Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 123: Not Allowed to Touch!

Chapter 123: Not Allowed to Touch!

Gao Yi felt that he was really magnanimous letting Chu Han to join them. He was very eager to play with the three beauties. There was no way hed let the others to have a taste of them first.

Unexpectedly, Chu Hans expression shocked him. Chu Hans eyes were unfathomably dark, he was very quiet at first and then a cruel smile appeared on his face.

"Im really sorry"

Gao Yi stopped playing with the staff and frowned. He felt really uneasy looking at Chu Hans dark eyes. He tried to shake of that feeling and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Let me explain," Chu Han smiled happily but he didnt resemble a twenty-year-old slim young man anymore. He stretched out two fingers and said, "One, we will be staying here for one or two days. Try not to misunderstand. Im just informing you, not begging you."

"Two, as for my members, you guys-"

At that moment, Chu Hans eyes narrowed and he released his bloodthirst, just like a seasoned general about to join the battlefield, "You are not allowed to touch them, not even a strand of their hair!"

His powerful aura and aggressive manner shocked everyone. They all looked at the young man silently. It was one person versus a group, but that one person was able to make their scalps feel numb.

Shangguan Yuxin was shocked and couldnt help but remember what had happened before they abducted her. Chu Han was casually looking at the sky and then gave his cruel command, "Kill them all! Leave no one alive."

How could he be so cruel? Why did he treat human life like it was nothing?

Shangguan Yuxins shock was replaced by confusion. Although she was a part of the army, she had never experienced a war as she used to live in a civilized period. Only after the apocalypse she witnessed bloody scenes. Even though she would not hesitate to kill a zombie, she would still care about humans; it was her obligation as a doctor.

Bai Yuner who loved blood and violence was not shocked. A cold glint flashed through her eyes and she tied her long hair.

Chen Shaoye with the 100% loyalty was indifferent; he would just listen to the boss orders.

Only Shang Jiuti was surprised, she could not see through Chu Han at all. Chu Hans personality was really complicated, just like a maze. She glanced at Chu Hans back and it was like she was trying to see through him.

She felt that Chu Hans killing intent was getting denser. The more he killed the more unrestrained he became.

The first time she saw him killing others was at the apocalypses beginning; it was Ye Tianlong. Shang Jiuti thought that Chu Han was a soldier, the same as her. She thought that because a soldier would not kill others casually.

The second time was in Ange Town. He killed two people. The first one was to protect the mates and the second one had confused her. She could not understand Chu Hans reasoning and the principles he followed to kill someone.

In Tong City, he had said loudly to the hundreds of people, "We are the same". That was when she started worshiping Chu Han. He had raised everyones spirits but he still killed Zhou Shuli without hesitation.

After that kill he seemed like a beast being released from its shackles, and he started killing more. His casual attitude of killing directly or ordering to kill others, made her believe that that was the real Chu Han.

It had been more than a month after the apocalypses escalation, and humanitys dark side had just started emerging. Was the apocalypse changing Chu Han or was Chu Han showing his true self with each stage of the apocalypse?

Shang Jiuti knew nothing and did not understand why she would have such reversed thinking. But the only thing she knew was that Chu Han was a wolf that knew how to cover his nature; waiting to take action and then eat the entire prey greedily.

The prey was neither the people nor the supermarket, but Shang Jiuti didnt want to keep guessing; she was afraid of knowing Chu Hans ambitions.

He was a wolf; the king of wolves.

He looked at the speechless people for a minute-

"Puff! Hahaha!" One person could not bear it and laughed exaggeratedly.

"Hahaha!" He still- hahaha!"

"It is so funny! My god! Is he crazy?!"

"Did he escape from a mental hospital?!"

"Not even a strand of their hair? I will take my chances!"

"He is so powerful! It really scares me!"

Some taunting and teasing were made wantonly as everyone deemed him as an idiot. He thought that with his slim arms and legs he could protect the three women. There were even a fat guy and a dying girl. How could he say something like that? Was he serious?

Chu Han suppressed his cruelty and ignored the peoples reactions. After that he got in the supermarket and went towards the second floor. Chen Shaoye, carrying Luo Xiaoxiao, followed him behind. They treated it as their home.

Chu Han had already informed and warned them. It was out of his hands if they accepted it or not. Chu Hans thinking was extremely simple; mess with me and youre dead.

He was always good at robbing.

Shangguan Yuxin was dazed for a few seconds and then she ran after them.

Everyone became quiet and looked at Chu Hans group. They were just going upstairs?!

"Stop! Who allowed you to go upstairs?!"

"F*ck! Block them!"

"Why are you so arrogant? Who do you think you are?!"

"Drop the girl down. Kill her and throw her outside!"

"Beauties! You havent taken off your clothes so that we can check you!"

The bystanders started yelling and rushed to block them. Among those people, Gao Yi had the fastest reaction. He had stretched the steel staff the moment that Chu Han stepped on the first step.

The heavy staff looked like the Monkey Kings staff and it was about to crash on Chu Hans head.

Many people covered the childrens eyes since Chu Hans head was going to be pulverized. Gao Yi had broken the head of a man once because he was truly arrogant and he didnt like it.

After the apocalypse killing other people was considered normal as there were no laws and morals.

Chu Han had no weapon in his hand and his back was facing Gao Yi. Gao Yis attack was quick and heavy. Chu Hans ending was near, so the bystanders grinned viciously. Many men looked at the chests and legs of those three beauties.

"F*ck you! Assh*le!" Gao Yi shouted with a furious voice, "I will just kill you."

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