Ascenders Rift

Chapter 122: The King's Hall, Undead Guardians

Chapter 122: The King's Hall, Undead Guardians

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and it had now been more than three months that Evan, Joe, and the others entered the strange Lesser Space. While this time was quite demanding, their battles fought were equally rewarding as by now, each of them had seen a significant increase in their power, reaching the limit by which they could currently aspire.

At this time, within the largest hall of the Tusalon's Dark Palace, was a vast hallway that was spread apart by a few dozens of meters with various armors positioned at the sides. A gorgeous red carpet with detailed markings lined a path from one end to another. Its origin point shrouded by darkness as a few bits of lights from wall mounted lamps illuminated sections of the hallway.

Many different old picture frames were viewable on the crack walls, mounted in a position that was close by the lanterns. The images shown on each were of a variety of noble characters, finally coming to a halt with the image of a blond-haired middle-aged man that wore a golden crown, and somewhat saddened eyes.

This hall was known as the King Hall's, the final passageway that led to the king's resting quarters. There was a time when this hall even could have been considered as one of this world's most glorious sights, filled with an air of holiness along with a rich antique aura from countless generations of past kings and heroes.

However, that scene had long since changed; this area now had a spooky mist that flowed about its walls as a group of sinister-looking apparitions floated about with as if patrolling. Occasionally, their drawn-out cries and laughter would drown the silence.

If one looked closely, they would notice that these ghosts were each wore rattling chains that connected to an evil-looking undead warhorse that was 2 meters large. Its eyes were glowing in a bright red color, much like that of the undead mounted on its back. A being that was of slender build with a staff and a grimoire in each hand, a powerful undead sorcerer.

Nearby this sorcerer was another undead with bright red flames in his eyes, garbed with heavy dark-colored armor and a bastard sword on his back. He similarly rode on top of a large undead war horse with glowing eyes.

These were the two most famous palace experts of Tusalon, the former right and left arms of the previous Mad King. Now, cursed to remain as the undead as they serve a new master. 

Looking beyond these mighty beings that stood at the ready, one would see a large door made of gold, with intricate markings and a sword at its center. The two undead who stood a few dozen meters before it, now appeared as if they were the final guardians destined to hinder any who would dare to enter this pass, protecting this hall for an untold amount of generations. There were many who once stood before them, but no one was able to survive their wrath. 

Still, despite this legend, it would seem that this tale was faded to end on this very day, for a group had unknowingly appeared within these halls. It was as if they didn't know the dangers, phasing out of the mists in a manner no different from ghosts.

"Kreeeh!" Suddenly, the various apparitions that patrolled the halls turned towards their direction, shrieking in a loud manner as their eyes glowed in green lights.

"...." The undead swordsman observed in silence as he slowly reached for his bastard sword that was on his back, his horse also began to neigh emitting a towering pressure across the halls.

Suddenly, the undead sorcerer's eyes flashed when it turned its sights on his new enemies, unlike the weaker undead below the Level 8 ranking, it even seemed to carry a higher degree of intelligence as once its eyes shone, a voice sounded across the hall.

"Humans.... so, you've finally made it this far into the palace, it seems that the blessing which the master has bequeathed you has finally waned. Now that you are here, we are no longer bound by his prior command, our duties as Protectors of the King's Hall are now in full effect. Draw your weapons, for it is time to meet your fates..."

The instant his words finished, a terrifying mana power erupted from his body, adding to the pressure that was already coming from the undead swordsman's aura. The two powers soon after enveloping everything in sight, as it sent ripples across these broad halls, pushing away the uncanny mist.

As the mist began to clear, the figures of the intruders had been revealed. Now, Evan, Rick, Emilia, Layla, Breya and Joe were shown standing side by side, each of which seemed to be wearing even slightly better pieces of equipment compared to their last appearance.

Evan's and the other eyes glowed as they inspected the stats of the two undead, causing their information to appear in their eyes.

[Corrupt Sorcerer Felkan - Level 8]

[Race Undead (Superior) | State Stage 1 Lifeform]

[Class Undead Sorcerer]

[Health - 800]

[Death Mana - 70]

[Strength - 70]

[Vitality - 0]

[Agility - 85]

[Defense - 80]


[Death Mana Ball A technique that conjures a ball of death energy that can be fired towards one's foe, based on the amount of power used, the corrosive effect a destructive power will be shown.]

[Death Mana Barrier A caster can conjure a barrier around his entire being.]


[Corrupt Knight Zelad - Level 8]

[Race Undead (Superior) | State Stage 1 Lifeform]

[Class Undead Swordsman]

[Health - 850]

[Dark Aura - 40]

[Strength - 91]

[Vitality - 0]

[Agility - 89]

[Defense - 80]


[Darkness Cross A sword method by which the user cut a ray of Dark Aura in the form of a cross, this attack can expand its range based on the quantity of auras used to conjure it.]

[Dark Sword Flash A high-speed sword technique that caused the sword to move no different from a flash of dark light, further increasing the agility and attack speed of the wielder.]


As Evan and the others saw these stats, though their faces grew serious, none of them showed fear. 

Rick looked at Evan as he firmly gripped his spear and spoke, "So, what do you think, Evan? What are our odds this time around?"

Evan made a smile as he compared his current stats with theirs, causing his details to appear before himself.

[Evan Cross - Special Status - ????????]

[Race - Human | State - Stage 1 Ascender]

[Class - Void Inheritor |??? Tier Class - 1st Blessing (+2 Stats Per Level)]

[Class - Divine Executor |Apex Tier Class - 1st Blessing (+1 Stats Per Level)]

[Total Stat +6 Stats Increase Per Level (Total Blessings + Average Human NSB)]


[The Fallen's Executor - Stat Boost | +5 All base stats]

[Belanore's Conquerors - Stat Boost | +2 All base stats]

[Level - 8] 

[Next Level -32000EXP]

[Total EXP - 11205]

[Health - 500]

[Spirit Power - 51]

[Battle Energy - 49]

[Strength - 81(63+3+3+12)]

[Vitality - 70(62+4+4)]

[Agility - 89(63+12+14)]

[Defense - 89(59+12+4+4+6+4)]

[Stat Comparison:]

[Previous: SP - 31| BE - 29| S - 50| V - 39| A - 58| D - 56]

[Current: SP - 51| BE - 49| S - 81| V - 70| A - 89| D - 87]


[Void Spirit - A soul that has an innate connection with all things in the universe, a natural affinity with space, and the world around it. Effects are unknown...]

[Void Manipulation - Passive Talent - Unlocked]

[Host can more freely manipulate objects remotely with the foundation powers of space. Limits are linked to one's Spirit Power.]

[Void Skills:]

[Void Blade - A blade conjured from the universe; it can be wielded to attack with a damaged power connected with one's Spirit Power.]

[Void????? : Sealed - Requires 250 SP to unseal.]

[Executor Skills:]

[Executioner Slash - A blade from the executor is certain to cut all lives, it can cleave away the void bringing any life to its fate.]

[Death... : Sealed 250 BE to unseal.]


[Balnore's Wind Cape - Rank 1: High Grade] 

[Vitality - 4]

[Agility - 12]

[Durability - 6]

[Elven Chest Armo - Rank 1: Mid Grade]

[Vitality - 4]

[Defense - 12]

[Durability - 8]

[Arelithian Leather Arm Bracers - Rank 1: Middle Grade]

[Defense - 4]

[Damage - 3]

[Durability - 4]

[Arelithian Leather Gauntlets - Rank 1: Middle Grade]

[Defense - 4]

[Damage - 3]

[Durability - 4]

[Death Captain's Leather Leg Armor - Rank 1: Middle Grade]

[Defense - 6]

[Durability - 4]

[Lightweight Battle Boots - Rank 1: Mid Grade]

[Defense - 4]

[Agility - 14]

[Durability - 8]

[Lesser Power Belt - Rank 1: Mid Grade]

[Damage - 12]

[Durability - 8]

After inspecting his stats, Evan's eyes shone with confidence as he stared at everyone while raising his hand in the air, causing his Void Sword to materialize.

The moment this happened, the pressure released by both Felkan and Zelad had diminished by a section causing them to narrow their eyes as they looked at Evan with a solemn expression.

Evan's lips curved into a smile before he replied, "There's only one way to find out..."

As if they took Evan's words as a battle cry, everyone's eyes changed as their bodies erupted with all sorts of colorful energies. The scene before this famous duo soon after transforming, as they knew that the humans before them were of a league unlike which they've never seen before.

[ol][li data-annotation-id="2bfb36f6-af5e-55c6-1a28-4435d892c361"]just an experiment, I won't be able to see this until this chapter comes out a few days from now. Let me know if this style looks good.[/ol]

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