Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 65: A new path.

Case 65: A new path.


''What's wrong, my love?''

''No, just...''

In the elegantly decorated bedroom, a couple was peacefully spending their time together. Draped in the same quilt, one that carried the two's scent from yesterday... and another's, they hugged.

August had her arms around Kierra's waist, pulling the archwizard toward herself for a tight embrace. On their porcelain skin, bright red marks of yesterday's 'battle' remained.

''Why did you do that?''

Kierra asked, allowing herself to lean on August's shoulder.

''I don't know what you're talking about,''

August replied with a faint smile, stroking her lover's back.

As if protesting, Kierra pouted. At the moment, she was no longer the renowned archwizard, so she freely pouted. Looking up annoyedly at the blue-haired woman, Kierra grumbled.

''You keep teasing me...''

Against this cute creature, August had to resort to her well-trained finger. She poked Kierra's slightly inflated cheek, then closed in for a few kisses.

A warm, satisfying sensation filled her heart as she pressed her lips onto the person's skin.

This was love.

''You know.'' August closed her eyes peacefully. ''I love you a lot.''

''I kno—me too.''

''After losing you two hundred years ago, I realized.''


Suddenly, a hint of melancholia could be seen on the Sword Empress's face. Sensing an important topic, Kierra pursed her mouth.

''I loved you. I loved you so much. I could gladly destroy the world as we know it if you want me to. I still can.''

''And that's where I was wrong.''

''I only cared about you and my love for you... so I completely ignored your feelings.''

''I asked myself—what did I do wrong? I mulled over and over, and I was able to reach the conclusion.''

''I didn't put your happiness before my greediness. I was arrogant.''

''So, I'm sorry, Kierra.''

Kierra let out a hollow laugh. Right now, she felt as though she was still in the dreamland. Thinking back, this whole cultivation thing was ridiculous anyway.

When she opened her eyes, she would see her usual office at the top of the Crimson Tower. Her first disciple, Angelica, would come in right after with a cup of hot chocolate, and she would be bored for the next week.


Undoubtedly, the warmth she could feel from August was genuine. The words she received were heartfelt. The fast-beating heart was also hers.

Eventually, Kierra reached out her hand and stroked the other person's head.

''It's good that you know.'' She said. ''And... I might have been harsh on you at times. I'm sorry.''

''Thank you, truly. For giving me a chance.''

''...But why did you allow Yu Chen to join us yesterday, anyway?''

August was a possessive woman. She, as Kierra knew it, wouldn't let a soul touch her hair even if they were to offer their already dead body. The world nearly ended when the Sword Empress found out another woman was sleeping with Kiera—it was that scary.

And the same woman was now letting these casual 3Ps happen?

She must've eaten something wrong!

At this, August took a handful of Kierra's black hair and sniffed it, seemingly absorbing a divine scent.

''You want it, don't you?'' August smiled wryly. ''A harem.''


''Shh. I know you more than you do.'' The Sword Empress put her index finger on Kierra's lips. ''It's fine. I'll let you. As long as you are happy. Just...''


''Let me be a bit more greedy at times, okay?''

The woman's golden eyes were sincere. In an instant, the luster inside those eyes blew away all doubts and concerns haunting Kierra's heart.

She could feel a tangible, indescribable delight welling up inside her, blooming like flowers, constant like waves, and sweet like honey.

For the surest answer she could give, Kierra smiled.

''Of course. You will always be my number one.''

Then, she kissed her beloved, permanently sealing the fate between the two.

This time, for certain.


''W-Was it really that bad...?''

''This is quite concerning...''

In the living room of Kierra's home dimension, three stunning women could be seen huddling over at the corner. Dressed in a light robe without much underneath, Yu Chen was currently being consoled by Tian Yun and Mie Xieren.

The woman looked like she had gone through hell.

''S-She was on another level...!'' Yu Chen muttered. ''I've never seen Kierra like that before...''

Tian Yun and Mie Xieren gazed at each other, worries apparent in their eyes. Yesterday, Yu Chen went in quite confidently, saying that she would make Kierra ascend to heaven with her fingers... and the result was this.

''She's a tougher opponent than I thought...'' Tian Yun mulled.

''Hm. We need to find another way.'' Mie Xieren nods with a grim expression. ''Maybe we need to join forces.''

''That's a great idea!'' The white lotus perked up. ''Could we win if we pinned that woman down and do her as well?''

''Wrong target. But you have the spirit, at least.''

'In the first place, do you even have experience...?'

—was what Mie Xieren was about to say, but she felt a presence behind her.

''Good morning.''

It was a strangely friendly Kierra. Normally, things like basic greets were promptly skipped when it came to the archwizard, yet she was doing it with a smile today!

Kierra's good mood was almost tangible. Moreover...

''...Did you guys do it again??'' Yu Chen asked in disbelief.

As powerful cultivators, she, as well as the other two, had their senses enhanced to an unbelievable degree. From the slightly damp hair sticking to her nape, her sightly irregular breathing, her alluring scent that mixed deeply with another's refreshing one, to the faint blush on her cheeks.

Kierra was also a human. Of course, she knew shame—except she didn't really know it.

''Yes,'' Kierra replied with a smile. ''Before you ask, it was incredible.''

''Ugh... it's over.''

Seeing Yu Chen, who was about to cry, even Kierra felt quite bad. She reached her hand and stroked the woman's head gently, winking at the other two.

''About us going forward.'' 

When Kierra mentioned this, the three tensed up visibly.

''I have a piece of good news for all of you.'' Kierra continued. ''You see, Au is exceedingly confident in her love for me and my love for her. So confident, in fact, that she dares you all to compete with her in that regard. The prize is, of course, me.''

'''' Eh? ''''


''You can freely decide whether to flirt with me or seduce me—whatever you want. She and I welcome it.''

Perhaps not comprehending the situation in the slightest, the three spent a bit of time staring forward dumbly. 


A woman who is willing to let others approach her lover just to prove her love? Was that a thing?

However, when they thought about it, wasn't this incredibly advantageous for them? By nature, they were already a team, so if one were to get the golden seat, the others could naturally take the second and third without a hitch.

If one won, all would win.

Suddenly, the momentum was overwhelming!

Seeing them realizing this one by one, Kierra was amused. August had let her create a harem right away, but she wasn't going to finish it uninteresting. So, she thought about a fiery competition.

'These three are basically in... so that leaves Kang Shuren and Bai Qing.'

Kierra licked her lips.

It was time to seduce more women.

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