Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 177 177: Challenge Worth 200,000 Credits

Wait, someone suddenly stopped Amon and challenged him to a duel, and the challenger was a sophomore?

"What's the matter? Are you not a genius? Are you afraid of me?"

The boy who spoke was called Jorge. He wasn't very tall, at 174 cm and a little malnourished with dark circles in his eyes. He pointed his finger towards Amon's face while emitting an air of arrogance around him.

The group of people who came with him laughed as they mocked Amon. They were all sophomore boys. Honestly, they wanted to beat him up, make him know his place, knowing that there was always someone more powerful, or something like that.

Of course, this was a lie. They were just jealous, as Amon was always surrounded by pretty girls, and seeing him walking with a hot girl with fiery red hair so intimately, as well noting many students praising him in many of the conversations lately, only fanned their jealousy flames.

Amon remained calm and indifferent.

"You bastard, I will teach you a lesson for cursing my man!" Barbara rolled up her non-existent sleeves as she delinquently started fuming.

This action of hers took the people around by surprise, making them choke on their own saliva. Even Amon was affected, making him smile slightly as his eyes narrowed a bit.

"Tsk, you're not even man enough to confront me and simply cower behind a woman!" Jorge teased again, even more sarcastically, "In the end, everything they said about you was a lie. You are nothing but a coward who hides behind a woman!"

"Shut up." Suddenly, Amon spoke for the first time. When he spoke, he used a bit of fury, making Jorge's emotions feel like he was on a roller coaster, causing him to get angry and lose his temper...

"A duel, is it? Alright, what do you want to bet?" Amon asked with cold indifference, "100k credit?"

"A H-hundred thousand!!"

When the surrounding students heard Amon's proposal, without exception, everyone was surprised and held their breath. At this point, even Jorge, who had managed to wrestle his emotions back under control, was stunned. 100 thousand was high, even for him who was an Innate.

"Oh?" Barbara scoffed, "Don't you even have that much? Tsk, trying to crow, but in the end he's just a poor boy without even a measly 100,000 credits~~!"

Even though most of the students around didn't have that amount, not even half that much, they stifled their laughter when they heard Barbara speak. Who told this welp to try to mock Amon? If Amon wasn't holding her arm, Barbara would have wiped the floor with this idiot's face!

She was even angrier that he'd messed with her mood, which had been pretty good to say the least until just now when it had been ruined by this filthy cur.

"Still silent?" Barbara was unforgiving. "Weren't your little friends laughing with you? Will you borrow it from them, or do you have no way to guarantee it?"

It might seem like she wasn't thinking as she spoke, and was just out to get revenge, but it wasn't that simple. She saw Amon fiddling with his digital clock and saw Jorge's information out of the corner of her eye; she didn't believe that Amon would lose to him after seeing his information.

Jorge: 221 duels, 136 wins and 85 losses. It'd been half a year since he became an Inborn, and his genetics were earth. Most of the time, those with earth elements had an advantage against those with lightning elements. Maybe that's where Jorge's confidence came from.

Hearing what Barbara said made Jorge look at his friends.

"I have 60 thousand," he said, "Lend me the rest. When I get paid, I'll pay you with interest!"

He spoke as if he had already won. His confidence could reach the heavens.

"Okay." The friends agreed, as they knew his strength, and had similar thoughts upon learning that Amon had lightning genes. Jorge has experience against lightning users, which was where his confidence came from.

When he got 100,000 credits, Jorgr turned to Amon. The lower left corner of his mouth curved upwards and a very ugly smile appeared on his face. Some people who saw it felt like throwing up, while others just looked away.

"How ugly!" Barbara exclaimed. She couldn't believe a person could have such an ugly smile.

Worse was that Jorge wasn't affected by what she said. In fact, he still looked confident in his own smile, and he winked at her. "Beautiful girl, I'm going to beat the shit out of that useless boyfriend of yours and make you see what a real man is made of."

Ignoring Amon, he kept looking at Barbara. The more he looked, the more he found her form to be pleasant, only she was already with someone... But that was okay. He was confident that she would come running to him the moment she noticed his grandeur. It was only a matter of time, soon the beauty would throw herself into his arms of her own accord.

Amon wasn't much for giving into anger; he mostly avoided it. However, at this point, he began to look at Jorge differently. His eyes narrowed like a wild beast looking at its prey.

When the duel was registered with 100,000 credits on each side, a location appeared for them to go to duel. The people who were within the area where the duel would take place tactfully moved away.

Amon went to the part assigned to him. On the other side, Jorge stood with his hands behind his back as he maintained an expression that screamed: 'I'm an expert, worship me!' Of course, maybe this kind of behavior would work if it was done by someone older in age, or even a real expert, but him acting this way just looked silly and really stupid.

"Amon, finish him off!" Barbara yelled, "Leave him eating dirt!"

"Okay." Amon turned towards her and made the 'ok' gesture with his fingers.

"Leave it to your dreams when you are sleeping." Jorge gave that same ugly smile as before and said, "You're the one who's going to eat dirt here!"

Amon didn't bother to answer. An electronic sound echoed, signaling the countdown had begun. The instant the countdown ended, Amon used: <Star Justice>!

[Star Justice: Channels a fiery rage of lightning stars to inflict damage to the enemy that partially bypasses defense. Damage increases according to the amount of condensed genetic energy]

What wasn't said was that Amon, who controlled the emotion of fury, managed to make the already powerful attack even more when he channeled his fury with lightning. The size of a football, the ball of lightning shot towards Jorge.

Jorge snorted in disdain and erected a three-layer barrier made of earth. The ball of lightning that contained Amon's fury and the burning rage of the stars surges forward, somewhat devastating the ground it passes by, creating a deep line on the ground with a scorch mark, leaving behind a trail of lightning.

When it collided with the barrier erected by Jorge, it was as if it were going through a wall made of Styrofoam: digging a hole, passing through layer by layer of the earth barrier.

"It cannot be!!" Jorge cried out in alarm, his expression losing confidence for the first time. He tried to channel more genetic energy into the barrier, but was unable to reinforce it.

He retreated and created new layers of earth shields, but the result was no different. It was even easier for Amon this time, and before he could retreat, the ball of lightning slammed into Jorge's chest furiously!



A loud pitiful scream echoed.

Jorge couldn't stop the attack. He couldn't even change direction as he was dragged backwards while being electrocuted by God knows how many volts. His hair stood on end with signs of burning. Even his clothes were torn in several parts and showed signs of burn damage, not to mention his skin was red and with blisters spreading across his body.

Using his hands to push back against the force, Jorge was still being dragged as he tried to mold the earth and throw away this ball of lightning. However, he was not able to and let out a loud, pitiful scream; it was worse than a little child who had slammed his little finger on the corner of a door.

Even at that moment he didn't stop thinking about how to get out of this situation, and when he had the idea of ​​falling backwards to the ground, to his misfortune the ball of lightning seemed to be attracted to his body like metal that was attracted to a magnet.


A loud sound echoed. This time the sound was followed by a lightning storm as the ball of lightning exploded in Jorge's chest and he fell to the ground. A crater formed when the ball of lightning exploded, and the spectators were scared; some even thought that Jorge had died.

The sight of the lightning storm explosion was too frightening. It was possible to imagine how powerful it was from Jorge's screams of pain.

Many knew Jorge's fame. He was a bully who liked to duel. He dueled at least once a week and had a good amount of victories, and as an Innate, he was powerful, however, he was not able to fight back or defend himself from a single attack of Amon's.

"Victory: Amon Tang!"

Amon noticed a message appearing on his digital watch saying that he had received 100,000 credits.

No matter how surprised or worried the crowd was about Jorge, the robotic voice announced Amon's victory when Jorge's defensive points ran out. At the same time, a teacher flew in. He appeared beside Jorge. From his hands a blue light came out, enveloping Jorge.

"It's Teacher Mendonça!"

Teacher Mendonça was a teacher well known for healing using water. When they saw him heal Jorge, even though most of them weren't anything close to him, they didn't want to see him dying like that in front of them.

Amon didn't feel even an ounce of regret, even though his attack surpassed what he imagined. Who told this guy to court Barbara in front of him? Even Amon was capable of getting angry!

"Amon, congratulations! You made a small fortune through that~" Barbara threw herself into Amon's arms and kissed his cheek in front of everyone.

Out of concern for Jorge's life or death situation, the students didn't dare to applaud Amon's victory, but seeing this, albeit with a little envy, they began to applaud. What was the reason? Well, you could say that seeing something so incredible, they felt like they should applaud, simple as that.

Because of this duel, Amon's name was mentioned more frequently again.



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Edited by: Azurtha


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