Ascenders Rift

Chapter 183: The Odd Cramertons, Breya's Success

Chapter 183: The Odd Cramertons, Breya's Success

After the conflicts faded in the meeting room, Milon, who had gotten the exact details from Vernisa, looked at the remaining officials before he spoke, "Everyone, today has been a hard one, but at least it had given us a position of advantage."

When Milon spoke those words, his eyes glanced at Vawn, Kelvin, and the others who were still alive from the Anti Human Faction. Leon and the others also had beaming eyes as they looked on. Milon then continued to speak, "With the aid of Sir Evan and his allies, we've not only identified coconspirators with our enemies but have also captured them. From this point onward, I want the best interrogation team to press them for information, seal them off in the bottom sector of the Hall of Governance.

When the officials heard this, they made a node and replied, "As the city head commands it!"

Milon smiled at this, he glanced at everyone and waved his hand before speaking, "Dismissed!"

The officials hearing this then began to scatter about, each moving to different areas to handle various affairs. A strong team brought the captured and unconscious enemies off towards an elevator that headed towards the underground floors of the building.

While this happened, Vernisa, who stood by Milon's side, glanced at him and spoke, "What would you have done if they weren't here?"

Milon sighed as he lifted his head and replied, "I don't think there was anything that I could have done to begin with, their party being here was mainly me and my son's chance of survival."

Vernisa shook her head with a complex look as she spoke, "Indeed so,"

Wilma, who had seen off the culprits, walked over to the duo, she looked at Milon before speaking, "Sir Milon, the prisoners have successfully been sent off, as for the meeting with that party, when should we reschedule it?"

Milon thought before he replied, "Let's just do it tomorrow as they suggested. Besides, we don't have much left to discuss. We're only going to finalize their request of staying here and officially accept the information they're providing. As for the battle against the Body Shifters, they are no longer required to partake in it."

Wilma thought for a bit before nodding; she then hesitated before asking, Sir, what should we do about the Cramertons?"

Milon frowned at this; even Vernisa had a serious expression. Milon thought before speaking, "They aren't so easily dealt with, though they've never shown an active interest in political affairs, they are still without a doubt, a strong family. It was even due to their research that we could even strive today in this current age. Hmm, if it is that Vawn and that Paulson were moving by the will of their clan, then we will need to prepare some countermeasures."

Wilma hearing this nodded and spoke, "Understood, I will start preparing them right away, Sir.

As she said this, she then left to handle those affairs, Milon shifted his eyes outside, noticing that it was getting later, his eyes showing a sharp look as he thought, 'Hmph! Since the Cramerton's may be involved, it will only get more troublesome, but no matter where their true base of activities is, we will find it and crush it.'

As Milon finished his thoughts, he noticed that Leo was leaving with Julie, and his friends, the two had happy expressions on their faces, causing him to feel a little better about today's plight. Eventually, the scene here returned to normal as the day continued onward towards the afternoon.


By this hour, Evan, Joe, Layla, and the others had already arrived at their temporary residence, they each calmed down after such a pressing day's event and were trying to relax.

Layla and Emilia seemed to be chatting about something, occasionally looking at Rick and Joe, who seemed to be in a silent war as they watched the TV. However, Breya sat around a desk finishing up her previous task while Evan stood on the veranda, gazing at the scene around them as he contemplated.

'Such a perfect chance for an insurgency, yet they didn't send out their best and merely used a few top figures. Hmm, this bunch may prove to be a little more meddling, I hope the little fish takes the bait we've left behind...'

When thought to here, his lips curved into a smile as if the situation was still under their control. He then stopped pondering these affairs and completed about the outside world.

'Less than two months, and we will be forced into a dreadful war against the Mother Breed. I cannot bet on the Insect Hive not taking a direct move against us like last time, it seems we might need to consider destroying them as we head to the Mother Nest, assuming they truly can't be used as bait. Nevertheless, I have a feeling that the foremost threat will ultimately be whatever is lingering at the depths of that Origin Lab...' Evan thought as he felt that the Rift Mission was odd. He didn't know why it wouldn't mention the existence at the lab and only focused more specifically on Galgorax.

Evan wanted to ponder more, but right at this moment, he heard a happy shout behind him.

"Yes, I finally cracked it!" Breya's excited voice said as she sat around her small computer screen.

Joe, who was nearby, looked over curiously as he spoke in a sarcastic tone, "Eh? And here I thought it was going to take you a few years?"

Breya ignored Joe's words; her eyes flashed as she glanced at Evan's direction with a strange look. Evan sighed as he looked at Joe and shook his head, he nodded, giving her a thumbs up.

Breya made a sinister grin saying nothing more, Joe felt uneasy seeing that look, he gulped not knowing why he was feeling this way.

Rick, who seemed to be minding his own business, glared at Joe with mock but said nothing either.

By Now, Evan had already walked over, much like Layla and Emilia, who arrived with curious expressions.

"Well, what have you found?" Evan asked her with flashing eyes.

Breya snorted as she replied, "Hey, I just got the data; it has yet to be organized, so try being a little patient."

Evan felt embarrassed at these words, he clicked his teeth and replied, "Fine, I'll get a little fresh air, call me when you're done."

After Evan said this, he left the room heading outside, Layla thought for a bit before she glanced at Emilia and spoke, "Emmy, I'm going to follow him, be back later."

Not waiting any longer, she hurried out the door after Evan, the others watched this and shook their heads, not saying anything.

Rick and Joe showed traces of envy, but Emilia and Breya smiled with unusual eyes, pretending they saw nothing.

As Evan arrived outside, he began to walk towards the nearest food store that he had recall passing by yesterday. However, he soon heard a shout behind him, "Evan, wait for me!"

Evan looked around and saw Layla, he smiled and stood still, waiting for her to come nearby, as he saw her slightly rushed appearance he teased, "Hey, why'd you chase me? It isn't like I was going to another world or something."

Layla, hearing this snorted, her face turned red when she murmured, "Hmph! W-what's wrong with a woman following her man?"

Evan's eyes widened; he stared at her reddish face and poked her nose as he smirked before speaking, "Haha, absolutely nothing is wrong! Come on, let's explore the various treats together!"

Layla felt embarrassed; she felt like every time he touched her nose; he was pressing a cute button. She slapped his palm and spoke, "No touching my nose! Come show me what sweets you found yesterday."

She said with eyes beamed as she loved eating sweet things, she grasped Evan's arm tightly, and the two slowly made their way through the evening lit streets, bypassing the various crowds and vehicles as they blended into the afternoon scene.


At a distance away from the core sections of the city of hope, was a large compound with high walls. The text Cramerton was imprinted in fine prints on the surface as the entrance blocked by tree meter large metal gate was slowly opening.

When this happened, a black car that was previously waiting on the outside entered the compound. It drove through a spiraling path with fountains made of gold. Eventually, the car came to a stop at the largest building, built in a manner akin to some palace.

A few individuals garbed in black suits with glasses stood before the building, they acted as if they didn't even see the car as if their sole purpose was only guarding.

Soon, the door opened, as the familiar individual known as Master stepped out along with his two comrades. They walked past the men in black clothes, entering the compound at a steady pace as they moved through a long corridor.

At its farthest end, there was a door to some main room, the helmets of these trios flashed in a reddish ray as it began to transform, rising up to their noses as it revealed their mouths.

The Master then smirked with purplish lips as he spoke with a strange tone, "Let us begin..."

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