Ascenders Rift

Chapter 240: The Clash Against Pira 1

Chapter 240: The Clash Against Pira 1

When Evan got blown away, the scene had undergone a drastic turn as Pira had launched a blinding fast assault against the rest of the party. Joe, now stood in a seemingly helpless manner, as she cast one of her skills onto his mind.

"Psychic Illusion!"

Following her words, a series of colorful lights flashed as her eyes shone in odd rays that enveloped Joe's mind. In mere seconds, he found himself in a different world, as if he now stood at the center of a small circular cliff that could barely shoulder his body, the scene around on him now replaced with a giant bottomless abyss.

'What the heck is this? I... where am I?' Joe questioned as his forehead reeled with sweat; he did his very best to resist the strong winds that threatened to blow him off its edge.

After thinking for a moment, Joe's eyes flashed as his eyes widened in realization; he cursed, "Darn, it's an illusion, I have to wake up!"

Joe slapped his face hard in an attempt to use the pain as a means of waking himself, but sadly, it proved useless, as a Pria's sinister voice sounded at the core of his mind.

"Hehe, it's useless human, my abilities are far from their previous standard."

Following those words, Pira's figure soon appeared above Joe, hovering in the air as she looked down towards him with mock. She then raised her arms in the air as her hair danced upwards due to her colorful energies that erupted from her figure.

Bang! Many different giant boulders appeared from the ground hovering a few meters above Joe's position with a series of loud booms.

'Shit! This isn't good!' Joe inwardly cursed as he saw the current change; he found that he couldn't even call up his energies in this space. He wasn't as efficient when it comes to countering things such as mental attacks.

Pira smirked as she glared at Joe and spoke again, "Huhu, time here is also different from the outside, by the time they realize, I'll have already broken you're... huh?" Pira was about to say something, but as if she was distracted, she glanced towards the side in alarm.

Instantly, a bright golden arrow bolted from out of nothingness, striking towards her vitals; Pira didn't waste any time upon sensing the change; she hurriedly stretched her palm forward and shouted, "Psychic Force!"

After channeling her psychic power towards her front, forming a barrier of colorful energies, the rocks that levitated started to fall from the sky as the arrow then collided with her skill.

Boom! A loud explosive sound was heard as a shockwave spread across the sky, pushing away both Pira and Joe. As this happened, the world around them shattered into bits of pieces before vanishing into a swirling ray of golden lights.

Suddenly, Joe had awoken in his previous position, showing a dull look on his face; he shook his head and looked around only to notice that a series of flashing lights were dancing around him, both moving at ultra-high speeds.

'Crap, I was almost killed; I really need to learn how to counter those mental attack skills,' Joe thought with a serious look on his face, knowing full well that he would have been a goner if not for the sudden interruption.

"Hey, for our vanguard, you sure are acting useless at such a crucial moment, humph! Hurry up and help Rick!" Breya said from a nearby distance; her arms were currently spread open with various wires scattering from it.

Joe shook his head at her words; he wanted to complain but knew this wasn't the time.

'Tsk, this darn witch, I'll get her back someday.'

He thought before showing firm eyes, conjuring his battle energy around them to peer at the scene before him more clearly. By now, he could slightly catch on to Pira's and Rick's figures, who were fighting in a battle of pure speed.

"Brother, be more careful," Emilia's voice said from a nearby distance as she held her bow and occasionally fired off arrows in the direction of the flashing lights.

"Right, it won't happen again."

Joe replied as he took a heavy step forward and dashed like a footballer in the NFL, ready to tackle his enemy with his shield.

Layla watched this with her staff raised and glowing in bright lights; it seemed she had already queued a healing spell as a precautionary measure.

Breya made a satisfied look before fixing her attention once more onto her threads, zoning on each of them that swept towards Pira at high speeds.

At this moment, Rick and Pira were clashing fiercely; Pira waved her arms, sending a myriad of spinning circular blades towards Rick that swept through the wind like arrows, but as if Rick was beyond them. He merely swayed from left to right and avoided each attack with ease, parrying those that grew too close with his spear.

"I have you now," said Pira's as her eyes flashed with killing intent when she saw an opening, she was about to charge after him, but as if she sensed something, she hurriedly moved to the side by twirling her figure, escaping a myriad of strings that tried to bind her in place.

Following that, she waved her hand, causing a few spinning blades to swirl across the air and crash into a flurry of golden arrows that exploded.

'Che! Those meddling girls are so troublesome, I have to avoid getting bound, not to mention hit by those dangerous arrows,' Pira complained as she looked at Breya and Emilia; she even noticed that Joe was charging over.

Yet, while she was distracted by them, Rick once more charged forward at an even faster pace, blurring as he appeared a meter's distance from Pira before he stabbed his spear towards her chest.

"Holy Spear Light!" Rick said as he invoked his attack skill, causing the tip of his spear to glow in a bright white light that fired towards her.

"Hmph! Even if now faster, your strength is still weak!"

Pira said as she shifted her body to the side and slapped Rick's spear towards the ground with the back of her palm. The spear crashed into the earth, creating a boom as rocks scattered about everywhere. Yet, as if unphased by this, Pira followed up by reaching her left her arm towards her side and grabbing one of the curved blades that spun from a distance into her palm.

Swing! With a sharp cutting sound, the blade sliced through the air as she chopped it towards Rick's unguarded neck with a brutal set of eyes; she smirked as if she could see his head flying from his body.

'Hehe, that fatty might have escaped my illusion, but it looks like, with this, I might have gotten my revenge on this bastard.'

Pira thought with excitement as she recalled her previous disgraceful battle against Rick in her non-awakened state.

As the blade cut down, time seemed to have gone into slow motion as everyone, even Pira, seemed to have halted; Rick, on the other hand, merely glanced at her from the corners of his eyes and muttered, "So what if I'm weak, you should know that speed is another form of strength."

In this instance, Rick's body flowed before flickering due to using his Second Step talent as time returned to normal; Pira's blade then cut through nothingness as she had momentarily lost Rick's position.

"This again, where is he now?' Pira grew angered at this, as everything she had him under wraps, he would use this method to escape. She was about to search for him, but at this time, a broad shadow enveloped her figure as an angry voice reverberated.

"Since he's not strong enough, let's see how you handle my weight! Arc Crusher!" Joe said, as his shield expanded to giant size as it swept down towards the unguarded Pira, ready to smash her into oblivion.


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