Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 152 152: Auction - Part 3

In contrast to the students who previously auctioned off items, only a few of the top 11-20th teams could rival the items that were auctioned by the teams that were in the top 10. Not to mention it was only the lowest rank so far. It was yet to be seen what kind of items would appear from the other nine teams.

The items auctioned at this point, being from stronger teams, were better items, obviously. This was especially true concerning the top 7 teams where there was at least 1 member for each of them who created their first genetic factor. This was due to the fact that such an achievement made it possible to go into more dangerous areas of the secret realm and get better things.

When it was time for Andrew's team, rank 7, to go up, the lad took the stage himself. Andrew was tall, blond, and had green eyes. Furthermore, he was one of the only geniuses who had created his first genetic factor, all of which together made him earn several admiring glances from some of the girls when he took the stage. When he smiled, it was so soft it made several girls say 'wow' in awe.

One comment that made a girl want to hide in a hole afterward was, "You're not a knight of the zodiacs, but I want to see your armor."

Even Andrew nearly tripped when he heard that. Now with a more embarrassed smile, he pretended to cough and began auctioning off the first item.

"This is a sword that is at par with the offense and defense of at least a semi-born." He showed a slightly curved silver sword with a golden blade. "The attribute this sword carries is lightning, although it's a pity that it is not compatible with any member of my team. So I am willing to part with this item to get something better. "

Amon looked at the sword and took some interest. Despite already having a lifetime weapon, it wouldn't be bad to have a sword, as he could use the sword while using his lifetime fists.

"The starting price is 900 contribution."

Upon hearing this value, Amon's interest died. As much as the item seemed to be useful to him, it wasn't so much that he was willing to spend such a high price for something that he was pretty sure he wouldn't keep for more than a year. In order to be an Overlord, he wanted something that grew with him, or that was something that could help improve his power, like the core of calm. However, that sword lost value to him the moment he heard the price Andrew wanted.

Maisa misunderstood Amon's gaze at the sword and asked when she saw that he didn't bid, "Amon, do you want me to help you pay for the sword?"

"No," Amon shook his head, "It's unnecessary to spend so much for something I would use for such a short time."

"Oh..." Considering how fast Amon had grown strong, a sword that was possibly good for an innate, or at worst only useful for a semi-innate, Maisa knew the instant she heard this that it was an object of little long-term value to Amon.

As they talked, the sword had no offers. Of course, at that price few people would have enough to pay for it, and if they did have the amount necessary, they would hardly choose to spend it on a sword.

When the time was about to run out, someone shouted, "Do you accept 500 contributions and the rest in an item with an equivalent value to the stipulated amount?"

Andrew, who was a little disheartened when he hadn't received bids, looked in the direction of Sandra's team from Universal University and after some consideration, he said, "Yes, we can do that after I auction the other items."

Time was limited for each person; he couldn't spend all his time on that item.

"Okay." The boy from before nodded and sat back down.

The next item was shown, which was a book.

"I can see that many are surprised that I want to auction off a spellbook," Andrew said with a small smile, "Some might think it might mean that this book contains a shoddy spell, but they're wrong!" A mysterious smile formed on his face. "This spell book is a universal spell, meaning it can be used with any attribute. The key point is... this is just a copy, but it is complete and I have already sold the rights to my university. However, I am still allowed to sell this copy!"

The amount of information he just gave was something necessary, something that he had already spoken with his elder concerning. "Without further ado, I'm going to tell you what this spell is capable of doing... Fairy Lili's Aura: that's the name of the spell. The function of the spell is to give a blessing that can last up to 30 minutes of fighting power, which increases up to 20% depending on the user's understanding. Of course, if one's understanding is low, the blessing will decrease as well, and vice versa."

He also explained that the blessing could be used in groups of up to 10 people who were up to five meters apart. Of course, one had to know that if their understanding of the technique was minimal, it could only somewhat benefit the user or just someone who was practically glued to the spell wielder's side.

'Something like this might be good for our group,' Julia murmured in her heart. Depending on the price, she was willing to buy it.

"The starting bid is 400 contributions."

Not a very high value, but considering that it was just a copy that Universal University had all of the rights to commercialize, the value was neither high nor low.

"Here!" Before long, someone had already made the first bid. It would have been impossible before, but some of them managed to contribute with the sale of their items, and thanks to that they managed to raise around 400, or in some cases even 1000 contributions. The value soon went up, and when it got close to 450, the bidding stopped.

"I offer 450!" Only then did Julia make her bid.

The countdown started, and when there was a second to go, no one said anything, so Andrew said, "Sold for 450!"

After paying for and receiving the item, the auction continued. Julia smiled as she returned. She believed she got a good deal.

"Julia, after you learn this spell, let me learn it too, please?" Maisa smiled at her as she asked.

"Alright." Though she couldn't trade it, Julia wasn't prevented from letting other people see her spell book.

Andrew's university's motive must have been to popularize this spell for university students, something that was more restricted for them to use but wouldn't stop outsiders from learning it, although it would be more common to find it at their university.

"It's a good spell." Amon placed his left hand on Julia's shoulder and she could have sworn she saw his lower lips curl up a little.

Smiling, Julia said, "I think so too."

As they talked, Andrew was already getting to the last item. No one ended up bidding, and so the auction continued to the next team.

Time went by quickly...

Aside from the spell Julia had bought, none of Amon's team had bought anything of great value, just some herbs that would be useful to them, and now it was their turn to auction off some items.



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Edited by: Azurtha

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