Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 163 163: Bianca's Motives

"Take the girl and go." In a nutshell, Amon made Marcelo shudder even more. Amon's voice wasn't soft or cold, but it had an authority that made Marcelo want to obey.

"Y-Yes!" Marcelo swallowed his pride. He couldn't imagine how crazy this kid was, especially for attacking him in the restaurant. And what made him alert was that the employees were watching and not helping, not even the boy who was Duke Nicolau's son.

'Who the hell is this kid?' Now he began to worry about Amon's status, perhaps more noble than his own.

For fear of having offended someone he shouldn't have, the instant the lightning around him faded, Marcelo wrapped his arms around his dinner partner's waist as if he was carrying a sack of potatoes and ran away at the speed of light.

Marcelo was the typical person who liked to tease those who were beneath him in terms of status but feared those who were superior. The reason he was so unrestrained before was because of Ana. He judged that Amon and Barbara were easy targets since she didn't care much about their status...

"Amon, he could be a problem in the future," Barbara said after Marcelo left.

"He might be, but I'm not going to stand by and wait for him to attack me." An indifferent and endearing light burst from Amon's eyes. "And, we still have the university behind us. Even a Ducal family doesn't have enough power to go against our university, especially considering how important we are."

"You mean… By becoming champions we've become valued students?" Barbara asked. She understood it in concept, but she didn't believe the University would go to such lengths for them.

"You greatly underestimate the relevance of a champion." It wasn't Amon who said that, but Bianca who appeared and walked towards them with grace.

"Barbara, my dear, when you become a champion, you automatically become an A-Rank protege, basically a minor noble."

"Mom, aren't you afraid to talk like that?" Barbara looked around. Many people could hear her.

"Haha, my dear, you still underestimate your mother's status." Bianca laughed elegantly as she spoke with a soft touch of arrogance in her voice, "Even an Emperor needs to treat me with respect, let alone a simple Duke like Duke Nicholas."

Her arrogance in saying that didn't diminish her charm one bit. In fact it only made people admire and praise her even more in their minds. Everyone who knew this restaurant knew that the owner had a mysterious and very powerful past, hence, not even Emperors caused trouble here. This was a fact that everyone who had ever been to the tower knew.

Barbara took a while to process this. She didn't know that her mother's status was so incredible. She knew this place held a high standard after she found out that her mother had a restaurant on the second floor of the tower, but still, she didn't imagine it was so big.

'After what she just told us, how high is her status?' Barbara wondered doubtfully. However, she was wise not to ask that question in public.

"Come, follow me." Bianca smiled as she turned and started walking.

The gazes of the people in the restaurant were still on them. Only when they entered a private room did they return to their own affairs.

In the private room, Barbara noted that it was more spacious than a large ballroom. Although it had all kinds of furniture, it still felt very spacious. A few doors were in plain sight - leading to what Barbara thought might be a bathroom, a closet, or even a treasure room...

"Mom, why did you hide all this from me until now?" Barbara asked, intrigued. She didn't blame her mother, as she didn't think she had a reason to, but she was still curious to know the reason behind so many secrets.

"Mm..." Bianca replied as she turned around and looked at her, "It's nothing very special, really. I just thought it would be useful to you if you had a normal life until your teens. As you might be experiencing by now, getting involved in this current path is much more complicated and even tedious. Another reason I waited so long was that you never showed an interest in power, so I let you enjoy your youth a little longer… Although you did some pretty rebellious things, hahaha!" She laughed out loud.

Barbara blushed a little. It was true that she was a bit rebellious, even delinquent...

"So... The men who were always going in and out before..." Barbara asked gently, since Amon was also present.

"Hehe~" Bianca smiled and laughed, "Actually, it was all my employees. Some who took care of branches of companies that I have, part of the accounting, etc."

From beginning to end, Amon's expression was calm. He didn't show disinterest in the subject, but he didn't appear shaken when he heard Barbara's question, although his eyes shined a little more after hearing Bianca's answer.

Bianca then looked at Amon. "You know, it's not like I'm a virgin; this is no television drama where Barbara was a divine design or something like artificial insemination. Do you want to know what happened?"

Amon was a little thoughtful. His eyes darkened some, but soon returned to normal as he said, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Bianca laughed a little. She motioned for them to sit down on the sofa, and she sat down opposite them, with her arms resting in her lap and with her fingers intertwined.

She said slowly,  "I was young. I had just turned 18 and the boy I had some interest in declared himself to me and we started dating... At the time, I was at the same university as him, and as time went by, when I was about to turn 19, we had our first sexual intercourse on the spur of the moment with no protection. I ended up getting pregnant..."

She smiled coldly, "But when I told him, both he and his family tried everything to make me lose the child, and so, I killed them all."

"What?!" Barbara had just heard this story for the first time, and she already started to feel sad when she heard what her bastard father and his family wanted to do, but when she heard her mother's last cold words, she was in disbelief.

"Hehe~ Did they think I was easy to bully?" Barbara continued to smile, but it wasn't exactly a smile. "Although, I didn't tell them my origin, they thought I came from a common origin and they harassed me, and then, when I was almost poisoned with abortion poison, I got mad and burned them all to death."

"Mom, so… Was it all because of me?" Barbara asked. Her eyes grew red as tears began to threaten to fall.

She didn't know that something like this had happened; she didn't even know before why her mother never talked about her father, but now she understood... 'So, that was it, it was because he was a damn bastard!'

"You are my daughter. If I don't protect you, who will?" Barbara finally smiled gently as she looked at her daughter. "It doesn't matter if you appeared in my life by an oversight and I was young and ignorant. The moment it happened, I promised myself that I would take care of you and make you happy, as well as I would try not to let you make the same mistakes I did in choosing who to stay with."

She then looked at Amon. Although Amon was young, he was ambitious and talented. Though he didn't show many of his emotions, she felt he was far warmer than anyone she'd ever met. Bianca had lived long enough among powerful people to understand that there was a reason he was like this. She even had a few suspicions she didn't dare say aloud.

The woman had already tested and observed Amon a lot before even meeting him for the first time. It may have seemed like it all happened so quickly, but she had already investigated and found out as much as possible about him before allowing his relationship with her daughter to have come this far. In the midst of all this, she had begun to have a love interest in him, and living in a world where the concept of polygamy was common, she didn't think it would be so bad to maybe one day have the same partner as her daughter.

"That's pretty much it. I had no interest in any man, and I focused on raising you." She looked at Barbara, "While managing what I inherited..."

When Bianca stopped talking, Barbara sensed something even sadder in her mother's tone of voice. 'Inherited? So what happened to my grandparents?'

Seeing that her mother was getting sad, she kept the question in her heart. She wasn't in a hurry. Her mother had already given her enough information for today.



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Edited by: Azurtha

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