Ascenders Rift

Chapter 186: The True History, A Shocking Announcement!

Chapter 186: The True History, A Shocking Announcement!

The room was in a state of silence, as Breya looked at everyone spoke while showing a few pictures, one of which looked like the Mutant Plant Man that they had encountered before entering the Origin Lab.

"Over a dozen years ago, this world was no different from the early twentieth century of our Earth World. The technology was still in its refinement period; even laser technology was a concept on the brink of discovery. However, on one fated day, a team from this world's number one research facility, the Origin Lab, led by Ion Newzer and Krasac Cramerton, discovered a secret space."

When Joe, Layla, and the others heard this, their faces grew intrigued as Evan narrowed his eyes while thinking, 'A secret space? Could it be...?'

Evan was about to think something, but as if Breya knew what Evan thought, she cast everyone a look. Noting that they had arrived at a similar conclusion as she continued to speak, "Yes, it's as you've guys assumed, the space they found was later identified as the X Realm. The 'X' meaning that any and everything of this space was undefined. It didn't take for them to make a few alarming discoveries, especially a usually large tree that seemed to bear an unusual fruit. They called this discovery the Origin Tree and the extract from its surrounding plants the X-Factor."

When Evan heard the words about Origin Tree, his face sunk as he exclaimed, "A tree? Impossible, show me it's detailed!"

Breya was a bit alarmed, but as she saw his urgent look, she pressed a button, causing the screen to show the Origin Tree image.

Looking at it closely, one would notice that it was a giant tree that loomed over the world, seeming as if it could encompass all things. It had strange fruits growing on its trunks, each that glowed in an odd light as at the very core of the trunk itself, was a blinding source of light.

Evan looked at this picture in shock, though he had never seen it before he felt his Void Blood Pendant tremble as if it was jubilant.

"The World Tree!" Evan shouted in shock, as he didn't think he would see the world tree here.

Everyone looked at Evan as if he'd gone mad, but right now, Evan was too shocked to care, his mind was currently in a state of confusion, 'How is this possible? Wasn't that gate shown in the Mother Nest the only way to the World Tree? Is it that the tree itself is actually in this world, and the gate is shown there was only the closest entrance? If that's so, why have aren't there any traces of such a large tree?'

As Evan was in thought, everyone looked at each other before glancing at him as they spoke.

"Evan, what's going on? What's this World Tree you're going on about?" Joe asked with puzzled eyes, though he and the others were filled in about Evan's past, or rather, future. He didn't speak about the recently gained knowledge of the World Tree and the True World Source.

Because of this, Layla and the others also looked at him with puzzled expressions. Evan now awakened from his strange state, he glanced at everyone and shook his head before speaking, "Sorry about that, I was a bit startled, as for the World Tree. I'll explain it to you all sometime in the future; for now, let's say its related to a separate and more personal matter."

When everyone heard his words they nodded, they knew he still had his secrets, so they didn't press him for it.

Breya seeing the situation return back to normal took a deep breath and continued her words, "So, back on topic, from what I've gathered, after the discovery of the X-Factor, Krasac Cramerton had entrusted Ion Newzer with its research and development. He had then continued with the remaining scientists to explore the world and understand it, they tried multiple times to harvest the fruit of the tree, but it all failed as if some force bound them. Soon, the tree itself had vanished, leaving no trace behind, but after the disappearance of this tree, there was another discovery."

Evan and the others grew solemn at Breya's words; they keenly listened for the rest of the details as she spoke again.

"Once the tree vanished, it left behind a myriad of spores, these spores scattered across the entire X Space, with most of it even entering the outside world. There were no unusual changes for an initial period, but after two years, there was a sudden outbreak of a strange decease as even the insects and wild beasts started to show immense transformations. For fear that the situation would become uncontrollable, Krasac Cramerton and the others hurried left the space and sealed it off with the knowledge gained from a few artifacts in the world. However, it was already too late; many lives had fallen to this unknown decease, and the evolved insects started to wreak havoc on the land."

Evan and the others showed looks of understanding as Joe spoke, "Oh, so that's how those of the Insect Hive came about, no wonder. However, if that's such, what about the others?"

Rick, Evan, Emilia, and Layla also looked at Breya, waiting on her to speak again. Not disappointing, Breya shifted the images on display, showing scientists and a few test tubes. She then spoke again, "It's all here, in an attempt to solve everything once and for all, everyone pooled their understandings together, working side-by-side with Ion Newzer to analyze the X-Factor, later termed as X001. Only during the later sections of 2033 was their real success in their efforts, as they created a myriad of vaccines up to X09, this led to most humans entering a state of transformation, unearthing the genes of those who existed in the primal era for these lands. With this power, they had managed to carve out a small place in the world, but after another year, this same medicine led to their world turning into a nightmare."

As Breya said this, the screen in front of her changed to a different one. It showed two kinds of humans, one that changed into a mixture of plant life and the others formed into familiar blobs of flesh and tissue.

"These drugs, other than having the necessary factor for evolution, also provided the basis of an extreme form of divergence. One is the systematic root, whereby the human gene would fuse with that of the extracts from those unknown plants, while the other is on the extreme with the host tissues and fundamental cells. One became the Mutant Plant Life, and the other became those who were known as the Flesh Mutators."

After Breya said this, she pressed a button causing the screen to grow dark and sighed as if she finished her report. Everyone had surprised expression as they conversed with each other.

"I didn't think it would be like this, most of it was what we've assumed, but there are far more factors going on, for instance, why doesn't it seem like anyone here even recalls that Origin Tree? Nor how the Flesh Mutators came into being?" Layla asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Rick frowned before he spoke, "I feel that what's likely happened, was information shut down. It's not the first such a scenario has occurred, even in our world, it was a common act, used by the government to shield unnecessary knowledge form the public. In their case, the Cramertons were the ones to discovered everything, so it's highly likely that not even individuals like the Morison's and Briggs would have known the exact details. If we look at it another way, it would even be that they knew but similarly didn't share it."

Joe and Emilia nodded as if they shared similar thoughts, as did Breya, Evan then looked at them with a thoughtful look. After contemplating for a moment, he spoke, "Hmm, your thoughts are correct, it's likely the latter, as for what happened to the team of scientists including that Krasac and Ion, I suppose we can find out from them in tomorrow's meeting. For now, let's leave it as is and help them clean up this current mess a..."

Evan was about to suggest helping them solve the current chaos, but right at this time, there was an unusual sound that went in not only his mind but also the minds of all humans from the Earth World.


[Congratulations to all of Earth's humans! Because of your kinds of outstanding awareness and curiosity, some amongst you have uncovered Qeodreona's true history. Because of this, your [Rift Quest] will be updated in accordance. So, do please strive towards the peak of ascension!]

When Evan heard this, not only himself but also the faces of Joe, Layla, Rick, Breya, and Emilia, whom he had told the future had sunk, as they knew that from now on, things would be different. 

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