Ascenders Rift

Chapter 233: Nelly's News, Surging Undercurrents

Chapter 233: Nelly's News, Surging Undercurrents

The meeting room was now in a state of silence as everyone had grim looks on their faces. They all knew what Nelly meant by those words, and it was a fact that was even more dangerous than the enemies outside of the Earth Sector.

"What kind of movements have RADA shown this time?" Sigor asked with a sharp look in his eyes.

Alan, Angeline, and the others also gave Nelly a good look, not wanting to miss out on even a word.

Nelly casually looked at them as he continued his words.

"While working with the Justice Party, I've been sourcing the land for their bases of operations. Through them, I've managed to discover quite a lot of their bases. From one of those facilities that I had infiltrated, I learned they were preparing to enact some operation, which was even more imperative than their alliances with other powers. In fact, we've come to learn that many other powers had broken off connections with them, but what's even more strange was that there were no words of this fracture from even the Morning Star Imperial Council."

When Sigor and the others heard this, they all had odd looks on their faces as they didn't quite understand what RADA was thinking.

'What's going on here? Just what are they planning?' Sigor thought to himself with a complicated look in his eyes. He really didn't know what they had in mind.

Alan frowned as he similarly pondered to himself, 'RADA... they've always been a step ahead of us, their sway runs deep in many areas, but you're telling me that they're willing to push away so many forces for some operation. What could it be? What forced them into making such a choice?'

Sigor and Alan were thinking to themselves, but Angeline looked at them before she stared at Nelly and spoke, "Nelly, I'm curious about something, how did the Justice Party find RADA's bases?"

Everyone soon made a thoughtful look as they had momentarily forgotten this aspect. Nelly looked at them as he smoked his cigar and replied.

"It's nothing complex, let's just say that if there's anyone in this world more knowledgeable about RADA, it would be no one else but their group."

"What?" Sigor and the others said in unison, but as they thought over those words more deeply, their eyes shone with curious lights as if they knew what Nelly was hinting.

Nelly smirked as he nodded at them and spoke again, "That's right, it's as you're thinking, you can say that they've been watching them for a long time, and have certain inside sources. Take a look at this..."

When Nelly finished those words, he tossed a tablet on the table, which shone before projecting a few holographic images of different persons before them.

Sigor, Alan, and the others looked at these images in surprise, as quite a few of them were familiar faces, especially that which belonged to the red-haired man and butler-like male.

"Well now, this is the interesting find," Alan said with a smile as he knew this info had opened a wide door for them.

"Indeed, with this, we can at least lessen or burdens a section, the pressing matters that we need to pay attention to are none other than those Flesh Mutators. I'll be speaking with those leaders the moment we" Sigor was about to say something, but there was an interruption.

"I've done it!"

"No, I did it!"

"Blah, you only did the small work, I am the engineer, remember!"

"Pssh, so what? My abilities are the core of the entire project!"

The scene within the room soon became noisy as two familiar individuals appeared from the open door; taking a good look at them, one would notice that it was the Chief Engineer Conrad along with Specialist Cline.

"Ha, these two lugger heads, since their so lively, I'm guessing its finally that time." Angeline murmured with a smile.

Alan gave her a look and nodded as he spoke, "Probably."

Sigor gave Cline and Conrad a look and spoke, "You've just barged in on an important meeting. I hope that you've both got a reason this time."

Conrad shrugged as he looked at everyone and spoke, "Of course, when have I ever done something without reason?"

A few others in the room rolled their eyes as they all knew of Conrad's nature, but Conrad merely shook his head before he spoke, "Anyways, I came here to let you know it's finished."

Sigor frowned and asked, "What's finished?"

Conrad looked at Cline, who made a strange smile as they both spoke in unison, "The future of all mankind."

Sigor and the others had flashing eyes, as the scene within the room grew even more strange following the images of a machine that would soon shock the world.


Far away from the Morning Star Empire, within the distant Ugandia Nation, Russian Union, and Asian Empire, the environments were no different from that of the former nation, each filled with ruins within their main cities' outskirts and war camps.

Yet, much like those within the Morning Star Empire. All humans of these regions had adapted, transcending to become powerful Ascenders, capable of striving throughout these times.

Like many others, the Ugandia Nation, led by Sir Balsiv Oji, had a powerful force led by the Fierce Tiger of Ugandia known as Akim Mureithi, titled as the Fierce Tiger Unit.

At this moment, each of these elites was gathered together in the central government office as Sir Oji sat before them in his nation's traditional wear.

Akim Mureithi was a well-built African man in a custom military suit with golden rings around his arms and legs and the tattoos of a tiger on his torso.

He stood within the company of a few similarly well-built figures, with one amongst them being a short and slender looking woman with an afro hairstyle and a tiger-skin headband around her hair.

Her name was Nala Ernzi, the second in charge of the entire unit with strength only second to Akim's.

"Akim, why du you think that di governor has called us here today?" Nala said in an African accent.

"...." Akim said nothing as he was by nature a man of silence, he merely shook his head and kept his eyes onto Oji's figure.

"Pssh, always di same, so boring."

Nala complained about an expression of discontent on her face; she then shifted her attention to Sir Oji. The others around them chuckled a bit as they knew of the strange affair between the duo.

Soon though, the laughing stopped as Oji looked at them and spoke, "Warriors of my nation, I am sure that you are all wondering why I've called you today. Let me make it clear. This meeting isn't anything to take lightly, so please get your acts straight."

Oji made a stern look as he said this, causing the unit members to take a solemn appearance, even Nala, stood straighter as if imitating Akim's manner.

Oji sighed and shook his head as he gave her a look before speaking once more.

"Good, let's begin, I am sure that you've all known of the threats beyond our borders, those Flesh Mutators that have ravaged our land and its people that time. In less than one month, we will be doing our decisive battle against their kind, but judging by their numbers, this will be a fight that none us will be able to accomplish on our own. Even if we deploy all of our trump cards, we will still result in a startling amount of casualties, even more so now that the RADA group has begun to show odd movements, distancing themselves from the current affairs."

Akim, Nala, and the others didn't say anything but had sharper eyes. It was clear that none of them liked to hear the words RADA.

Oji didn't stop his words but continued with a serious look on his face.

"I was thinking of forming a partnership with a few others that are more suited to be allies, but it seemed that I wasn't the only one with such a thought."

Following those words, Oji pressed a button as a holographic screen appeared, showing a letter addressed from the MSS group, the Russian Union, and even the Asian Empire.

Nala gasped at this as she spoke, "Then Sir Oji, are you saying"

Oji smirked and spoke in reply to cut off Nala's words.

"That's right. We won't be fighting a lone war."

As if his words could influence the surroundings, a cool wind blew, brushing across the room from the open windows as every man and woman had eyes filled with fighting spirit. This spirit traveled further as if it was wafted by the drafts that reached even the distant Asian Empire and Russian Union.

It was as if the world knew that everything was about to transform, inspiring a brand-new chance for the war to sharp the entire future of the Earth Sector. 

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