Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 111: He Is The Boss

Chapter 111: He Is The Boss

"Come back!" Lu Hongsheng shouted, "Are you crazy!?"

Although he hated Chu Han and despised those who were using their power to bully the weak, his heart was not that bad. After all, he was following such an old soldier as He Peiyuan. He was really worried as soon as he saw someone about to die.

"Are you a fool? Quickly, come back!" Lu Hongsheng rushed forward. His body was very powerful, so he was not afraid of the zombies. But at that time there were not one or two zombies, but a group of them!

He Peiyuan was dazed for one second and then started shooting. The rifle was shooting hard, "Go and back them up!"

How could something like that happen, such a reckless boy!

The rest of them were worried. They stepped forward and cursed at Chu Han completely,

"Sh*t! Its like shouting at a deaf man!"

"Just scr*w him!"

"Why is he trying to be a hero, such an idiot!"

Kuang Zhiran was in a daze, in the land rover, and then laughed turgidly, "Hahaha! God! There is one person like him! He must be brainless. Truly, a group of idiots!"

Kuang Zhiran stopped laughing and peeked at the carriage where the delivery was taking place. The people standing there had been shaky and he laughed louder and louder.

Great! As soon as the battle escalated he would escape as far as possible. He could live peacefully, again, in Shi City after finding his father.

Chu Han continued moving forward. He ignored Lu Hongshengs anger and the shouts coming from the people behind him; all he wanted was to slaughter zombies and earn credits.

Like he would stop! One zombie meant one credit and he would not miss any of them.

The zombies were much closer and they made use of every bit of time to reach the pregnant womans location. Chu Han stepped forward and stopped between two vehicles. He looked at the zombies that were roaring excitedly. He raised the axe in his hand and attacked.

Puff! Dark blood was splashing everywhere and the heads of three zombies were cut!

"Come on!"

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Their heads were crashed, like a watermelon that had fell on the ground, and black blood was surging out like crazy. The zombies could not keep up with his speed; they were dying one after the other.

Dozens of zombies corpses pilled up on the ground in a short amount of time and their black blood was dyeing the road and the vehicles. Headless bodies kept falling on the ground, wherever Chu Han was. Soon, there was a little mountain piled up by headless corpses.

The ones that ran and tried to bring Chu Han back, or the ones cursing at him, were all dumbfounded. They were like a computer that was infected by a virus and crashed. They couldnt comprehend what they were witnessing!

"What is happening? Am I dreaming?"

"How can such a weak looking man accomplish that?"

Their shock was almost like the one they had when the apocalypse escalated. How could Chu Han kill so many zombies? Where did such rapid speed and inhuman strength come from? Besides, he had done it all alone!

What about them? In order to kill a single zombie two people were needed!

Lu Hongsheng was a dozen meters away from Chu Han and he came to a sudden stop. Chu Han had killed dozens of zombies. To be more accurate, more than thirty zombies!

Lu Hongsheng could not help comparing at his tall and strong body with Chu Hans slim frame in front of him. He seemed so weak but why was he so strong? That was not a movie! It was a real life or death situation!

Chu Han, the leecher that everyone despised was actually stronger than him? An athlete proud for his physique and strong muscles?

Their large gap made him feel uncomfortable. Chu Han who had an average body frame should be just an ordinary man; but Lu Hongsheng felt a huge pressure seeing him in action.

He felt like he was being suppressed by Mountain Tai and he had a hard time breathing.

He Peiyuan who was asking his team to back them up abruptly stopped. The atmosphere was really quiet. He stood at the same place and the zombies bodies under the young man kept increasing.

As time passed, the zombies he killed were dying much faster and violently. His method seemed much more effective than the strategy they were going to use; two men groups attacking one zombie.

The zombies could not even approach him. Strangely, it was like a Whack-A-Mole game. No zombie could rush near the camp, they were dying one after the other.

He Peiyuan suddenly recalled Chen Shaoye calling Chu Han as Boss several minutes ago. The fatty with the godlike sharpshooting skills, who had shocked everyone, was actually telling the truth! Only now could they understand why he zealously worshiped Chu Han.

The low-key young man was actually their boss! He was much more powerful than the mysterious sharpshooter, Chen Shaoye.

Sitting in the Land Rover, Kuang Zhiran, who was ready to witness a good show, was astonished! His surprised expression made him look like an idiot.

"Impossible! Impossible! How could it be? Is this a joke? He must not be a human being!" He was very confused, he had underestimated them. He had never thought highly of Chu Han, he was just staying vigilant because of the fatty. But now, he felt a chill running through his spine. What he was most afraid of was something out of his control.

They were wrong!

Kakaka! Whenever Chu Han waved his axe a body would fall and dark blood would violently surge from the wound.

Even though the axe still felt light in his hand, it was more than enough to split zombies in half.

The zombies were coming ceaselessly and Chu Han was manically laughing! All of these zombies were credits in his eyes!

"Come on, I need more!" Chu Han didnt care if a thousand zombies would come. Because of the obstacles he held the geographical advantage. He didnt to move as they would rush toward him, in small numbers, so he could stably kill them without moving.

Two thousand credits could upgrade his strength to phase two evolution and now he had 1203 credits.

Luo Xiaoxiao who was still sitting in the van slapped her good leg and shouted, "Brother Chu is so handsome! Brother Chu is so awesome!"

Chen Shaoye bit a chicken ham and he chewed hard, "Kill them! Boss is so awesome! His posture, his actions and the speed he is using are matchless! Youre my hope!"

"Yes!" Shang Jiuti was really happy as she heard her beloved being praised. She played with her hair and said arrogantly, "You are funny while killing zombies. Chu Hans killing is more profound, even if it violent."

"Come on. Just stop it. I am not trying to compare with my boss. At least, you should not despise me."

It is so relaxing in the van and they were gossiping ceaselessly. Those people were laughing and eating snacks, that scene was the extreme opposite of the situation outside.

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