agreed with Joe's words; he spoke even louder, "That's right; I fully agree with Joe."

Emilia looked at the two and snickered as he spoke under breath, "Why do I feel that brother and this fellow are a bit jealous?"

As Breya who sat beside Emilia heard this, she nudged her and whispered, "That's because they are, hmph, let's see how they struggle for advancement, Sister Emmy."

Emilia became shy at those words; she looked at Breya and spoke, "Should we?"

Breya smiled and replied, "Of course, there is no reason to make life so easy for everyone. They'll have to work harder to get our attention... don't worry Emmy, I'll teach you what my sister taught me."

As Emilia heard this, she bit her lips and replied with an innocent look, "Okay, I'll listen to sister Breya."

The moment this was said, it was as if something had changed in the world, disrupting the natural order of the balance as Emilia had begun to walk a new path.

Rick and Fatty felt an unusual chillness, but Evan didn't seem to notice such things, he merely looked at the group and spoke, "We should wrap up, our train should be here at..."

He was about to tell everyone to get ready, but it was at this time, the speaker in the room made an announcement, "All passengers for train E03, please prepare to board at section 03."

As they heard this, everyone rose to their feet and packed up their item before leaving the room, when they had arrived at their boarding location, Evan's eyes then looked towards the sleek black train as he spoke in a voice that trailed off into the surroundings, "Let's begin,"

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