Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Now that the house and food were available, wigo would not hesitate. He immediately knocked on the door. After knocking for a long time, no one answered. He was sure that what the woman said was true. Then he pried open the security door and lived in directly. Who would have thought that the owner of the house, who was determined to have died, actually came back.

The other boys were so scared that they didn't understand how this man could be so fast. In the blink of an eye, they came to the front of the door. I don't know that Tang Shi didn't even use his secret energy card. It's all because of his excellent physical ability.

Brother Wei said in a trembling voice: "big brother, please forgive me. Everything is wrong Misunderstanding, let's go now, let's go now. "

This man made him feel fear. The knife on his neck was close to his skin. The blade was filled with cold. It was obvious that he had seen blood before. He could cut off his head at any time.

In front of YanXu and Jianghuai, Tang didn't want to kill people. He put down his knife and said, "get out of here!"

Several younger brothers nodded and bowed back to the door. Brother Wei nodded and pretended to be his grandson. When he retreated to the sofa and turned to leave, his eyes flashed with cold light. He took a pistol out of his arms and turned to be a shot!

With a flash of light, brother Wei was surprised to see his right hand holding the gun, flying high into the sky, and then fell to the ground again, with blood gushing from the broken hand. Wigo started howling.

He found the gun on his way out. It should have been left by a dead policeman.

He is not afraid of anything if he has a gun. However, the gun that should have killed the enemy failed to kill him, but his hand was cut off. What kind of speed can he achieve this? Weige was really scared, and no matter what happened, he ran out of the house with his younger brother.

The people downstairs were surprised to see that the bully brother Wei was cut off and escaped. They were robbed of their food. Because he had a gun and a younger brother in his hand, they didn't dare to resist and had to surrender their food. I heard yesterday that Weige had found a house without a owner. There was a lot of food in it. I don't think he would rob them again. I didn't expect that I broke my hand and escaped today. Who has such great ability to hurt Weige?

After that group of scum left, Tang Shi's face was still not good-looking. He was distressed by the food they had wasted. He really fed the dog for nothing!

Tang Shi stooped to pick up the pistol and kicked the broken hand into the trash can. Then he turned and looked at the two people at the door. "Come in, the room is too messy. I'll clean it up."

YanXu and Jianghuai come in. YanXu says nothing and helps Tang Dynasty clean up the house.

Jianghuai is a thoughtful look, he is thinking about the strength of the Tang Dynasty in the end to what extent, just that speed, even he was shocked. The energy crystal in the monster's body is really a good thing, but Tang did not tell them how to take it out, which made him have no way for a while.

When he was ready, he went to the small room where the food was packed. Fortunately, he came back early. Although the food was picked up in a mess, the quantity was not much, and more than half of it was left. Don doesn't want to keep the food in the box.

Jiang Huai stood behind Tang Shi and looked inside. He was surprised and said, "have you prepared so much food? Did you know in advance that a catastrophe was coming? "

"Of course, on the eve of the earthquake, even animals know that they are going to move. I've experienced two terrorist incidents myself, so I don't have to be on guard unless I'm stupid enough. It's a pity that things are wasted by those scum. " In Tang Dynasty, what he said was very calm, but it was very persuasive and could not be doubted.

Now that water, electricity and natural gas have all stopped, it's not easy to cook a decent meal. However, it's hard for Tang to prepare in advance. He just didn't want to do it, so he might as well eat instant food. In Tang Dynasty, he took a cup of food and put it on the tea table. The three of them ate it with a drink. Tang Dynasty naturally handed YanXu a can of Red Bull. This time, he also drank a can of Red Bull to prevent YanXu from suspecting, although what he liked was pure water.

I haven't had a good rest these two days. After eating, Tang Shi asked them to go back to their room and get ready to sleep.

This house is a three room two hall pattern. A small room separated from the master bedroom is a study. Now they are all fed by Tang fashions, and the other two rooms are for them to choose at will. It's good to have a place to settle down these days. Besides, they have prepared decent rooms for them. Naturally, they have nothing to say.

As soon as he got to his bedroom in the Tang Dynasty, he heard the voice of the system, "the system of survival in the last world is bound, and 24 units of energy are deducted."

In Tang Dynasty, before he could speak, he felt that Yuan Neng, who was full of energy in his body, had reached the bottom in an instant. He didn't even leave any impression on him.

Tang Shi Fu's forehead sighed, "system, can I discuss it with you? Before you make a decision, at least discuss with me. You've suddenly used up all my energy. If it's in a battle, then I'm dead. "

"The system has been bound to the host, and it can survive or die together."

Tang Shi's face turned black again. It's a damn thing to bind his life with a system.

As soon as the system here is bound, the task will be assigned.

"Material task: collect ten" watchful eyes "from the three eyed monster leader. Time: one month. Mission reward: Awakening card. "In the Tang Dynasty, it was said that.... "

Why didn't you say it earlier? When he was in the stadium, he also killed a three eyed monster leader, wasting a "watchful eye"!

At that time, he didn't wake up and the system didn't bind with him, wasting a "watchful eye". However, he has to get this card no matter what. It's not easy to have one card. Some people wake up with only one card, and some even don't have one. The card is an important life preserver. It's not easy to get other cards except his own life card. Since Tang Dynasty has the chance to get a card, he will never give up.

Today's Yuan energy has been completely deducted by the system. We can only wait until tomorrow.

Tang Shi was lying on the bed. He wanted to have a rest, but he couldn't help thinking of his father and his so-called family members.

When the last Tang Dynasty came to the safe area, he inquired about their whereabouts everywhere. He almost searched the whole safe area, but did not find them. At that time, Tang thought they were dead. Later, he met Tangqi and Luchuan, and he knew that they were not dead when the end of the world broke out. Instead, they happened not to be in Lincheng, and other places might not have been seriously affected by the disaster, They survived.

So now, the Tang Dynasty does not want to waste time to seek and revenge. Sooner or later, it will happen. The most important thing now is to quickly improve their strength. The last strength is everything.

After the Tang Dynasty returned to the room, YanXu and Jianghuai still sat in the living room, apparently they had something to talk about.

Jiang Huai said, "now that you have fully recovered from your injury, you are now facing a doomsday disaster. The military is now employing people. Do you really plan not to go back?"

YanXu is also thinking about this problem, but what he is thinking about is not whether to go back, but something else.

"You're right. I've recovered now. You don't have to take care of me any more. Do what you want to do."

Jiang Huai a Leng, way: "what do you mean?"

Yan Xu said frankly: "you are a sergeant, not a private soldier of my Yan family, nor my servant. It's my Yan Family's honor that you can serve for Yan family. Now that the world is in chaos, the original social order will soon be disrupted. Now that the law of the jungle and the fittest survive, if you have your own goal, I will not stop you. "

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