Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

This jade card is so important that Tang Dynasty thought that the leader of Lin Gang would not give up easily and would come back. In order not to waste time with them, he left early in the morning.

Qin lie didn't wake up. He was sleeping in the back seat.

"Where to?" All the way out, to the fork in the road YanXu asked.

"Hunt and collect yuan Neng Jing to help the boy wake up." In the Tang Dynasty, when I didn't open my eyes and look at the map in my mind, the earth's landform changed dramatically. The place where there was a road might turn into a river, the place where there was a river might turn into a mountain, and the place where there was a mountain might turn into a canyon.

In the Tang Dynasty, the map of Jiuhuang was studied almost every day, but there were few places to see clearly, only huazunyu could see it most clearly. Other places were either covered with a layer of white fog, or could not be enlarged to the maximum. They could only see the outline from a distance. The more they looked at it every day, the more frightened they were in the Tang Dynasty. Wherever there were human beings gathering, the map would be marked with dots, and the gathering place was large Use bigger dots and smaller dots to mark them. Dots appear and disappear every day, which means that every day there are gathering places established and gathering places disappear from this map.

According to the data known in the last world, a year after the end of the world, 40% of human beings disappeared, and most of the remaining people adapted to the new environment of the end of the world. They passed countless deaths. They fought with different races, animals and mutated creatures, but they still survived. Among the people who survived, 20% were ordinary people, and 40% were awakened, but they really could Less than 10% of the awakened people have entered the heroic period.

In Tang Dynasty, I never thought that I could walk out of the awakening period.

The upgrade card of this life has not yet arrived. The only upgrade card obtained by Tang Dynasty is also with the help of the power of the system. He is the first person to enter the heroic period. Therefore, the left hand of Karing king is definitely not chicken ribs. Since he does not have a powerful servant card, Tang Dynasty decided to go out to try to create his own soul beast.

Qin lie, who was in a daze in the back seat, immediately woke up, rubbed his hands and giggled, "this How can that be good? "

In the Tang Dynasty, you said: "I'm sorry, don't want it."

"Don't do it. With your help, Laozi will be your man. He will be your younger brother. You'll let him go east instead of West. Is that all right?" As long as he can wake up, Qin lie is willing to sell himself Of course, it also depends on who he sells it to. If he sells it to Tang Dynasty, he would like to.

"Remember what you said." It was not salty in Tang Dynasty.

Yan Xu took a look at the Tang Dynasty, and his heart was clear.

When did Tang Dynasty do a loss making business? It's hard to say that he was so enthusiastic about helping this boy wake up. This time, he was more ruthless than longmian. He was willing to use yuannengjing to help him wake up. Of course, although Tang Dynasty's words were not pleasant, longmian's wake-up still depended on yuannengjing from Tang Dynasty.

Typical bitches are not bad.

What Yan Xu doesn't know is that even if Qin lie doesn't have this special card, he won't let Qin lie ignore it in the Tang Dynasty. He will never turn a blind eye to those who have helped him in the last life. Besides, in the last life, he and Qin lie are brothers.

It was almost certain in the Tang Dynasty that what was sealed in the jade card should be the card. Many cards had never been seen in the Tang Dynasty. There were many kinds of "special cards". Maybe there were "black cards" among them. However, in the Tang Dynasty's view, this black card must have been covered up.

Another reason why Tang Dynasty was so eager to help Qin lie wake up was that he suspected that Qin lie was the same as him. Qin lie's heirloom is a "black card". In the Tang Dynasty, he got three cards from his ancestral tomb, one of which was taken away by the system, and now he has two left.

Last night, according to his previous method, Tang Dynasty put Qin lie's blood on the jade plate, but there was no response.

The Tang Dynasty speculated that it might be because Qin lie was an ordinary man. When he woke up, he would have his own yuanneng, and maybe he would find something different.

They park their car in a mountain forest, where the trees are luxuriant and overgrown with weeds. In peacetime, it was not a safe area, and now, it must be very dangerous.

When Qin lie saw the geographical location here, he thought it was dangerous everywhere. If you expect him to be an ordinary person to collect yuan Nengjing, I don't know how many times he died.

It's said that it's collecting yuan Nengjing to help Qin lie wake up, but it's YanXu who really does it.

"You go hunting. We'll wait for you here." In Tang Dynasty.

If you just take Tang Shi to come, Tang Shi doesn't have to fight, at least the speed can keep up with YanXu. They are absolutely perfect partners. Now they are dragging an ordinary person behind, and they can't go in together. In case of an siege, they have to work hard to protect him. It's better for YanXu to go in by himself. The Yuan energy needed for awakening is nothing to YanXu now, whatever You can get 24 units of energy in a circle.

Tang Dynasty can protect himself, the sword of justice can suppress the death in his body, and Yan Xu can rest assured.

Not long after YanXu left, Tang Dynasty also began to enter the forest.

"Isn't he waiting for him here? Shall we go in, too? " Qin lie is confused. He doesn't want to go into this kind of ghost place."What? Are you afraid? " In the Tang Dynasty, he joked.

"Ouch, you are not afraid, I am afraid of wool? Go Qin lie bravely walked in front, walked out two steps and thought, "do you still have a gun? Give me a hand. I can protect you when you are in danger later. "

Tang Shi took out a rifle from the small lattice and handed it to him. He didn't want him to protect it, just asked him to protect himself.

Qin lie's eyes were wide open. This gun suddenly appeared in the hands of Tang Dynasty. It's so cool and sensational!

"How did you do it? Take things out of the air? " Qin lie asked excitedly.

"Take a wool. Have you heard of the space card?" Anyway, this guy is stupid and ruffian. His small lattice is used for the same purpose as the space card. It's simply a space card.

"That's great, too! I don't even have a card. Every time I look at those awakened people, I take out a card and squeeze it out. It's handsome and attractive. " Qin lie said enviously.

"You will be more powerful than them in the future. There's nothing to envy Shh Tang suddenly made a gesture, indicating that Qin lie squatted down.

Two people squat in the grass half a person high, not far from the front there are two blue eyed gray wolves eating prey.

This is exactly what the Tang Dynasty wanted to find, starting with the mutant blue eyed gray wolf.

When he refined the spirit king's left hand, the method of making "soul soldier" was just like implanting it into his mind. Every step was very clear. Tang decided to have a try.

The Tang Dynasty didn't say much. He gestured to Qin lie to stay here. He went to hunt the two blue eyed gray wolves.

Qin lie quickly grabbed him and said in a low voice, "are you crazy? How can you fight them both by yourself? "

The green eyed gray wolf was very alert. Qin lie made a sound, which immediately attracted their attention. He stopped eating and looked up. Bai Sensen showed his teeth and lowered his neck. He wanted to attack.

Qin lie scolded a "fuck", jumped out of the grass, aimed at, "you hide behind me, I'll kill them."

"Don't shoot. I want to live." If dead, the soul will break away from the body and float in the air. What kind of soul beast do you make!

"Crouch, do you want to be a trainer? If you want to catch the blue eyed grey wolf, let YanXu do it for you directly. It's up to us. Maybe we'll be torn by them directly! " Qin lie was very nervous and aimed his rifle at them.

Tang Dynasty didn't talk to him, but the sword of justice ran out of the grass and rushed to the two blue eyed gray wolves.

"My God!" As soon as Qin lie was about to jump out, he heard Tang Shi say, "stay there!"

When the Tang Dynasty rushed over, the blue eyed gray wolf also moved. Affected by the environment, their size and attack power were greatly improved. If they were ordinary awakeners, they would never dare to rush out and fight with the blue eyed gray wolf alone, unless they were impatient.

Man's strength is not equal to that of beasts, but he was not an ordinary man in Tang Dynasty. He had rich fighting skills and strength enough to crush two wolves.

When two blue eyed gray wolves saw Tang Shi coming, they were more than twice as big as ordinary wolves. They were very flexible and quickly jumped away. They cleverly formed a front and back attack and were ready to tear Tang Shi as a prey.

The first one to attack was the one behind the Tang Dynasty. When Tang Dynasty reached this level, both physical and perceptual abilities were much better than ordinary people. When the green eyed grey wolf came, he swayed and avoided a claw strike. When it didn't land, he raised his hand and cut it on his stomach.

In the Tang Dynasty, he was afraid of cutting his waist with a sword and left his strength. I didn't expect that the blue eyed gray wolf was so flexible. When he was still in the air, his belly closed and his waist twisted, and he avoided the sword.

"Oh, there's some meaning." Tang Shi nodded with satisfaction.

The wolf clan is a very intelligent species. Seeing some strength in the Tang Dynasty, they don't try any more. Two blue eyed gray wolves attack the Tang Dynasty together.

Tang Dynasty was very fast. Even if there was no shadow step blessing, his current level was more than enough to deal with two mutant blue eyed gray wolves. After several rounds, the two blue eyed gray wolves were seriously injured and lay down. They were unwilling to wriggle and wanted to get up again. However, they were so badly hurt that they even got their intestines out.

Qin lie was stunned when he looked outside. Who said that he was an ordinary man in Tang Dynasty? Blind dog's eye, this is clearly the awakener, or the powerful awakener!

Qin lie doesn't want to live any more. Even such a young and handsome young man in the Tang Dynasty is an awakener. Especially, he is still an ordinary man. He just wants to protect others like a fool. Qin lie thinks he can die without such a blow.

Tang Shi squatted down with his back to Qin lie, took off the black gloves on his left hand, as if he had been poisoned and pressed his left hand on the head of a seriously injured blue eyed gray wolf.

"Sou --!" Green eyed gray wolf seems to be aware of something, dying, roaring, to avoid the left hand of Tang Dynasty.

Tang Dynasty saw clearly, what the wolf's eyes showed was fear. He stared at Tang Dynasty's left hand, struggling hard, and didn't want that hand to touch him.

In the Tang Dynasty, how could the blue eyed gray wolf escape? He pressed his left hand to the head of the blue eyed gray wolf, and his fingers passed through the body of the blue eyed gray wolf like a shadow, grabbing its soul. It was a wonderful feeling. Tang Shi really felt that his left hand grasped something, but his eyes could not see it. He began to drag it out, and there were bursts of wolf howls in his ears, and his voice was very sad.A light blue wolf shaped virtual shadow was pulled out of the body by Tang Dynasty. The virtual shadow was still struggling, as if he didn't want to leave the protection of the body, but the body was lying on the ground.

In the Tang Dynasty, he closed his eyes and separated his soul. He wrapped it around the wolf soul with his left hand. The wolf soul could not move. It was like a lamb to be slaughtered. It was bound and suspended in the air.

The consciousness of resistance of the wolf soul gradually weakened, and the soul wrapped in the wolf soul began to contract, just like the ebb tide of the sea, from the left heart, and quickly contracted to the left heart, and printed a red Rune on the head of the wolf soul, which was the soul seal left on the wolf soul in the Tang Dynasty. Since then, the wolf soul has been a slave of the Tang Dynasty.

When Tang Shihui withdrew his hand, a "wolf soul beast" about the size of the blue eyed gray wolf appeared in front of him. The wolf soul beast was pale blue, handsome and fierce. It was a little stronger than the blue eyed gray wolf's body. There was a red soul seal on its forehead, which made it exist in the form of wolf soul and would not be disturbed by the order of heaven and earth.

In Tang Dynasty, another blue eyed gray wolf's soul was made into his soul beast in the same way. For the first time, he made two soul beasts with the left hand of the spirit king. In Tang Dynasty, he sat on the grass and had a rest. This kind of fatigue came from the soul, and it took some time to recover.

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