Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 93: What Are You Eating?

Chapter 93: What Are You Eating?

That torn piece of cloth was white in color and was sewed with thin cotton leather.

With his heightened sense of smell, he had already identified whose clothes that piece of cloth came from. He could smell Bai Yun`er`s scent on that piece of cloth.

So where was the missing Bai Yun`er?

Tick! Tick! Tick!

The zombie then raised its head up. It was a face more scary than the usual zombies. Besides the horrendous pair of white pupils, it had a pair of sharp fangs.

The scariest thing about this zombie was that you could see the movement of the muscles in its face!

This zombie had already experienced the second evolution.

Phase-two zombie!

Chu Han`s nerves tightened. Phase-two zombies were a whole lot different from the phase-one zombies. Its strength, speed and intelligence was on a different level than that of a phase-one. Its evolution was already heading towards a new direction.

Zombies were beings whose gene variations would reach extreme levels. They were not dead.

Its ability to feed, its ability to move, its body parts, its metabolism...

They still had the same functions of their natural counterpart. Some abilities and functions would disappear while some would reach very high levels. Their vision and their feeding ability had reached extreme levels. Their vision reached an extremely low level while their feeding ability reached an extremely high level.

Evolution was a necessary process. They would not continue to be at their normal levels, especially if prompted by special circumstances. Their biological instincts prompts them to change, to evolve, just like human beings and other organisms.

The world had changed. The global darkness had prompted for a change in genetics. It would continue and in five years would be explained and that event would be given a name the reset.

Everything was reset. Everything had returned to its initial state. Nature gave every organism a new choice.

The weak were eliminated while the strong survived.


The phase-two zombie made gnashing sounds with its teeth. A tongue unusually longer than common zombies stretched out of its mouth. The tongue also showed abnormal muscle constriction and use. Scarlet liquid dripped from its mouth.


The zombie`s tongue retreated into its mouth, displaying the elaborate movements in its throat. It was swallowing some lumps of fresh blood! It tasted too fresh that the zombie`s pupils even narrowed.

Zombie blood was always black!

So whose blood was that?

Chu Han`s eyes then looked on the torn piece of white cloth the zombie was holding in its broken arm. His killing intent flared up!

"What are you eating?"


Chu Han`s loud voice filled with anger sounded out and filled the place. It echoed several times along the narrow corridors.

Shang Jiuti, Lou Xiaoxiao, and Chen Shaoye were shocked. Their bodies trembled when they looked at the torn piece of white cloth the zombie was holding and the scarlet blood in its mouth.

Bai Yun`er?!

Chen Shaoye started shaking uncontrollably. Bai Yun`er, that terrible girl was eaten!

Shang Jiuti covered her mouth in fear of making too much noise.

Lou Xiaoxiao was pale white. She panicked when she stretched out her hands. It was filled with fresh scarlet blood. It was not Chen Shaoye`s saliva, it was the blood that was dripping from above.

Was it Bai Yun`er`s blood? How did it happen? She was very strong and powerful. How could something like that happen? Was it possible?

Raising her head, Lou Xiaoxiao observed the zombie. She could tell that the zombie was extraordinary. Is it stronger than Bai Yun`er? Does that mean they would die here?


The phase-two zombie let out a deafening roar.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

All of a sudden, gusts of wind started to fill the entire place as the zombie suddenly disappeared. But Chu Han could sense that it was rushing towards him in extreme speed!

Cold light flashed as the axe was waved at a certain angle and direction!


A booming sound suddenly echoed out.

Then the sound of metal hitting metal sounded out.

Something sharp clashed against the edges of the axe, creating scratching sounds. It was the sharp claws of the phase-two zombie. It was so sharp and tough it could easily stab into the wall.

Chu Han held onto his axe with both of his arms as a lump started to form in his throat. The zombie was strong and fast. It also had very sharp claws and teeth. Even with his newly acquired talent which is accuracy, he still couldn`t hit the zombie.

Since his reflexes could not cope with the zombie`s speed while he was still at phase-one strength.

Without any geographical advantage, a phase-two zombie could fight off against twenty phase-one zombies all at once or hundreds of them if they fought one on one. Chu Han could fight hundreds of zombies with his power and accuracy talents. He could kill eight hundred zombies continuously if they fought with him one by one. However, the phase-two zombie in front of him shared the same power as him. Phase-two zombies are terrible to fight!

Vastly different from the lateness of the phase-one`s evolution, phase-two zombies had already been upgraded. Their abilities grow exponentially and continuously, posing the greatest amount of threat against humanity. They were the most dangerous beings before Chu Han had been reborn.

They were able to become so powerful because they were able to break free of the limitations of their bodies and their genes also mutated.

Chu Han applied all his strength, waving the axe in his hands. Boom! Scratching sounds caused by friction sounded out as the axe now had some scratches and chinks.

Shua! The zombie retreated, seemingly realizing that Chu Han was different. A slight confusion briefly flashed in its eyes. Then it rushed forward again, with more speed and power than before. It moved like a bullet, its sharp claws slumping inwards as it gave off a sense of danger.

The zombie easily narrowed the gap; Chu Han could even almost feel its claws in his face. So near that Chu Han could already feel the sharpness of its claws. It wants to stab his eyes.


Chu Han was so nervous as he quickly retreated in a strange way. When he was a good distance away from the zombie`s claws, his arms suddenly flared up with an explosive strength.

Shua! He waved his arms, cleaving upwards with his axe. He opted not for power as he chose to wave his axe in a certain angle. His concentration was at its peak as his accuracy showed its powers.


The sound of metal cutting into flesh and then breaking bones sounded out, as his cleaving attack proved to be powerful enough to cut through the zombie from the arms to its chin.



The zombie let out a deafening roar as the axe managed to lodge itself into the zombie`s chin!

Chu Han did not relax. The bones of a phase-two zombies was harder to cut or break since it was not loose just like those of a phase-one. It was even tougher than the bones of common people.

So Chu Han knew that that strike was not able to kill the zombie!

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