Ascenders Rift

Chapter 211: Marlin's Rage!

Chapter 211: Marlin's Rage!

At the summits of the sky, within the sea of dark reddish clouds, the Mosquito Queen Marlin was currently enjoying a feast of human blood, her face filled with ecstasy as she licked the neck of a dying human Evolver that couldn't even move or speak.

Carefully observing, one would notice that she rather enjoyed the look of terror on the individual's face as she slurped away the excess blood with her pointed tongue that once again pierced into his neck.

After drinking the individual dry, she tossed the dried-up corpse into the sea of mosquitoes as she licked her lips while thinking, 'Hmm~ so lovely... I can feel my cells evolve with every drop of blood that enters my body, hehe... once I've grown strong enough neither that troublesome Yelshiva will lose her right to reign over Insect Hive.'

Marlin was in a good mood, but suddenly, a mosquito general had arrived before her and spoke, "My queen, we might have come across a slight issue..."

Marlin frowned as she heard this, her energies rose as the mosquito general felt as if he was being crushed when she spoke in an icy tone, "Say that again?"

The mosquito general took a deep breath and spoke again as he pushed down his fear, "M-my queen, it's those humans, they've found a way to conjure a barrier through those devices of theirs, we have no way to break through its defenses at the current time."

Marlin's anger was rising as she spoke, "What do you mean by a barrier? Haven't we disabled their devices? How can they have energy?"

The mosquito general sighed and replied, "My dear queen, it would appear that they've prepared for such an event, storing some reserve. However, it doesn't seem like the reserve was a lot as it can only span the region of their tallest building, everywhere else has been left unprotected."

When Marlin heard this, she frowned before casting her sights below her. Soon, she saw that while most of the city was in ruin, a distance away from her at the city's core. The bright blue barrier had sealed off the area around the Hall of Governance.

'Hmph! Humans and there means... let's test its strength shall we...' As Marlin said this, she pointed her finger towards the barrier as a ball of blood-red energies started to gather at alarming speeds.

At this time, the evacuation had already begun within the Hall of Governance. Vernisa and the core officials had already started to move the crowd of survivors in the underground base, as all the other Evolvers and guards stood on high alert.

"Hurry-hurry! Those who are strong must carry the weak, take only what is necessary and hurry into the channel!" A person said as he directed the survivors to a downward path that lead to the underground passage.

The scene was now one of rowdiness as everyone hurried to evacuate, but it would take a little more than a day for them to evacuate everyone successfully despite this speed.

At this moment, Leo, Julie, Oron, Irene, and Razel were already standing on the ceiling of the building; they stood with a group of elite Evolvers as they were prepared to counter against any obstacles.

Initially, their faces were filled with determination, as Leo was still filled with rich killing intent, Julie looked at him wanting to say something, but she didn't in the end.

However, as if they each sensed something, their eyes shifted towards a different direction as they noticed a bright reddish light at the center of the dark reddish clouds a far distance from their position.

"This... what is that light?" Oron asked as his face became filled with unease.

Irene, who has a greater sense of energy, spoke in fear, "It's coming from one of them, a huge amount of energy, we cannot take it head-on!"

Leo and Julie were shocked at this, but Razel, whose eyes were the best notice that the behind energy was a peerlessly beautiful, but a sinister-looking woman.

"Oh crap! It's the Mosquito Witch! Everyone, hurry and send the command to bolster the barrier!" Razel said in a fearful tone.

Leo and the others had pale faces, but they didn't hesitate to hurry from this area. In roughly a few seconds, a few antennas that glowed in neon lights at different sectors began to shine even brighter as the barrier around the Hall of Governance increased by a section.

'I hope it will last...' Razel thought as his eyes were fixed on the cruel face of Marlin.

Soon, Marlin had gathered enough energies; the dark clouds cleared a path as even the mosquitoes in the path had made a wide opening. 

Piiiii! A giant red beam swept through the large path from the dark clouds towards the Hall Governance with a sharp sound.

Boom! Moments after, a shocking explosion erupted, which lit up a section of the barrier, but oddly enough, the barrier only rippled for a moment before returning to normal.

The mosquito general looked at this in shock, as Marlin frowned, she spoke her thoughts aloud, "Hmm... well now, this is interesting, to think that these humans could prevent my attack."

However, though she said this, her mouth curved in a sly smile as she spoke again with flashing eyes, "Hehe... it's a good method, but from that attack, I can tell that this barrier is only a limited to a little over a day at best... since that's the case, a little added pressure should shorten the time..."

After saying this, Marlin glanced at the mosquito general and spoke, "Hurry and lead a portion of the army; you must strike at that barrier and destroy it as quickly as possible!"

"As my queen commands!" The mosquito general replied with a bow before his wings flapped, bringing him into the sky.

With a loud cry, a horde of a thousand mosquitos gathered around him before they each turned into blurry shades that bolted towards the direction of the Hall of Governance.

As the lights faded, Leo and the others look up at the rippling barrier in horror as they knew that if they didn't bolster the defenses, they would be destroyed by that attack.

They wanted to heave sighs of relief, but it would seem that they wouldn't get this chance. Razel immediately noticed when the mosquito horde had launched a new wave towards them; he yelled, "Everyone get ready! The enemies are attacking!"

Leo had a grim look, but his body erupted with blazing flames as he spoke, "Right, I will kill any of them that tries to enter the barrier!"

Julie and the others also had similar feelings; their bodies emanated with their different genetic powers as all Evolvers prepared to fight a bloody battle.

It didn't take long for the horde to arrive launching a myriad of attacks against the sturdy barrier, but Leo and the others promptly charged out as they began a fierce battle against them.

Marlin watched this with a surge of excitement on her face as she sniffed, and while thinking, 'Hmm~ the scent of blood even richer there, I can tell that there some fine humans bundled in that cage. Hehe... I can't wait to taste...'

Marlin was about to say something, but suddenly, her face sunk as she glanced towards a different direction, her kin were bounded to her by blood as such, when a large amount of them perished she could sense it with every fiber of her being.

"Who... who dares to kill my kin?" Marlin cursed viciously.

In an instant, a devastating power scattered from the heavens as it coated a layer of the city with her overwhelming presence. Just by looking at her, one would feel a surge of dread as her long hair wildly danced as she stood atop of her monstrous mosquito mount with her energies scattering from her figure.

Swoosh! Suddenly, a severely injured mosquito general had appeared before Marlin with both of its arms and one leg missing, its body filled with bloody holes as it panted for breath.

" queen... w-we... we have encountered unexpected... adversaries..." The mosquito general said as his life slowly faded from his body, his arm pointed towards a distant location at the entire city's edge.

Marlin watched as one of her hard bread mosquito generals turned into a corpse, her eyes gleaming in a cold ray as she stared at the direction he pointed with a menacing look. She yelled in a sinister voice, "YOU DARE TO KILL MY KIN? PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR DEATH!"

The instant she finished her words, her huge mosquito mount roughly twenty meters in size glowed in sinister energies. It flapped its wings and turned into a red blur that vanished from this area, leaving behind the scene of the dreadful battle at the Hall of Governance. 

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