An Owl's Rise

Chapter 177 177 Back In The Records Hall

'I have my notebook that has the list of ingredients I need for each potion. Now all I need to do is head to the records hall and learn where to find everything.'

With one last quick check Evelyn was certain she had everything she would need.

Now ready to go, she exited her room and began flying towards the front entrance.

Along the way she even began to happily bob her head unconsciously, since she was actually getting quite excited to dig deep into some research.

Soon enough she had exited Melisandre's estate and found herself in front of the entrance to the records hall.

However, this was not the same one she had used when first arriving but one that stood about halfway up the colossal tree.

The one at the bottom was only for new registration for the most part and normal library resources were situated around the middle area.

Heading on in Evelyn found the place was fairly crowded, with other owls that were flying around and plucking documents and books from the ever ascending and descending shelves in the hall.

'You know, last time I was here I was so nervous I did not get the best look at this place. But the fact that there are shelves that go all the way from the bottom to the top is incredibly fantastical.'

Simply having a moment to enjoy the sight before her, Evelyn took in the entire area that was a cylindrical archive of all types of documents.

In her old world a place like this would have been stupidly impractical, but for a species that could fly it was quite efficient.

'I guess that is enough gawking. I need to rent one of the carrels and then locate the materials I need.'

After she had her fill of looking around the area, Evelyn moved towards the large suspend platform that sat slightly below the entrance.

This was one of the places where the employees of this hall were stationed, and Evelyn could get the information she needed.

When she landed, she found herself looking up at three dozen owls that were all between twelve and twenty feet tall.

With but a glance she could tell they were all at the awakened rank and ranging from the low tier to the peak.

Each one of them had their own line of owls that were waiting to be served, and it seemed the higher their beast ranks the more popular they seemed.

'I suppose that makes sense. The stronger owls have likely worked here longer and know more.' Evelyn thought as she examined the situation.

If she wanted to be served quickly she could join one of the lines where a low tier awakened rank owl was, or if she wanted the assumed best service, she could line up where the peak awakened owls were working.

'I could also fly to one of the other platforms. They have them around every two hundred feet and with this one being the closets to the main entrance it is likely to be the most crowded.'

Soon enough Evelyn decided to give one of the other platforms a shot and began ascending towards the next one up.

Unfortunately, it was about as busy, and when she made her way to the next one above it, there were still a fair number of owls waiting to be served.

'It's a bit of a smaller line at least.' Evelyn thought with a bit of resignation.

Where she was now only would maybe put her one or two places ahead and she figured if she had just stayed at the first one it probably would have still been faster.

No easy to find shortcut she was hoping for, Evelyn resigned herself to stand in line and went for a high tier awakened beast who had a long line, but nearly as much as the ones at the peak.

Time seemed to go by slowly as she waited in line. Which brought some old memories.

'It feels like an eternity since I waited in a line like this. I had forgotten how boring it is.'

Eventually she managed to make it to the front of the line and the owl working the stationed asked her what she needed.

"First, I would like to rent a carrel. How much would that be?"

"An awakened beast and this is your first time renting a carrel. Are you new? But the next set of recruits should not be coming in for at least another month." The owl helping Evelyn said with a bewildered expression.

Seeing this, Evelyn realized just how unusual her circumstances with Melisandre were. Normally most beasts would have had to do research on their own from the start, but she had received Melisandre's guidance and wisdom instead.

"Yes, this is my first time. My master has been instructing me instead, but now it is time for me to gather information on my own."

"Ah, I see." The owl helping her said with a slightly envious expression.

"Well, to rent the basic carrel will be two thousand credits and hour. If you want a completely private one you will be six thousand an hour."

Hearing the price Evelyn winced a little. She had not been expecting it to be that expense and per the hour.

'This hall has to make money somehow I suppose.' Evelyn thought as she forked over sixteen thousand credits to rent a normal carrel for eight hours.

"Okay, your payment is complete. Your identification cuff has been registered to carrel number two hundred thirty-seven. It will be located closer to the bottom of the hall between the floor and the first platform. Is there anything else you need help with?"

Frowning, Evelyn looked around and was certain that there were plenty of free carrels closer than the one she had been assigned.

'I am closer to the top than the bottom, but I will have to go pretty much all the way down.' She thought with a dissatisfied expression.

"Excuse me, if there is nothing else you need there are owls waiting behind you."

Coming out of her momentary daze. Evelyn looked at the impatiently waiting owls lined up behind her.

"Sorry about that. Yes, if you would not mind helping direct me to a few things I am looking for." Evelyn said.

She then pulled out her notebook which listed all the numerous ingredients she needed and began rambling them off.

The owl that was helping Evelyn soon began twitching in annoyance, as Evelyn listed things off for over a minute. Before she finally stopped her.

"Miss, that is far too much for me to simply direct you to. As you can see there are others I need to help as well. If you want, I can direct you to a personal guide. Though they are quite expensive, especially the ones that are truly knowledgeable. Or you can purchase the record hall's information booklet which will help you locate the resources you are looking for."

Being abruptly stopped as she listed things out, Evelyn realized that she was being a huge nuisance, and apologized.

"Sorry about that. I will take the booklet. How much?"

Ten thousand credits later and Evelyn had the booklet giving her information on the records hall.

'I need to go find my carrel and get started. In this case, time really is money.'

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