Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 81: More Freaking Awesome than My Idol

Chapter 81: More Freaking Awesome than My Idol

"Shut up!" Chu Han cursed in his heart.

"Do you want to turn off system notifications?" The monotonous voice of the system sounded in Chu Han`s ears.

"Yes! Now!" Chu Han barked, his voice pulsating with anger.

He then cleared his mind. Chu Han was not in the mood to check on the loyalty bars for his vision was still fixated on the countless numbers of zombies nearing them. The number of Li-Ion batteries they were able to gather was only a small amount, and thus, they were not able to completely wipe out the horde of zombies. Though the amount of zombies killed by the explosions of those batteries reached eight thousand, it could only be attributed to Chu Han`s precise arrangement and timing of explosions.

But he could not indulge in his success for danger is still lurking!

There were only two places rigged with the batteries but there were still more than ten thousand zombies left.

In the western part of Tong City, in quite a distance away from Xianguo base was another base. It was also a base where survivors resided and it was also formed by a group of people who led the survivors. But this base was different from Xianguo base, for the people in this base resided in a seventy stories tall skyscraper. This building was the tallest building in the city. It was quite a distance away from downtown Tong City, but it was still a high-end hotel. As such, it was the most famous spot in the western part of the city that attracted quite a lot of tourists every year.

However, these people did not care about tourism. There were more than two thousand survivors living in the hotel. Most of the people there lived with others in the lower levels of the hotel while those with power and position lived at high-class suites with a good view of the entire city.

In the most expensive suite in the hotel, several people were sitting on the balcony. A bottle of an expensive brand of wine was on the table, but those people drank it like it was water as they paired it with lavish dishes of meat and vegetables. They were so happy.

"The people on the lower lofts are useless pieces of trash. I suggest we make them find food instead of eating the food we have worked so hard to get," said a bearded young man who was probably at his early twenties.

"Yes. There are a lot of food around the city but these people are so afraid of going out," another man replied as he looked towards a man who was looking out the balcony, "What are you looking at, Mu Ye?"

"Look there, why is smoke coming out from that place?" The young man, Mu Ye, tightly frowned.

After hearing Mu Ye, everyone stopped eating and looked towards that place.

"Isn`t that the place where Xianguo Base is located?" Someone said.

"Shhhhh!" Mu Ye asked everybody to be silent, "Listen, what is that sound?"


After he finished speaking, an explosion sounded out with the source being at the place where they were looking at. It was almost an inaudible sound due to the distance that only when everyone was silent were they able to hear it.

The group of people was shocked, but before they could compose themselves, another booming sound echoed out.


It was another thundering sound, this time, it was even louder. It sounded like two explosions simultaneously being triggered as the smoke from afar grew even bigger.

Mu Ye focused his vision towards that place as he turned unexpectedly serious, "Give me the binoculars!"

Someone passed a binocular to him as another explosion sounded out. It sounded like the explosion of an atomic bomb. Mu Ye could see the turbulent airflow that was created by the explosions as they stirred a lot of zombies!

"What is that?" The people behind Mu Ye widened their eyes.

"Zombie horde!" Mu Yes voice was shaking, a seldom occurrence, "But explosives were triggered that was able to take out a lot of zombies!"

"Made by Xianguo Base?"


"Cheng Xianguo and his people do not have that kind of firepower."

Mu Ye put down the telescope and ordered, "Lets go and check."

In another place far from Xianguo base, a bald man was drinking beer on the rooftop of another very tall skyscraper.


The sound of a very big explosion suddenly sounded out!

"Puff---" The man was so shocked he spat the beer he drank. Coughing, he barked, "Shit! Who could be so crazy?"


Another explosion sounded out!

"Puff! Cough! Cough! S**t! D**n it!" He spat what he was drinking again as he then threw the beer. He then held his binoculars as he looked towards the source of the sound. He excitedly murmured, "Who could be so freaking awesome? More awesome than my idol! Kill so many zombies in just a breath!"

In Xianguo Base, the tide was getting closer and closer.

Chu Han still stood at the command post he took for his own as he quietly looked towards the horde of zombies coming towards them. He didnt send out orders as he just silently waited.

No one made any noise despite their confusion. They knew nothing of Chu Han`s plans but they felt they had to trust him.

The park in front of the maze they created has been destroyed but the swamp of blood and mangled parts hindered the zombies` movements. There were a lot of zombies who had their feet trapped in the swamp of dark blood. The pond of blood and mangled parts acted like a quicksand, sucking the zombies deeper into the bottom as they continued to struggle, until they were just lying on the pond for they could no longer go further. It was dirt specifically chosen by the survivors as what Chu Han had instructed them to. The dirt in itself was very soft, after it was mixed with the blood and parts of the zombies who was bombed, it became even softer.

More and more zombies were being trapped by the ponds of blood. However, the zombies still continued to move forward, squeezing through the bodies in front of them as they continued to move towards the maze. Because of the deterrence of the zombies at the front, the zombies who were scattered due to the explosions now dotted together.

The people in the maze held their weapons tightly, nervously waiting for the zombies.

Very soon, the horde of zombies was now just meters away from the maze. The front part of the maze formed a semicircle which looked like a mouth waiting for food. It was still formed by arranging sturdy vehicles but those vehicles were still a fraction smaller than the vehicles in the middle of the maze. The vehicles at the front were pretty much broken cars and there were no loads to stick it in place. A group of zombies could topple over those cars with their combined effort.

But it was the most important step that Chu Han had set!

He raised the megaphone up into his mouth as he patiently looked towards that place. There would only be a single chance for his plan to succeed and he had to be very good at grasping that chance. If the thousands of zombies rushed forwards with speed, his arrangement and layout would all be for naught.

Zombies rushed like a flood as their earth-shattering roars sounded out. Step by step, they were getting closer and closer. Chu Han was now capable of seeing the appearances of those zombies as he activated his phase-one strength.





Chu Hans order was made.

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