Ascenders Rift

Chapter 176: The Meeting Commences

Chapter 176: The Meeting Commences

The meeting room within the Hall of Governance was a large one, a vast space that could literally hold roughly a hundred individuals if one included the extra space around the chairs and central table. It was decorated modestly, without any unnecessary ornaments and other gadgets, keeping all focus towards the central area.

By this time, everyone had already gathered within the room and seated themselves in crucial areas. The core officials such as Milon Morison and the other highest leaders were sitting at three sides in the most significant chairs.

One being Kelvin Anderson, whose refined and slender figure was tucked into a stylish suit. His eyes shrewd eyes glanced around at the similar aged Vernisa Briggs, who, despite her years, still had a kind of mature grace in her simple red dress. 

Vernisa's busty features, large breasts, and delicate face were capable of enamoring even the most experienced of men. Especially, her shining hawk-like eyes that seemed much like Razel's that looked around the room, but from a glance, one could tell that she was much sharper and observant of crucial details.

Other than the core trio, those on the second level such as Alia Wester and Vawn Cramerton, sat at the sides of these officials. However, though it seemed as such, looking at Vawn Cramerton, one would notice that his placing was a little special compared to the others amongst the second level, as if placed at a sector that seemed separate from everyone else.

Naturally, Evan, Leo, Mark, and the others weren't seated around the table but in the seats facing their direction. They looked around at the various individuals, listening to the slight amount of conversations from all sides.

'So, it turns out Kelvin Anderson and Vernisa Briggs were already in attendance. It might be that they were discussing a few things in private....' Leo thought as he looked at the two seated by his father. 

He had nothing against Vernisa as she was practically neutral. However, when he saw how Kelvin was whispering and smiling with Alia Wester, he couldn't help but grip his fist tightly.

As if feeling his mood, the gentle arms of Julie gripped him tightly, causing him to awaken from his state of mind. Leo shook his head, looking at Julie as he thought, 'Yes... that's right; I'm not alone, we can fight this together.'

No paying attention to Leo's and Julie's little moment, Evan and the others looked around with curiosity. Joe, Emilia, and Layla were speaking about something under the quiets as they glanced at Leo's group, but Rick's eyes narrowed as he looked around, eyeing a few areas as he noticed that at the farthest corner was a group in cloaked robes

Breya also noticed this; she even scanned the area with her device picking up a few high powers signatures, as she thought, 'Heated Weapons, each of which is trained onto our position, hehe... it seems that some of these folks are not too keen on having us in their hidden space.'

Breya looked at Rick, who nodded back in return; it seems that they had already made the necessary preparations on what to do; they didn't even bother Evan with the details.

Evan had already noticed some of the details as for what eluded him; he didn't care; he left that to Breya and Rick, with Breya being the more capable of them all.

He glanced at the three leaders with a smirk on his face as he thought, "So it turns out that their information was right on the mark this time... these fellows are truly only comparable to Level 11 Ascenders."

Evan thought as he inspected the basic details of the trio, causing the status screen to pop up in front of his eyes.


[Milon Morison]

[Race - Human (Evolved) | State - Lesser Tier Ascender (Stage 1 - Early)]

[Rank A Evolver (+1 Stats Per Level)]

[Total Stat +5 Stats Increase Per Level (Rank + NSB)]

[Qeodreona's Heroes - Stat Boost | +5 All base stats]

[Level - 11] 


[Kelvin Anderson]

[Race - Human (Evolved) | State - Lesser Tier Ascender (Stage 1 - Early)]

[Rank A Evolver (+1 Stats Per Level)]

[Total Stat +5 Stats Increase Per Level (Rank + NSB)]

[Qeodreona's Heroes - Stat Boost | +5 All base stats]

[Level - 11] 


[Vernisa Briggs]

[Race - Human (Evolved) | State - Lesser Tier Ascender (Stage 1 - Early)]

[Rank A Evolver (+1 Stats Per Level)]

[Total Stat +5 Stats Increase Per Level (Rank + NSB)]

[Qeodreona's Heroes - Stat Boost | +5 All base stats]

[Level - 11] 


Evan smirked, not saying anything as he calmly observed the proceedings, not long after, a clap was heard as Wilma, standing by Milon's side spoke through a mounted microphone.

"The time is now precisely noon, and I would like to take this chance to begin today's Council Meeting. Our agendas for today are primarily the discussions with our newly arrived friends from the outside world; they are said to be humans from another world who are currently engaged in warfare with the Mother Breed. As for any other matters, we can leave those for later in our discussions," As Wilma said this, she looked around at the faces of everyone and notice that a few of them had strange glints within them.

The room carried an uncanny silence, as no one acted in surprise or showed any looks of awe, it seemed that all these details were long since shared with the expected parties.

Wilma glanced at Milon, who nodded, before she sighed and spoke once more, "Great, since everyone is already informed, let us proceed with the meeting! While we've heard some aspects from young hero Leo and his company, I ask of Sir Evan to step forward; please do introduce yourself and state your objectives as to why you have come here?"

Following Wilma's words, the room grew silent as everyone looked at Evan, the cloaked individuals shifted their heads in his direction. As the leaders had strange flashes in their eyes, even the silent and odd Velmon seated by the side of Manager Paulson, lifted his head at an angle showing his eyes from beneath his shades as he stared at Evan.

Evan glanced at Layla, and the others before giving a thumbs-up as he rose from his seat and stood at a pre-arranged area at the center.

He then stared at everyone before he started to speak, "Greetings everyone, my name is Evan Cross. My comrades and I have ventured from across the vast oceans of Qeodreona, arriving onto the mainland only recently. Our race though of human aren't from your world, we came here due to a calamity known as the Ascenders Rift. Naturally, we have also come under the threat of your two greatest enemies, being those of the Insect Hive and the Mother Breed."

As the others listened to Evan's words, their eyes showed curious looks as Milon couldn't help but ask, "You say the Ascenders Rift? What kind of oddity is that?"

Kelvin and Vernisa, along with the other officials also showed puzzled looks, Evan shook his head and replied, "It is a power that comes from one supreme above all else, an entity known as God..."

"God? Ha, what kind of absurd notion is that?" Kevin said with mockery in his tone.

"That's right, boy, you better clarify this nonsense, we aren't here to listen to fairy tales!" Alia said as she looked at Evan with a scornful look.

Mark looked at Evan and thought with scornful eyes, 'Hmph! Such nonsense, I knew these guys were idiots from the first time I saw them...'

Vernisa also didn't buy it but based on his tone and the expression on his face, she couldn't help but find him a bit convincing.

Milon also thought it strange, as did Leo and his party, who had first heard the story. However, other than a few others that cursed a bit, most didn't do anything more as they wanted to see how he'd reply.

Evan looked at them calmly as he spoke again, "Everyone, please do be calm, all shall be made known. While it is true, I cannot prove his existence, nor the strangeness of the Ascenders Rift, I don't need to for in less than two months, you shall learn of this existence yourself. For now, I ask of you to bear with my story and focus more on my objectives."

The other soon calmed down as they stared at Evan, but Milon, Kelvin, and Vernisa stared at each other before they replied in unison, "Fine then, we shall hear your words first, then make a decision."

Evan smiled at this and spoke again, "Great, now, our objectives here are simple. We come bearing information about your enemies, details of their nests, and other crucial details that we think might be useful in your battles against them and also in the reclamation of the land. I want to exchange this information with hopes that we might be able to form a partnership and for you to fulfill a small request of ours."

When the officials heard his words, they looked at Evan in surprise, as a few of them had bright rays in their eyes. Kelvin and Vernisa stared at each other before looking at Milon, who cleared his throat and spoke, "If you truly do have information on those creatures, then we are open to negotiating depending on your conditions."

Evan, hearing those words, made a faint smile as he replied, "Perfect, then before I begin, these are my conditions..."

As Evan spoke, the room's atmosphere changed from the previous tension to a more open and friendly one, beckoning the actual start of the negotiation. 

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