Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 159 159: Barbara's Bold Choice

Barbara felt ecstatic. She had already imagined that she would have very good spells, however, this was beyond her imagination. She now understood why they say you can only be called Innate when you merge the spell with the Genetic Factor!

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[Path of Blue Flames] - (4.8 million words).


1. Wall of Blue Flames: User can use blue fire in many different ways to defend themselves or other beings/objects.

2. Blue Fire Aura: User can release and surround themselves with blue fire for defensive and/or offensive purposes, possibly making them nearly untouchable and granting them various abilities. The aura can also give the user enhanced physical capabilities such as speed, strength, and durability. (Only if merged with Genetic Factor).

3. Blue Fire Exoskeleton: The user has the ability to create a kind of blue fire layer on their body and use it as armor, becoming less affected by attacks that cannot pierce the blue fire layer. To reach the user's body, one must first pass through the blue fire barrier on the user's body. (Active Passive) - (Only if merged with Genetic Factor).

4. Blue Fire Manipulation: The user can create, shape, and manipulate blue flames, which are much hotter and more intense than ordinary fire. Blue flames have this color due to intense temperature or because they have mystical properties. (Only if merged with Genetic Factor).

5. Fire Absorption: User can absorb fire, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in a variety of ways, gaining some form of advantage, be it augmenting themselves, gaining the energy drained, using it as a source of energy, temporarily or permanently. (Only if merged with Genetic Factor).

6. Pyrokinetic Flight: The user is able to fly or at least glide and/or levitate through the manipulation of blue fire. They can fly at different speeds, levitate or propel themselves, including jumps increased by a short flight.

7. Heat Manipulation: User can generate, form, and control heat, increasing the kinetic energy of atoms and therefore making things hotter, being able to raise the temperatures of various environments to influence climate change and much more. [Warning: Extremely difficult to merge with the user's Genetic Factor.]

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Barbara bit her lower lip doubtfully. It was indeed a spellbook with a lot of great spells, however, the difficulty was also obvious. 'Will I be able to learn them?'

It was undeniable that she would very much like to be able to merge this spell book with her Genetic Factor, however, she also knew she was being very greedy.

Wiping her sweaty hands on her shirt, Barbara took a deep breath as she lifted her head and closed her eyes tightly. She kept her eyes closed for a few seconds...

"That's it!" She exclaimed out loud suddenly, startling those around her.

"Haha, sorry~" With an apologetic smile, she returned her attention to her laptop screen and placed the spell book on the cart. Afterward, she also chose another spell book.

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[Fire Manipulation] â€" (2.7 million words).


1. Incineration: User can utilize high temperatures to incinerate virtually anything, reducing targets to ash. High-level users can control which part of the target they want to incinerate and completely destroy it so that no by-products are left, not even the ashes.

2. Pyrokinetic Touch: The user is able to set fire to anything they touch. They can also melt various non-flammable objects. Generally, the user has Fire Immunity. [Note: Greater effects if the spell is merged with the Genetic Factor].

3. Fire Constructs: User can transform fire into tools, objects, weapons, and other items.

4. Fire Hand: The user is able to shoot blasts and fireballs from their hands. The skill itself does not grant complete manipulation of the fire element; it can only shoot fire in spheres or bursts and incinerate whatever is within range of the blow.

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Placing that spell book on the cart as well, she walked over to the counter. Near Old Hazael, she saw Amon. She noticed he said something to Old Hazael and the corners of Amon's mouth turned up slightly, and a slight smile appeared on his face. When a cold and distant boy like him, who usually had a neutral expression, smiled, the lethality was extremely surprising. Obviously, it wasn't the first time Barbara had seen him smile, but his current smile seemed more genuine.

"Now that you've merged the spell with your Genetic Factor, it's common for your strength to increase dramatically. Try to use less force on things that you think are fragile."

Barbara heard Old Hazael advise Amon gently with a gentle smile.

'Amon broke something?' She looked at it but found nothing broken. However, Barbara then saw imprinted fingerprints on the spellbooks Amon was holding.

"Alright," Amon nodded.

Ever since he was able to merge the spell books with his Genetic Factor, Amon was in a great mood. There was more smile on his always calm or indifferent face. After finishing talking to Old Hazael, he went to Barbara. He placed his hand gently on her shoulder and said, "Good luck."

Hehe, thanks~" Barbara smiled. She was already quite surprised that Amon was smiling a lot. Hearing him say good luck to her, somehow she felt more confident.

Meanwhile, Old Elder Dicesar beckoned Barbara to come closer. In front of him were two spell books. It was clear that one was much thicker than the other. The difference was even greater than the spell books chosen by Amon.

When Barbara approached, Old Elder Dicesar asked in a gentle, but more serious tone than his usual, "Girl, are you sure you want to choose that spell book? Path of Blue Flames?"

"Yes, I'm sure!" Barbara nodded firmly. Despite understanding that she was ignoring some of Old Hazael's advice when choosing this spell book, she felt it had to be this one.

Old Elder Dicesar paused, then with an even gentler smile, he said, "Have a cup of coffee first."

"Okay!" Barbara already knew that this cup of coffee was somehow beneficial to her. Even though it was the first day she'd met the Old Elder Dicesar, she wouldn't refuse such kindness from an elder. Picking up her cup of coffee, she drank it all in one gulp...

"Hot, hot..." She waved her hand in front of her mouth as she showed her tongue was slightly red from the burn. Barbara blushed a little at being hasty and getting burned with coffee in such a way.

"Hoho, take that candy. It will help to freshen up your mouth," Old Elder Dicesar said gently as he handed her a round candy the size of a marble.

"Thanb 'you..." Her voice sounded a little strange as she tried not to move her tongue too much.

The moment she put the candy in her mouth, her eyes narrowed in pleasure. In a way, she felt that the candy she was sucking in her mouth had an effect similar to the coffee she had just drank. Turning to Old Elder Dicesar, she tried to speak but was interrupted.

"Don't say anything; just go." Old Elder Dicesar shooed her away. But clearly, he was being kind when he did it. Even Old Hazael and the other elders looked at Old Elder Dicesar in complete surprise. This surprised them even more than when Old Elder Dicesar handed Amon and the girls a cup of coffee.

'This is clearly not a simple candy, but a genetic pill...' Old Hazael thought, but didn't say the conjecture out loud. Saying this could have also attracted jealousy from other students at other universities who were waiting for their turn.



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Edited by: Azurtha

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