Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 95: Was it Inherent?

Chapter 95: Was it Inherent?

The body on the ground displayed supple white skin without any blemishes, implying that it belonged to a very young woman. And that young woman was wearing white clothes. "Bai, Bai Yuner?" Chen Shaoye`s voice trembled as he looked at the body sprawled on the floor, "Is it Bai Yuner?" Shang Jiuti and Lou Xiaoxiao were also thinking about the same thing. Her white clothes, body proportions and her long black hair all pointed towards one person Bai Yun`er!

She died?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Crashing sounds echoed out again. Something dropped on the ground with great force, creating a violent sound. The four people did not know what it was due to the extremely dim environment.

Chu Han narrowed his eyes as he took care of several zombies rushing towards them. He quickly rushed forward. The other three people did not seem to hear anything. Their visions were still fixated on the body. Panic, sadness and desperation became apparent in their expressions as they seemingly started to feel more inclined dying than continuing to struggle.

Hope had chosen to abandon their already collapsing world.

Although they did not like Bai Yun`er`s attitude and they also did not communicate even once, they were still companions for a long time. They fought against zombies together. They even ate noodles together. Lou Xiaoxiao and Shang Jiuti were already acquainted with Bai Yun`er for years. This sudden turn of events left them reeling in shock.

How could she die? How did it happen?

Chu Han did not wait for them. He quickly rushed forward towards the source of the crashing sounds.

It was a large hall with large machines blocking Chu Han`s view. Iron poles scattered around the place. They measured two meters in length and they seemed to be thrown from somewhere. Huge clashing sounds rang out as someone seemed to be using some poles to fight.

Chu Han raised his head to look upwards. There was nothing in the air as he then kept looking around. There were no other sounds except for the clanging of iron poles as they clashed.

There was something wrong!

Even though there just a small amount of zombies, there were still enough of them to fight with Chu Han and his group. The roars from the zombies haven`t stopped. However, there were actually no zombies in such a large hall? Zombies did not hide as they rushed towards a place where they could feel the presence of a human being.

A gust of wind suddenly passed as Chu Han nervously held onto his axe.

All of a sudden...

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Extremely violent crashing sounds rang out, with only a small interval in between. People with bad hearing would even think that it was continuous and did not stop. The sound came from near Chu Han. Only a tall machine separated Chu Han from it.

Chu Han rushed forward. He then raised his axe, ready to attack at any given moment.



A slim body quickly jumped into the pathway between the machines. Some of her hair was in her mouth as she completed an almost orchestrated set of movements. Some parts of her white dress had been broken, showing her flawless white legs. Her cold eyes radiated with killing intent but it was suddenly replaced by warmth when she looked at Chu Han.

Bai Yun`er!

Chu Han narrowed his eyes but he did not stop and process what was going on. He rushed forward, raising his axe as he moved to kill all of the zombies!


Warm liquid sprayed out into Chu Han`s face and neck while some were able to spray into Bai Yun`er`s dress who tacitly sidestepped to allow Chu Han to move properly.


A shadow of something huge suddenly retreated away from Chu Han. Its appearance could not be distinguished but you could clearly see some dark blood on its face!

At that moment, Bai Yun`er took that chance to turn around. Her hair flew while her dress swayed with the wind. Her movements gave off the majesty of a butterfly flying freely. The two meter iron pole she was holding made a whoosh sound. She did not even glance at Chu Han as she simply rushed forward towards the retreating zombie.

Chu Han also did not look at the rushing Bai Yun`er even when she was very alluring with her white legs being displayed when she moved.

What he was looking at was the zombie. He was able to see that it was a phase-two zombie.

Chu Han`s nerves tightened as he simply did not expect there would actually be two phase-two zombies here. Even more, he was able to clearly see that it was stronger than the one he faced before.

These a**holes evolved rapidly!

Black hair flew along Chu Han`s face as he tried to catch up to her. The girl`s sudden outburst shocked him. What he was most shocked with was the fact that he could feel any fluctuations radiating out from her.

The girl still haven`t experienced mutation, she could still not compare with Chu Han`s strength.

Bai Yun`er was just a normal person!

She could actually fight against so many zombies with just a normal person`s body? How could her fighting ability be so strong? Was it a joke?

This sudden realization scared Chu Han. He thought Bai Yun`er had already undergone phase-one evolution as he deemed it was impossible for her to fight with just a normal person`s body`s poor reflexes. However, Bai Yun`er could feel Chu Han`s trust in her strength as she simply fought with him.


Chu Han almost blurted out loud. No wonder the woman could reach the peak in the future. She was already this strong when her body was still at the level of a normal person`s, how powerful could she be when she evolved?

Besides, was her fighting instinct inherent? She was still just a seventeen year old girl.

At that moment, Chu Han and Bai Yun`er seemed to move like each other. They rapidly and soundlessly rushed forward.



Two silhouettes of complete opposites rushed out one tall and the other short, one was well-built while the other was slim, and one was black while the other was white.

It was a road of death. Chu Han and Bai Yun`er stood at a corner while the tall phase-two zombie was opposite them. It laid its back on the wall, its pair of white pupils unlike any zombie they had faced so far. The scene looked like a blurry movie. It made threatening gestures, the wound on his shoulders still bleeding. Its muscles tightened, ready to release its power at any given moment.

Chu Han waved his hands as he rushed forward. The sound of air being split rang out as it was waved around!


The two meter iron pole also created the sound of air splitting as Bai Yun`er moved behind Chu Han!

They simply looked at the zombie opposite them, not glancing at each other. They had already reached an extremely high level of tacit understanding even when they were not conversing.

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