Ascenders Rift

Chapter 145: Encountering an Unusual Lifeform

Chapter 145: Encountering an Unusual Lifeform

Away from the Earth region, somewhere within the ruins of an old city, a black cloud scattered about the land, as it enveloped all things. All living creatures and lifeforms within the vicinity of the black clouds were turned into dried corpses, each having no single drop of blood. It could be seen from this mere act that just how horrifying a disaster had occurred in this region.

Looking within this black cloud, one would notice that it wasn't a mass of vapor but a terrifying mosquito horde, one that could cause even the bravest of warriors to lose sight of their pride. 

A gorgeous lady with blood-colored hair and unique markings around her curvaceous figure, sat within this sea of mosquitos, her arms and legs that seemed to be a mix between a bug and human were crossed over as she glared at the world below her with ruthless eyes.

She only now arrived at the location Evan and the others had left. However, she only managed to find the ruined corpses of the squad sent by the Insect Hive.

"To think that small fool Slasgh would have had the guts to hurt my children, but look at him now, nothing more than a broken corpse," The mosquito lady said as she looked at Captain Slasgh's corpse that was being lifted by a few mosquitoes.

Her eyes then narrowed as she looked around at the other corpses while thinking, 'I came to kill Slasgh and his men, but who would have thought that someone would beat me to it. Hmph! No matter, an unknown party daring to enter my domain is truly seeking their ends...'

After saying this, the mosquito lady pointed her arm forward and shouted, "Children go! Spread out and find those intruders, I want every inch of this land covered, no one must escape me while on my grounds!"

Buzz! The cloud of mosquitos then spread out once more, encompassing the heaven and the earth as a devastating chase began.

"No matter where you go, I will find you..." The lady said as her eyes shimmered in a cold ray, riding the black cloud that soared beyond the distance.


A distance away from the mosquito horde, Evan and the others were cautiously making their way through a bunch of tall thickets.

Occasionally, there were strange insect type monsters that blocked their path as well as other oddities. However, with their strengths, they had easily managed to make quick and effective work of either.

At this time, a silhouette amidst the hedges was gazing towards Evan's party as they cautiously made their way through its domain. It stared at them with a gloomy-looking eye that flashed when it saw the direction they headed.

Suddenly, a series of sturdy looking vines many times thicker than even street post swung towards Evan and the others from all angles. 

It happened at such a speed that if it were anyone else, no one would have been able to react, but as Evan's party was beyond the norm, things didn't go as it anticipated.

Breya, Layla, and Emilia were the first to sense the creature with their talents, as Evan picked up almost an instant after sensing the malicious intent with his Battle Will.

"Hurry and evade!" Evan shouted to warn Joe and Rick, who had yet to sense the danger.

As Evan shouted, he jumped into the air, along with Breya, Emilia, and Layla, who had already left the attack range.

Rick promptly moved by vanishing like a blurry white light, but Joe was a bit too heavy and slow to react, he cursed, "Oh shit!"

A few of the vines were about to bind him, but before it could happen, a thread wrapped around his waist and pulled him upwards in an instant.

Bang! Not long after, the vines crashed down on the grass and soil, digging into the earth as they began to wiggle as if trying to crush something. Yet sadly, it was too late as everyone had escaped its range by leaping onto distant tree branches.

Joe, who was literally hanging by a threat, looked up and spoke to Breya, "Breya, you've saved my ass yet again, it seems that we were destined after all."

Breya rolled her eyes and replied while pointing down, "Say that after you escape from the current mess."

Joe was puzzled by her words, but as he saw everyone looking down with stern eyes, he felt a chill in his heart. As Joe looked down, his mouth opened wide as he saw a monstrosity.

It was a giant 10-meter large creature's mouth that had was a part of some unusual plant. If one looked carefully, they would see a set of long sharp teeth as well as a strange-looking skinny man of a green color within it. His body had a collection of leaves over his skin, as his legs had merged with the plant's tongue.

Around this man, or rather, plant were many different vines that wriggled about as they formed what seemed like a large nest around the unusual plant lifeform.

[Mutant Plant Man - Level 10]

[Race - Plant Lifeform (Mutated) | State - Stage 2 Lesser Tier Lifeform (Mid-Level)]

[Ascended Path - Strength and Vitality Based Ascended Lifeform]

[Health - 1200 / 1200]

[Life Mana - 70 / 70]

[Strength - 111]

[Vitality - 119]

[Agility - 70]

[Defense - 90]


[Innate Skill: Paralysis Vines - A passive skill that allows its vines to suppress those bounded by secreting a toxin to the target's nerves, hence inducing a paralysis effect.]

[Bind - Launches a cluster of sturdy and speedy vines to bind one's foe before consumption.]

[Sleeping Mist An attacking that sends a mist that induces the effect of sleeping on its targets in a given range.]

[Description - There was a time were both were man and plant, but soon both had become one, transforming into a new breed. Ever since then, this creature had adopted its life as Plant and Man, devouring both worlds to quell its appetizing fury.]


"Holy shit! What is that thing?" Joe exclaimed as he held the thread for his life, his body swung about like bait above the giant mouth.

As if it grew angry at his words, the Mutant Plant Man roared in rage, following its loud cry its vines once more rose from the ground as countless blurry shades moved towards Joe and the others.

"Quick, pull me up!" Joe said in alarm.

Breya promptly pulled him up as the vines swept pass his previous location, Joe then landed on a branch, but as he did he knew that this wasn't the time to complain, he got himself in battle posture and shouted.

"It's coming, Evan, what do we do? Are we even capable of fighting this thing!" Joe yelled as he raised his shield.

Evan who saw its details thought to himself, 'It's already on the Ascended Path after reaching Level 10 achieving the Mid-Level status, but unlike that Water Snake King, we should be able to beat if we can distract its vines.'

Evan shook his head and jumped down towards the vines as he spoke with flashing eyes, "Whether we like it or not, we have to! Breya, Rick, try to keep its vines busy; they are its fastest means of attack! Emmy, Layla, attack anywhere you see an opening! Joe, make sure you protect Layla and your sister!" Evan said promptly, giving out a series of commands.

"Right," Everyone else replied as they readied themselves for combat.

"Tch! Like I'll let anything happen to her!" Joe said as he would die before something happened to his sister.

Evan, at this moment, had erupted with his full power, his hair danced behind his head due to him falling as his crimson energy gathered around him, he held the Havengaurd in one hand and raised his other arm to the side, conjuring his Void Sword.

Looking at him now, he seemed no different from a descending battle god that was charging towards his enemy. His body cut through the wind as he fell towards the giant mouth of the Mutated Plant Man. However, things didn't seem as if they were going to be so easy.

The eyes of the man inside of the plant creature's mouth shone in cruel light as he pointed his finger towards Evan and sneered.


Instantly, a different collection of vines scattered around his body as if they were trying to crush him into nothingness. They moved at such a speed that they were hardly visible to even the naked eyes despite their sizes.

Evan snorted as he saw this, he raised the Havengaurd that was held in one arm and made a cross slash while twirling his body as he invoked his skill, "Executioner Slash!"

Following his battle cry, a crimson slash wave-cut towards these vines in a circular arc, cutting apart all of them before it faded. However, the man didn't seem to mind this as he sneered as if everything was in his control.

Evan knew what kind of monster this was, so he didn't even look back and continued to press his charge. However, right behind him, the vines that were cut apart instantly grew out new vines that swept towards him once more.

Not even wasting any time, Evan tossed the Void Sword before him, it bolted through the air like an arrow as it shot towards the Mutated Plant Man. 

Not expecting such an attack, the Mutated Plant Man's eyes shrunk as he hurriedly closed the creature's mouth. It happened almost in an instant as the Void Sword cut through the mouth, and narrowly missed the vitals of the man, slicing a deep wound on his left side before it vanished.

"Kiiiiiiii!" A loud painful wail sounded as the vines that attacked both Evan and the others became a bit shaky.

Evan used this chance to turn around and slashed apart each of the vines trying to bind him, as a series of crimson swords flashes appeared around him. 

Before the vines could even reform, Evan then used one of them as a foothold and jumped towards the side, avoiding the creature's mouth as he landed on the ground.

As Evan landed, the Mutated Plant Man had already recovered from the previous attack, as it was a Vitality and Strength-Based Ascended Life formed, it could recover more quickly from damage. As for its strength, it seems that Evan and the others were about to find out.

Evan, who now stood on the ground, looked at the mouth of the plant beast that opened again, spewing out saliva the fell from its sinister-looking teeth as it released a vague mist into the area like breath. The man that was merged with the tongue glared at him from behind the mist with two evil-looking round-shaped red eyes.

Evan firmly gripped the Havengaurd as he summoned the Void Sword once again and spoke while assuming a battle stance, "Let's see what you've got in this life, Plant Man..."

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