Ascenders Rift

Chapter 154: Checkpoint 05, Leo and Julie

Chapter 154: Checkpoint 05, Leo and Julie

The sky here was clear blue, much which was commonly seen in Earth's domain. A sea had encompassed the entirety of this realm, as only a single landmass existed at its core. This land was roughly six thousand square kilometers in size and had many different constructed checkpoint towns built within the wilds, each of a few dozen kilometers.

These checkpoints were arranged around a single central city of enormous size, one that spanned more than 30 percent of the land. They formed a circular network, acting as the last lines of defense for potential intruders.

As such, by observing from afar, one would notice that each of their walls was no less than a few dozen meters tall, with odd-looking high-powered weapons and armored guards on top of them. These people wore a mix of technological and standard fantasy style equipment, as they watched the various sensors that regularly scanned their environment.

At this time, within one such area known as Checkpoint 05, one would see an area that was highly protected. It was a spiraling portal built at the center of a gate-like construct, now and then, it would flash, but as this happened, it would return to normal without one appearing from it.

Nearby this checkpoint was a watchtower, inside of its core room, was two individuals that were seated around a counter of many different screens and buttons.

A fat man with a large nose and short hair below his military hat sat while looking at this gate with a bored look on his face. He complained, "It's so boring, those who venture outside at the different warp points mostly transfer into the city. Why is there even a need to watch over this one?"

The fat man felt annoyed at his role, but as if someone heard him, a quirky voice sounded from behind him. 

"Ha, Kens, you always complain about the same thing every day, why don't you just throw in the towel and pass this job on to those who need it?" A skinny guy said with layered hair, small eyes, and delicate lips, garbed in simple leather armor. He leaned his back on a chair and had both of his feet crossed over on the counter.

"Pssh! Leo, as if I'd do that, you know better than I how hard it is to find this type of work..." Kens said while giving the skinny guy a sheepish look.

As he said this, he couldn't help but curse in his mind, 'Darn lazy bum, he doesn't do anything and is merely here to spoil away his time because of his darn father. I hate those Morisons....'

While Kens cursed to himself, Leo who leaned back with his eyes closed, opened them as he thought with a smile on his face, 'Ah, there is nothing better than goofing off, let the rest fight to their deaths I don't care, I'd rather stay here and watch this darn gate for the rest of my...'

Leo was about to say something, but right at this, the seemingly ordinary portal had suddenly undergone a significant change.

Buzz! Following a loud noise, the portal started to rotate faster, as its bright rays lit up a section of the checkpoint.

"Hmm? Someone's actually coming to our checkpoint!" Kens said in alarm, as he hurriedly rose to his feet and spoke on the speaker, "All guards on standby!"

Following his words, a base alarm went off as red lights flashed on and off from a central pole. Soon, a mechanical noise sounded as a giant cylindrical gun had shifted its angle, aiming from the wilds towards the portal in the checkpoint.

"This is the Particle Gun Unit; we are ready and waiting!" A middle-aged voice said as the Particle Gun began to warm up.

As this happened, a cluster of footsteps was heard as a group had suddenly appeared from nowhere. One would notice that they were a squad of armored men and women who wore a mix of fantasy and futuristic combat suits. They each held swords, spears, and other close-range weaponry in their hands.

One short-haired woman with fine features stood at the front of this group, dressed in a lightly armored fashion with shoulder pads, and arm guards. She had straps binding her slender waist, as it held the sheath of a simple sword.

She glared at the portal and spoke, "This is the Battle Unit; we are in position!"

Following her words, far above in the sky, one would notice a series of silhouettes that sat on top of hovering platforms. Some of them wore mage uniforms, while others had combat suits with large, high-powered sniper rifles aiming downward.

One slender man who wore nothing but a coat and scarf around his neck sat down in silence; his curly hair fell to his neck as goggles were placed above his head. Soon, he placed the goggles over his eyes and stared at the ground, reaching for a sniper rifle that was larger than others by two times as he spoke with a smile, "This is the Sky Unit; locked and ready!"

As the series of replies came from the speakers in the watchtower, Kens nodded with satisfaction as he focused on the flowing portal.

Leo, who was dazing away, was only now alarmed by the changes. He promptly got himself up from the chair and gripped his sword handle while heading downwards.

Kens seeing this was a bit surprised; he asked, "Leo, what's this? You're thinking of actually going out there?"

Leo shook his head and spoke, "Not like I have a choice now, do I? Who told me to be born a Morison?"

Kens hearing Leo's words paused for a bit before shaking his head as he thought to himself, "Ah yes, even if lazy when faced with a threat, they cannot back down. If I recall, it will lead to punishment by death due to the governing rules set by those families..."

As Kens pondered to himself, Leo had already left the room, walking towards the elevator. His eyes were stern as other than laziness; he gave off an entirely different presence.

"It's time to see which creature was actually lucky enough to charge in here... maybe it's those bugs from the Insect Hive or those darn Flesh Mutators," Leo thought to himself as he continued his way downwards.

Soon, he had arrived outside, standing nearby the female leader of the Battle Unit. She turned and glanced at him before snorting and looking away, a few others in her group couldn't help but look at him with disdain.

"Captain Julie, you shouldn't be so harsh on me; after all, I am this checkpoint's supervisor," Leo said with a smile.

Julie snorted at this as she spoke, "Say so after you prove your worth in real battle, a lazy bastard like you doesn't deserve such a post!"

Leo merely shrugged and gave no reply, he knew he was mostly here because of connections and his laziness, but that didn't mean he was weak.

As those of the combat unit whispered amongst themselves, the lights from the portal had begun to recede, causing everyone to take on a stern demeanor.

Soon, everyone had held their weapons closely, prepared to attack at a moment's notice. Even Leo and Julie were showing a deep level of focus.

Suddenly, the lights of the portal vanished, and six different silhouettes appeared, they were indistinct at first, but as if something in the area affected them, their bodies kept fading in and out of reality until they became visible.

At this moment, Evan saw that their stealth had been blocked by the enemies superior scanners, he sighed and made an embarrassed laugh as he looked at the others and spoke, "Haha, ah yes, it looks like we've encountered another hurdle guys."

Currently, Joe, Rick, and the others were boiling with anger like never before; Joe looked at Evan as if he saw an enemy as he spoke, "Evan, did I ever tell you that you have the worst fucking luck possible?"

Evan chuckled at those words, but soon, his face grew stern even more so when he saw the giant glowing gun in the distance aimed towards him and his party. His eyes then swept around and saw that many different individuals with weapons were staring at them with strange looks as if contemplating something.

"Which squad is this?" Leo asked Julie.

Julie frowned as she spoke, "I don't know, I've never seen them before, I can't tell if they are from the central city or are spies from the Mother Breed."

"Hmm, then what do you think we should do about them?" Leo asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Julie thought for a moment before she looked at her men and pointed her arm forwards as she spoke, "Quickly surround them! We will take them in for questioning, no spies of the Mother Breed must be allowed entry into our domain!"

"Yes, captain!" The others replied as they quickly fanned out surrounding Evan's group.

Evan looked at this and sighed as he spoke to Joe and the others through their communication devices, "It looks like we'll have to play along, for now, don't resist..."

"Fine, but you best remember Evan, it's not over, you better treat us for this trouble!" Joe cursed, while Rick and the others glared at him.

Evan laughed and replied, "Fine-fine as you wish,"

Not long after, they were secured by the soldiers and brought towards a secure area, thus begining their adventures in the Human Hideaway.

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