Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

The most frequent haunt around here is the poisonous corpse man instead of the original three eyed monster. As long as the poisonous corpse man appears, there must be ghost spiders nearby.

In a narrow street, they met with the poisonous corpses wandering around. A dozen poisonous corpses called "Ho Ho" and rushed towards them. Tang Shi stretched out his right hand, ready to urge the sickle of the dead, but was stopped by Yan Xu, "don't use the sickle of the dead, I'll come, you follow me."

YanXu found that as long as the Tang Dynasty used the sickle of the dead, his temperament would definitely change, so he would rather not let the Tang Dynasty do it.

In Tang Dynasty, he shrugged his shoulders and enjoyed his leisure. It's just some infected people who didn't even reach grade zero. YanXu can deal with it by himself, and he doesn't need to do it.

Tang Dynasty slowly followed YanXu and appreciated YanXu's action of waving ice fire demon's heart sword. At last, he couldn't help saying, "I think you need a sword to practice. You have a sword in your hand, not a machete brother. It's a waste to use such a good sword. It's estimated that ice fire demon's heart sword will cry when you use epic weapon card to kill poison corpses 。”

"Shut up Yan Xu is very fierce. Tang Shi says that he really doesn't know how to use swords. He used to use guns and swords. Who has nothing to do with swordsmanship? What's more, it's like a big sword in a game mold. The weight of the ice fire magic heart sword is absolutely not light. It's amazing that he can wave it. I hope he can play it beautifully. How can it be!

In Tang Dynasty, he suddenly enjoyed Yan Xu's appearance when he was provoked, as if he had returned to the previous life. They would fight side by side, sarcasm each other, and laugh at each other. However, in these memories, there are always two people - Tang Qi and Lu Chuan! At that time, the Tang Dynasty would always work with the two of them, sometimes the four of them. At that time, the Tang Dynasty couldn't understand Yan Xu's thinking very much, and clearly hated them. Why did they work with them? It's not self abuse. What is it?

Now Tang Shi understands that what YanXu hates is Tang Qi and Lu Chuan, but not him. It's just that YanXu's attitude towards Tang Shi is worse than the two of them, so Tang Shi mistakenly thinks that YanXu hates the three of them.

In the Tang Dynasty, Yan Xu had solved this group of poisonous corpses, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and looked back at the Tang Dynasty. Tang Dynasty suddenly changed his look. The blue-green sickle of the dead appeared in his hand. He rushed out and cut off the spider's legs! YanXu quickly retreated, and the green blood from the broken spider's legs sprayed all over the body. A fishy smell came to my nose. A ghost spider twice as big as the one I met before appeared in the field of vision. YanXu out of a cold sweat, he did not find the ghost spider close, so quietly appeared in front of him.

At this time, some poisonous corpses jumped out of the collapsed ruins, and YanXu rushed to kill them.

In the Tang Dynasty, he waved the scythe of the dead. The hardness of the blade could not stop the carapace of the large ghost spider. This ghost spider was not a first-class one, but a second-class one. If there was no scythe of the dead in the hands of the Tang Dynasty, he would never be able to deal with it. The large ghost spider tries to block the scythe with its legs. Every time, its legs will be cut off, but it can't stop it. Seeing that it is defeated, it turns around and wants to escape. The higher the level of the alien race, the more intelligent it is. For example, this large ghost spider has learned to judge the situation. When it sees that the situation is not good, it turns around and runs away. How can Tang Dynasty let it escape? It's a secondary yuan energy crystal.

A sickle down, the large ghost spider's head was directly split, struggling to wave a few broken legs, and finally completely did not move. In the Tang Dynasty, after taking yuannengjing, when he turned around, he saw a dense black miniature version of ghost spiders crawling out of the ruins. They all reduced their size to the size of only fingernails. This kind of attack power was stronger than restoring the proportion of the same body, and they were more likely to parasitize live objects. Just now, without any defense, it was a miniature version of ghost spiders that came to him quietly, Suddenly released the equal ratio real body, just let Yan Xu have no sense, almost ate a dark deficit!

Tang Shi stepped back quickly and yelled, "go, go! It's a miniaturized version of ghost spider. Let's go

YanXu raised his hand and cut off the head of the poisonous corpse man, then turned and ran. The Tang Dynasty opened the way in front of them, killed the poisonous corpses who came out from time to time under the blade, and rushed to the other end of the street at a high speed. On both sides of the road, there were black spiders pouring out, encircling them. In Tang Dynasty, he didn't run on the flat ground. With the help of a collapsed signboard, he jumped out of thin air and grabbed the edge of the roadside roof. He pushed his arms and feet on the wall and directly turned over to the roof. These movements were completed at one go, two seconds did not want, Tang Shigang turned around, saw Yan Xu also used the same method to grab the edge of the roof, and then turn up.

Standing on the roof of a three story building, they gasped and looked at the buried ground. What they were crawling about were miniature versions of ghost spiders. Tang cold face, a word does not say, so looking at the reduced version of ghost spider convergence, and then aimlessly crawling around.

Yan Xu's face is very ugly. It's very close to the safe area. There are so many ghost spiders here. Once they attack the safe area, they can't imagine the casualties. There must be some way to stop these ghost spiders. Everything has its nemesis. So what is the nemesis of ghost spiders?When Yan Xu looked at Tang Dynasty, "what is the killer of ghost spider?"

Tang Shi looked cold, turned to the other side and wanted to jump to the top of the opposite building, "I don't know. Go, get out of here. "

YanXu did not move, "I think you will know, tell me what it is?"

"You don't want to know. It's the real disaster of human beings that leads to the killer of ghost spider." Looking at the small scaled ghost spider on the ground, the chaotic order began to clear up again and crawled to the other end of the street.

Yan Xu language stopped, ghost spider has been very terrible, its nemesis can be kind?

At this time, YanXu also found that the ground version of the ghost spider's abnormal. Tang Dynasty did not say much, turned the direction, jumped to another building, followed the miniaturized version of ghost spider army in the past, wanted to see what attracted them.

Just after jumping over two buildings, Tang Shi stopped and stood on the top of the building, looking at several figures in front of them. They were wearing ordinary people's clothes, but their clothes were very clean. Nowadays, there are not many people who can have clean clothes, not to mention holding regular military rifles.

Yan Xu also followed to come over, saw that several people slowly frowned, holding a regular military rifle, but did not wear military uniform, what are these people doing?

Six people on the street, armed with rifles, walked slowly forward. They were very careful every step and talked as they walked, "don't you think there are big spiders around here? There are more yuanneng crystals in the spider's body than three Eyed Monsters. If we can get more, our brothers can leave one for each of us. When we become awakeners, we won't have to work for them any more. "

"Xiao Li, don't try to embezzle. If the mayor knows, you will die."

Xiao Li muttered: "he is a mayor, and there are so many people who protect him. Besides, he is already an awakener. Why should he be such a multi energy crystal? I don't understand. "

"When you wake up, you will know why you need so many energy crystals."

Xiao Li stopped and listened, "wait, did you hear anything?"

Lao Zhang said with a smile: "don't be suspicious. Even if the big spider is about to appear, we will see it for the first time. The big spider is big and easy to aim at. Hehe."

Standing on the roof of the two people, will listen to their words in the ear, miniature version of the ghost spider in order not to scare, all scattered in the ruins, ready to siege.

Yan Xu took two steps to the edge, ready to remind them to leave here quickly, but he was grabbed by Tang Shi and said coldly: "let's go, they're dead."

Yan Xu looks at Tang Dynasty, a face of disbelief, he can be so indifferent to life. Leaving Tang Dynasty, YanXu stood at the edge of the roof and said in a loud voice: "leave here! Danger

Six people were startled by the sudden voice. All the muzzle of the gun aimed at YanXu standing on the roof, but no one moved. Lao Zhang asked directly, "who are you? What are you doing here? "

Yan Xu some anxious, "you are all around the ghost spider, while there is still time, quickly run!"

Six people still did not move, quiet for two seconds, Xiao Li suddenly said: "is he a brain problem? We can't see a ghost spider? Where? Where is it? Why can't I see where the ghost spider is? " Xiao Li looked around with exaggeration.

Tang Shi stepped forward with a sneer, "at your feet."

When they saw another man coming out, they immediately took aim at him with vigilance. Xiao Li was a little suspicious. The smile on his face was really weird. He swore in his heart. He knew very well that ghost spider could not be at his feet. How could such a big guy be at his feet. Sometimes, Li thought, what's the effect of a spider's glance at the foot of an idiot?

When Xiao Li raised his head, raised his gun and aimed at Tang, he scolded: "you mother's egg..."

"Watch the back!" Yan Xu roared, quickly looking for favorable terrain, to ensure that he can come up again after going down.

With a click, Xiao Li's head was directly bitten off by two huge beaks, and gululu rolled to the ground, with blood spurting all over the ground. The people on the ground turned the muzzle of the gun in panic, and "bang bang" shot, but the distance was too close. As soon as the spider's leg stretched out, it directly penetrated a person, showing off that it was lifted up and hung in the air, and the person screamed bitterly in the air. Other people are crazy to shoot, the bullet hit on the hard shell, immediately will be bounced off, the ghost spider can't do any damage.

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