Ascenders Rift

Chapter 137: Successfully Escaping

Chapter 137: Successfully Escaping

A dark power shrouded the heavens as Evan, and the others were now facing an unprecedented crisis. The previously silent and patient RADA had finally begun to make their move, sending a powerful Administrator to annihilate their party.

Looking at the scene above the endless blue sky, the Heli Porter was now spiraling out of control as if it couldn't withstand the overwhelming power of the man, who rode on top of the giant Red-Crowned Eagle.

"Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! This Heli Porter B-012, pilot Clarence, forwarding our current Latitude and Longitude, we are being attacked by an unknown party. At this rate, we won't be able to make it; please look after my family, and if there are any who survive, please do rescue them!" Pilot Clarence said he struggled to get the Heli Porter in balance, but he knew full well that his time had come to an end.

Evan looked at Layla and the others and spoke, "Everyone, get ready!"

Joe and the others didn't know what Evan had planned, but they didn't waste time, they promptly summoned their pieces of equipment and prepared for battle despite the dizzying scene caused by the rapidly tumbling Heli Porter.

Soon, the sharp sounds of the wind reached a climax as the Heli Porter was now moments from crashing into the ground. The pilot Clarence looked at the sight and grabbed a chain around his neck as he closed his eyes for prayer.

BOOM! Not surprisingly, the Heli Porter crashed into the ground of a small island, right before the borders connected to the oceans of Qeodreona. It sent a cluster of smoke into the air, like a high yield 1 Kiloton explosive which burst out a blinding flash of light and a shockwave that receded after an instant.

The RADA Administrator looked down at this scene with sinister red cold eyes shone in red lights, he stood on his Red-Crowned Eagle not moving an inch as he patiently scanned the island for lifeforms.

'Odd, I almost felt as if I was inspected, that should in no way be possible for people with their current privileges in the system. Must have been my imagination... hmph! So weak, I'm sure that I sensed their powers at the stages of a Level 8 with only one of them being above it, while I am not sure how they can hide the rest of their stats from my eyes, they can't fool me with their levels. Tsk! The limit of power I can currently display is more than enough to fight a decent battle, but sadly it was disappointing. Such a pity that I can only attack anything within the ranks of Level 8 and above, for the leader to send me here personally, I'd have at least thought that they would have put up a bit more of a challenge,' The RADA Administrator said with a hint of displeasure in his eyes. Still, soon, his face became one of shock as he recalled something.

"Oh shit, wasn't that human pilot far below the required level? Oh no!" The RADA Administrator said in a panic as he vanished from the back of the eagle arriving directly before the crash site. Here, everything was ruined, the Heli Porter was destroyed in entirety with shrapnel scattered about the area that burned in high-intensity flames.

The RADA Administrator's eyes, which were previously worried narrowed before he sighed with a hint of relief and thought, 'Interesting, it seemed that those little punks managed to escape somehow, but this is also to my advantage. Since the weak Level 1 lifeform didn't die to my influence, I can avoid System Punishment. I don't know how they escaped but trying to find them would prove to be fruitless, especially if they had somehow left the barrier that limits even beings like us. Plus, now that I've attacked, I won't be able to use my attack quota again until a few more months, darn it!'

When the RADA Administrator said this, his eyes shone in an icy light as he stared at the barrier that was only a few dozen meters from the island. 

"Hmph! Count yourselves lucky humans, sooner or later, we'll meet again," After snorting and speaking out loud in a threatening manner, he vanished appearing on the back of the eagle once more. 

The eagle then made a loud cry as it flapped its wings disappearing into the skies, leaving behind a few fluttering feathers.

Following one of them, one would notice that as it glided through the wind, it flew beyond the barrier that separated Earth's blue oceans from Qeodreona's green seas. It fell on the surface for a moment, before it began to rise into the air at a steady rate.

Soon, not only the green ocean but a series of metallic balls had floated from the water into the air for a few meters. Looking at them carefully, one would notice that they were of a similar material to the now broken Heli Porter. They slowly began to unravel themselves like paper, revealing the bodies of Evan, Layla, and the others, including the trembling pilot.

As he saw that he was miraculously saved, Clarence couldn't help but get on his knees before speaking towards Evan, who as floating on top of a different unraveled chunk of metal with sharp eyes glaring towards the distance.

"S-Sir Evan, t-thank y-you for s-saving my life! I-I will forever remember this debt of gratitude for as l-long as I live!" Clarence said while trembling.

Evan had only now recovered from his mood of anger, he turned and stared at the man and spoke with a slight smile, "It was nothing, Mr. Clarence, we are going to have to continue on our way now. I shall leave you on the same island since he left in such a hurry, I believe he won't be attacking anytime soon, for whatever reason he's hiding. Do please take care of yourself until help arrives."

Clarence hearing this fixed his posture and looked at Evan with a serious look as he spoke, "Sir Evan, don't mind me, although I've never had the time to push myself further, I can more than take care of myself even as a Level 1."

When Clarence said this, a battle armor formed itself around his body with RDF on its surface. Looking on his back, one would even see a high-powered gun of no usual standard. It was a set given to every soldier of the RDF, crafted by the engineering sector and blessed by Cline, giving it the capabilities to allow weak Ascenders to battle against even those of one level beyond them. The high-powered weapon can even annihilate most Level 3 and 4 Ascenders if they are careless.

Evan didn't want to waste time; he nodded and replied, "Good! We'll be on our way,"

After saying his piece, Evan waved his hand, causing the metallic chunk to carry Clarence to the island, resting him on the ground carefully. Soon, he and the others rose a bit higher before soaring towards the distance across the boundless oceans.

Clarence looked at the vanishing figures with a different look on his face, showing respect to his saviors and their bravery for still focusing on their mission despite the previous scene. He saluted before he turned around and went to find a temporary place of hiding, slowly vanishing as he activated the suits cloaking technology.

A reasonable distance away from Clarence within the boundless green sea that gave off strange fluctuations, Evan was seen soaring above the oceans with the others. After traveling for a short while, Evan felt his Spirit Power fading at a rapid rate; but as he arrived at a suitable enough distance he didn't want to take any more chances, he tossed a metal cube onto the water surface.

When he did this, the cube expanded and formed into a sizable ship. He made a dive and quickly fell onto it with Joe, Layla, Rick, and everyone else, tossing the metal chunks into the ocean that made splashing noises as his face turned a shade pale.

Evan soon after slumped over and coughed out a bit of blood, as a feeling of weakness overtook him. His eyes and ears were even flowing with blood.

"Evan!" Layla and the others exclaimed as they hurried over to him, seeing his current state.

Breya seeing this, spoke, "Don't worry, he's only used too much energy."

Joe and the other showed concerned look, as Layla held Evan by his neck. Evan felt his mind growing a bit hazy as he gritted his teeth and spoke, "Everyone, activate the cloaking feature of this Cube Ship. Remember, don't use up the energy, for the moment either of those indigenous races found us will be our end. As for me, it is as Breya said, I only need a bit of rest to recover from overtaxing my Spiritual Power."

While the blast radius was somewhat constrained, one must remember that all MSS machines, be it airborne and land-based, are fitted with high powered weapons. Some powered by specialized energy cores that can provide even as 'little' as 1 Kiloton of explosive force.

Though Evan is mighty, for him to resist such a force was already pushing his limit. Not to mention that he had simultaneously used the Heli Porter's metal to cover and further provide safety for the seven individuals.

When Joe and the others heard his words, they nodded and quickly activated the ships cloaking abilities, causing it along with their figures to vanish from all sight. The ship then continued to move across the ocean, leaving behind a barely suspicious trail of water that no one would notice if they paid no attention.

No one but an extremely sensitive, and unusual underwater breed of creatures, some that formed dark silhouettes as they stared at the strange ripples with compound eyes that shone in cruel yellow lights. Soon, the eyes vanished, and the creatures slipped away in the depths of the endless green ocean.

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