Ascenders Rift

Chapter 114: The Mother Nest, Queen Mother Galgorax

Chapter 114: The Mother Nest, Queen Mother Galgorax

Warning: This chapter is rated (M) for mature audiences, reader discretion is advised.

Somewhere far away from the Earth Sector, within a region of pure green skies and towering trees that reached towards the heavens. There was an area that had an arrangement of odd spiky constructs protruding from the earth. Looking closely, one would notice that these constructs not only spanned an endless range of a few hundred kilometers, but they also had tens of thousands of large holes on their surfaces.

They glowed in a dark light sending a sinister kind of energy around the area, causing the very land itself for this entire region to take on a darker hue. One construct which was many times larger than the others, send rays into the sky that turned the heavens for this entire region dark.

Around each of these constructs, one would see hundreds of thousands of hovering Horde Carriers that floated about in an organized manner, some being a standard size, as others were even capable of reaching a thousand meters. Occasionally, a few bits of tissue would fall from them onto this corrupted earth, transforming into new Flesh Mutators that patrolled the lands, some growing wings as they flew into the sky, joining the ranks of other airborne Flesh Mutators.

This region was known as the Mother Nest, the core breeding ground and home to all Flesh Mutators, no one has ever made it to these domains, as those who've ever wandered even within a dozen kilometers distance would never be seen again.

Suddenly, in the distant sky, a four-wing insect of five meters had appeared. The instant this happened, all Flesh Mutators gazed towards that direction making shrieking noises, the insect only needed a few seconds to close in onto the main spiky shaped building, whereafter a figure jumped down from its back.

Once this happened, every Flesh Mutator that was land-based or airborne acted. Those from the sky swarmed the insect in groups flickering due to their speeds as they quickly surrounded it, as for those on the ground, they stretched their arms or opened their mouths, extending their body parts towards it.

"Kreeeh!" In seconds, the insect's pitiful cries faded as it vanished, leaving behind, not even its bone.

Not paying attention to the scene behind him, a being that wore strange-looking armor formed by its muscles, landed on what seemed like a port on the central construct. There, one would see a few individuals that looked similar to him, only they had two eyes, and wore less protective flesh armor.

As this being landed, the other looked at him before speaking in an alien tongue, "State your purpose, Galadron."

"I've come to speak with Mother," Galadron said.

The guards hearing this looked at him deeply before they spoke in unison, "Proceed."

Not wasting any time, Galadron made his way through the hole, passing an extremely complex network of organ-like walls that seemed to have a life of their own as well as various checkpoints.

Eventually, he had arrived in an extensive and spacious room. Here, there were pools of blood, surrounding a single land platform that had a throne of flesh and bones at its center. A figure with slender legs sat on this throne, as her body was covered by an exquisite fabric with details embellishments of unique organs and creatures.

She had long red fingernails, luscious red lips, two slanted red eyes with long eyelashes with a vertical slit at the center of her forehead. Two beautiful bone horns grew from the sides of her forehead, with special blood-red markings over their surfaces.

Her skin was of the finest color; her hair was of the finest grade, and her body was the perfect form as if no other creature could achieve her level of perfection. This was why she was renowned and feared as the most beautiful, and most perfectly evolved existence in Qeodreona, the Queen of the Mother Breed, Galgorax.

Before Galgorax, were eight individuals that wore cloaks with flesh patterns. The stood before her silent as if awaiting her command. Suddenly, Galgorax shifted her eyes towards Galadron, who had now made his way over to the eight individuals and stood amongst them.

Galadron them made a bow as he spoke, "Queen Mother, I have come bearing news of a strangeness..."

The cloaked individuals shifted their attention towards him, as underneath the hoods, one would even see curious but sinister glowing red eyes.

Galgorax knitted her brows as she spoke, "Speak, my son."

"As you wish mother, I had traveled the outer boundaries of our land a few days ago, and what I found was strange enchantment field, one that occupies a region of a few thousand kilometers. What was quite odd, was that from that very enchanted zone, I could smell the odor of humans."

"What? Those wretched things!" The cloaked individuals exclaimed in shock.

Galgorax was also a bit surprised; her red eyes glowed when she asked, "Galadron, are they related to those bugs in hiding?"

Galadron hearing this paused for a moment before he replied, "Mother, I had smelled their scent, though that enchantment field shrouded most of it. It was already rich enough to stir my basic instincts; I believe that they are a different group, as I can also smell a rich vitality from their scents, they may just be capable of increasing your evolution factor."

"Wonderful, truly wonderful, Galadron, you did well," Galgorax said with a joyful expression on her already perfect face filling the room with color, it seemed that she knew what was going on.

"I am only here to serve, for mother I Galadron shall give up everything," Galadron said humbly.

The others seeing this clicked their teeth as they whispered amongst themselves.

"Che! This bastard, trying to claim our positions," One person muttered.

"Hmph! Let him be, for now; we are still superior to him in status..." Another said.

At this time, Galgorax tapped the bone on her chair with her finger causing a loud sound to echo through the room. The moment the whispering individuals heard this, they held their tongues and remained silent.

Galgorax looked at them deeply with her bright red eyes as her lips curved into a sinister smile, she then spoke, "These humans are not of our world, I had thought it strange in the past when I had received that prophecy, but everything is starting to come together. All commanders of the Nest, here and obey my will! We will prepare to face this new human force, no matter how strong they are, I want them all enslaved and raised as the new livestock for our evolution. The more we have, the more we will evolve; bring them all to me!"

"We hear and obey, mother!" The individuals replied in unison as their bodies flickered and vanished from the room.

Galgorax smiled with a happy expression as her eyes shifted to the farthest corner of this room, there, a blood-red screen was showing a sight, the image of an unusual-looking tree from an unknown area. She thought to herself, "Soon, soon it will be ready to bare once more huhuhu!"

As everyone abruptly left, only Galgorax and Galadron were left in the spacious room. Galgorax then looked at Galadron who was still kneeling before her, she licked her lips and spoke in an enchanting tone, "My dear son, come... come to mother, offer me more satisfaction and I shall praise you."

Galadron trembled before he stood and walked towards the throne, as he arrived in front of her. Galgorax looked deeply at his face before she ran her long fingernails across his cheeks, gazing at him with a passionate and fiery look in her eyes.

As he saw her look, Galadron looked at her with a sad light in his eyes as he spoke, "As mother wishes, my soul is yours..."

"Huhuhu... hahaha!" Galgorax hearing those words laughed, as if she lost her entire sanity, her eyes glowed in a blood-red light as countless blood-colored tentacles erupted from her back, while her clothes slid from her body when she stood on her feet, revealing a flawless sight.

The tentacles ripped of Galadron's flesh armor, showing skin comparable of if not, superior to that of even the healthiest male humans as it bound him. Galgorax then lifted him and carried him over to a pool of blood, on that side, was a bed of red, she tossed him onto the bed and jumped on his body directly suppressing him underneath her.

As she did this, her eyes glowed even brighter as more and more tentacles erupted from her gorgeous body. She lowered her beautiful head and bit onto his neck as she started sucking out his blood, her tentacles also grew mouths and began to bite all areas of Galadron's body.

Soon, she began to straddle him in a wild and furious manner, as she bit his flesh, stabbed his heart, and drank his blood while she moaned and shouted excitedly, "More! Mooore! Give me more! Everything in this world, everything in this universe! Every bit of flesh, the marrows of your bone, all of your blood, all must be mine!"

As Galadron watched her have her way with him, he gazed at her with a gentle expression as his slowly weakening arms that grew paler and bonier by the second reached for her back. He placed his palms onto her and gently rubbed her as he spoke in a soft but weak tone, "T-that's right mother eat. M... Mother's wish... is my wish, mother's desires... is my desire. No matter the dangers, mother... will always... be... right..."

Soon, Galadron's hand fell in a lifeless manner, as he lost consciousness, Galgorax didn't even seem to notice as she continued to sate her desires, her mind lost into a state of madness that no one could ever truly understand.

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